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«Урок английского языка по теме «School life».»
357528 Ставропольский край, г. Пятигорск, ул. Февральская, 283
телефон (88793) 98-54-90, 39-89-34, e-mail: sch03.5gorsk@mail.ru
Каргина Людмила Петровна
Учитель английского языка высшей категории
МБОУ СОШ № 3 им.А.С. Пушкина
Город Пятигорск Ставропольского края
Урок английского языка по теме «School life».
Урок разработан для учащихся 7класса к учебнику “Rainbow English” О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. Урок может быть использован по теме “School and Schooling” и для занятий кружка английского языка.
Цель урока: Формирование ключевых языковых компетенций учащихся, обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по теме «Школа».
Развивающий аспект – развитие лингвистических способностей (фонетический слух, способность к имитации), развитие слуховой памяти, произвольного и непроизвольного внимания.
Познавательный аспект – познакомить со школьными традициями других стран на основе текста.
Учебный аспект – развитие навыков чтения с извлечением информации, коммуникативных умений по теме «Школьная жизнь».
Воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного отношения к школе в разных странах, воспитание любви к своей родной школе.
1. Отработать название школьных предметов и выражений по теме.
2. Познакомить с английскими пословицами и поговорками по теме «Школа».
3. Практиковать учащихся в чтении, диалогической и монологической речи по теме « Наша школа ».
Планируемые результаты:
Предметные результаты: умение использовать в речи, изученные лексические единицы, составлять монологическое высказывание для описания своей школы.
Метапредметные результаты: результатами изучения темы является формирование личностных, регулятивных, познавательных и коммуникативных УУД.
Коммуникативные УУД: умение строить речевые высказывания; вступать в мини-диалог с учителем и диалог по заданной ситуации с собеседником.
Оснащение урока: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, компьютерная презентация, аудиозапись звуков и слов, карточки с опорами слов, мультимедийная аппаратура.
План урока:
1.Организационный момент (подготовка учащихся к работе на уроке; мотивация на успех учебной деятельности, создание благоприятной атмосферы на уроке).
Good morning, boys and girl!
Nice to meet you!
How are you today?
I’m fine thank you.
- Look at these pictures and answer my questions!
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
What season is it now?
What is the weather like today?
2. Введение в ситуацию урока, определение темы урока, постановка цели и способов ее достижения.
- I’m sure you are very smart today. Look at the screen. There are some pictures on the screen. Try to guess what we are going to speak about today.
- Right you are. The theme of our lesson is “My school life”. And we are going to speak about your school subjects, your way to school and about the perfect school. We’ll prove that school life is very important for teenagers all over the world. For your active work you’ll get some stars and the winners will get good and excellent marks. Let’s begin.
- I wonder what we should do in order to be able to describe our school life.
Right you are. First we should remind some words on the topic, use grammar constructions, then get information from the text and do a lot of training exercises. Let’s begin our work.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
-Take some cards. Work in pairs. Match the English and the Russian words. Listen to me. Pronounce the words correctly.
subject отметка
Information Technology (IT) добираться в школу
timetable физкультура
Physical Education (PE) трудолюбивый
mark информатика
hard working предмет
get knowledge задать вопросы
answer the questions расписание
get to school ответить на вопросы
ask questions получать знания
- At school you study many subjects. Look at the screen. Put the letters in the correct order and name the subjects. Which is your favorite subject?
h, e, g, l, s, i, n
t, s, h, a, m
t, e, l, a, e, r, u, t, i, r
t, o, r, h, y, s, i
e, y, h, p, g, o, a, r, g
You are quite right. Thank you very much.
4. Речевая разминка.
As you know school education plays an important part in the life of all people and nations. There are many English and Russian proverbs and sayings about school education. I want you to remember some of them. Give Russian equivalents for the English proverbs and sayings:
Your home task was to think about and say why school life is so important for teenagers all over the world. Some words and expressions will help you.
Language support:
School is a place…
-to get knowledge
-to become hard working
-to make friends
-to prepare for life
-where it is fun
-to take exams
-to sing and dance
-to write tests
-to study English
-to become successful
6. Физкультминутка. It’s time to have a rest. Let’s relax:
Hands up! Clap, clap,
Hands on the hips! Step, step!
Bend your left,
Bend your right,
Turn yourself around.
Hands up! Hands down!
Please, sit down!
7.Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением информации.
- I want you to read the text about American traditional party at the beginning of a school year. (Ex.2 p.9)
- Work in pairs and complete the sentences after the text. I’ll give you some minutes.
- Well done. Thank you.
8. Актуализация навыков устной речи.
- All pupils dream about perfect school. It is interesting to know your opinion. Do the quiz please, and we’ll find out your opinion.
1. A perfect school should be …building.
a) an old b) a brightly decorated c) modern
2. Students should be allowed … .
a) to be noisy b) to talk freely about their problems c) to be late
3. The rules in the school should be … .
a) democratic b) strict c) free
4. The perfect school should start … .
a) at 11 o’clock b) at 7 o’clock c) at 9 o’clock
5 .The breaks should be … .
a) shorter b) longer c) longer than now
6. Discipline should be … .
a) quite strict b) very strict c) more strict
- Well done. Thank you. Max is especially good.
9. Актуализация навыков диалогической речи.
- It’s time to speak about our school. You go to school every day. It is interesting to know how you get to school. Work in pairs. Interview each other. (Диалоги с опорой на ключевые слова и выражения на экране)
Use: ... far (not far ) from …
…get to school …
…by tram, by car, on foot …
…take you to get…
10. Практика монологической речи.
- Hopefully you like your school. Explain why. Look at the pictures and describe your school. ( Описание своей школы с опорой на ключевые слова и картинки на экране)
1. Our school is …
…is named after ...
… floors.
2.… a monument to …
…trees and flower beds.
…sports grounds…
3. School begins at …
We study …..
At the lessons…
4.After classes….
At the library….
At the dining-room…
5. Pushkin’s museum;
The Museum of War History;
The Museum of the history of our school.
….proud of…
(Примерный рассказ)
Our school is number 3. Our school is named after A.S. Pushkin. Our school is old and large. It is a brightly decorated building. In our school there are two floors. It stands in a large yard.
In front of the school there is a monument to the heroes of the War. In the yard there are a lot of beautiful trees and flower-beds. We have 2 sports grounds where we play and have competitions.
School begins at half past eight. Every day we have 5 or 6 lessons. We study many subjects among them English. At our English lessons we read, speak and play. At Information Technology lessons we learn how to use computers. Many pupils enjoy Physical Education.
After classes we attend Drama, sing and dance, go in for sport. We have a beautiful library. Our school library is full of textbooks, interesting books for reading, newspapers and magazines. We can have breakfast, lunch or dinner at our school.
There are 3 museums in our school: Pushkin’s museum; The Museum of War History; The Museum of the history of our school. We are proud of our school museums. I like my school very much.
-Thank you for your stories. Now, I know that you really love your school.
11. Домашнее задание. I see you love your school very much. At home you’ll read the text about the American school and decide in which of the sentences the information is true, false or not stated (Ex.2 p.41.)
12. Подведение итогов урока. Самооценка и рефлексия
It’s a pity but time flies. Our lesson is coming to its end. Let’s count the stars. Who is the winner? Who will get good and excellent marks? What new have you learnt at our lesson? Was the lesson interesting and useful for you? I wish you good luck!
Thank you for your work. All of you were active and attentive today. Your marks are… Will you stand up, please?
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