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Урок английского языка “School of my Dream”

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Урок английского языка “School of my Dream” (урок развития речевых умений)

Teacher: Today we are discussing the problems of education in Russia with students of school #123.

First of all, you are to represent your school: Presentations (in program PP)

Teacher: What does your school mean for you? Why do you like or dislike it? Why this school, not other schools?

And now let me introduce to you a journalist N from “The Times” with a report from one of the British schools.

Student 1: Hello, I’m Ann Smith and now I’m in Newport, Gwent.  There is a problem with one of the students: Sabrina Cohen, a 16-year-old student was not allowed to sit her GSCE exams after dying her hair into bright red. (summary from Student Book)

Teacher: Who do you think is right? Who do you agree with? Why? Don’t you think it’s a silly situation? What would you do if you were Sabrina? What will your teachers do if you come to school with a strange hairstyle or a pierced lip or nose?Express your ideas, please.

Pros (Sabrina is right because…)

  • Her career is being put at risk over such a silly situation

  • She is a bright student and she can pass her exams successfully in spite of the colour of her hair

  • The colour of the hair and the look of a student must not make any difference to his mental ability

  • It is her own matter to dye her hair or not

    Cons (School authorities are right because …)

  • She broke a school rule forbidding strange hairstyles

  • She shouldn’t express herself in a such way even after have quarreled with her mother

  • She shouldn’t dye her hair before taking exams

  • Bright hairstyles really will distract other students from getting on with their exams

    So developing the idea of school regulations we should discuss the rules for students and for teachers

    Rules for students:

  • We must always do homework or even some extra work

  • We must not smoke cigarettes

  • We must clean the blackboard before every lesson

  • We must not quarrel with teachers

  • We must not be late at school

  • We must not chew a gum in class

  • We must not litter the school territory

  • We may not talk in class

  • We may not have a pierced lip or other parts of body except ear lobes

  • We aren’t allowed to miss classes

  • We aren’t permitted to spoil school furniture

    Rules for teacher

  • You must not shout at your students

  • You aren’t permitted to punish your students

  • You aren’t allowed to smoke

  • Your mustn’t insult your students

  • You may not wear clothes of bright colours, jewelry

  • You may not have strange hairstyles

  • You may not leave your room while lessons

  • You may under no circumstances be unready for classes

    And now let me stress your attention on the dress code in school. Do you think school uniform must be introduced in Russian schools? Will you agree to wear it? Why? Do you think teachers need uniforms too? Pros and cons.

  • You needn’t think every morning what to wear for school

  • Everybody is equal: you won’t make any differences between the poor and the rich

  • Uniform is the symbol of the school, its pride – you get feeling important wearing the clothes which differs you from other children

  • It is cheaper to buy a uniform once than to buy clothes for the year

  • Uniform is boring: everybody is equal

  • Clothes mustn’t make any difference to one’s mental ability

  • It is expensive: not every Russian school can allow to have its own uniform

  • Uniform represses the individuality of a child

    So we are coming up to the main point of our discussion “School of my dream”. Maybe you would do more for your school if you were for example the Headmaster of school or the Minister of Education. Express your ideas please!

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«Урок английского языка “School of my Dream”»

Урок английского языка “School of my Dream” (урок развития речевых умений)

Teacher: Today we are discussing the problems of education in Russia with students of school #123.

First of all, you are to represent your school: Presentations (in program PP)

Teacher: What does your school mean for you? Why do you like or dislike it? Why this school, not other schools?

And now let me introduce to you a journalist N from “The Times” with a report from one of the British schools.

Student 1: Hello, I’m Ann Smith and now I’m in Newport, Gwent. There is a problem with one of the students: Sabrina Cohen, a 16-year-old student was not allowed to sit her GSCE exams after dying her hair into bright red. (summary from Student Book)

Teacher: Who do you think is right? Who do you agree with? Why? Don’t you think it’s a silly situation? What would you do if you were Sabrina? What will your teachers do if you come to school with a strange hairstyle or a pierced lip or nose?Express your ideas, please.

Pros (Sabrina is right because…)

  • Her career is being put at risk over such a silly situation

  • She is a bright student and she can pass her exams successfully in spite of the colour of her hair

  • The colour of the hair and the look of a student must not make any difference to his mental ability

  • It is her own matter to dye her hair or not

Cons (School authorities are right because …)

  • She broke a school rule forbidding strange hairstyles

  • She shouldn’t express herself in a such way even after have quarreled with her mother

  • She shouldn’t dye her hair before taking exams

  • Bright hairstyles really will distract other students from getting on with their exams

So developing the idea of school regulations we should discuss the rules for students and for teachers

Rules for students:

  • We must always do homework or even some extra work

  • We must not smoke cigarettes

  • We must clean the blackboard before every lesson

  • We must not quarrel with teachers

  • We must not be late at school

  • We must not chew a gum in class

  • We must not litter the school territory

  • We may not talk in class

  • We may not have a pierced lip or other parts of body except ear lobes

  • We aren’t allowed to miss classes

  • We aren’t permitted to spoil school furniture

Rules for teacher

  • You must not shout at your students

  • You aren’t permitted to punish your students

  • You aren’t allowed to smoke

  • Your mustn’t insult your students

  • You may not wear clothes of bright colours, jewelry

  • You may not have strange hairstyles

  • You may not leave your room while lessons

  • You may under no circumstances be unready for classes

And now let me stress your attention on the dress code in school. Do you think school uniform must be introduced in Russian schools? Will you agree to wear it? Why? Do you think teachers need uniforms too? Pros and cons.

  • You needn’t think every morning what to wear for school

  • Everybody is equal: you won’t make any differences between the poor and the rich

  • Uniform is the symbol of the school, its pride – you get feeling important wearing the clothes which differs you from other children

  • It is cheaper to buy a uniform once than to buy clothes for the year

  • Uniform is boring: everybody is equal

  • Clothes mustn’t make any difference to one’s mental ability

  • It is expensive: not every Russian school can allow to have its own uniform

  • Uniform represses the individuality of a child

So we are coming up to the main point of our discussion “School of my dream”. Maybe you would do more for your school if you were for example the Headmaster of school or the Minister of Education. Express your ideas please!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка “School of my Dream”

Автор: Пономарева Римма Анатольевна

Дата: 16.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266752

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