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Урок английского языка " Pets in my life"

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«Урок английского языка " Pets in my life"»

Theme: Pets in our life

Цель урока: научить учащихся высказываться по теме: "Мой домашний питомец".

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

  • изучение лексики по теме “My pet”;

  • активизация лексических и грамматических навыков;

  • ознакомление учащихся с социокультурной информацией.

2. Развивающие:

  • развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи;

  • развитие навыков чтения, аудирования.

3. Воспитательные:

  • воспитание интереса и положительного отношения к изучаемому языку;

  • воспитание любви и доброго отношения к животным.

Лексический материал: to play the piano, to drive a car, to cook, to sing, to paint, to speak, to play computer games, to swim, to watch TV, to walk, to look after,

to fly.

Грамматический материал: Употребление модального глагола can в значении физической возможности совершения действия и образование вопросительных предложений с глаголом can.

Ход урока:

  1. Приветствие и организационный момент.

  • Good morning, pupils!

  • Good morning, teacher!

  • I am glad to see you. How are you?

  • Fine, thank you.

  • Tell me please, what date is it today?

  • Today is….

Коллаборативная среда- Паровоз

  • Let’s start our lesson. What is our topic? What will we do at the lesson?

Today we’ll talk about our pets, what they can do and what they can’t.

Check up- Last lesson we studied many new words. Let’s check your memory.

Introduction of new words

Let’s revise the words, which you have learnt at home: to play the piano, to drive a car, to cook, to sing, to paint, to speak, to swim, to walk, to fly. (Presentation.)

Учитель просит учеников прочитать слова на слайдах.

Grammar material –Modal verb CAN

-What can you do? And etc.

You know that Misha Inin has got a pet. Its name is Pafnutiy. Pafnutiy is very clever and it can do many things. Your home task is about it.

- Now listen to me attentively and answer my questions:

  • What can a cat do?

  • A cat can sing, walk, and watch TV.

  • A cat can play.

  • What can not Pafnutiy do?

  • Pafnutiy can’t play computer games.

  • It can’t sit on a bed.

  • Very well, thank you.

- And now listen and sing along.

Звучит знакомая детям песенка “A super cat”, которая настраивает их на тему урока.

A super cat

My cat can sing, my cat can walk,

My cat can watch TV.

My cat can do so many things

And it can play with me!

My cat can't play computer games

And can't sit on my bed.

But all in all, but all in all

It is a super cat!

Работа с текстом. Развитие навыков чтения

Most people like animals. They keep animals at home as pets. Pets may be different. People like dogs and cats, birds and hamsters.

As for me, I prefer dogs. They are so clever. When they look at you with their beautiful eyes it seems to you that they understand you but can’t talk.

I have a dog as a pet. His name is Ret. I like him very much. I bought him. My dog is kind. He has a black nose, brown and black fur. My dog is pedigree. He likes to bathe. Ret enjoys Chappi and bones. I go for a walk with Ret. My father helps me to take care of the dog. I like Ret very much. Ret is a very big dog. He lives in the dog house. We like Ret.

Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

You see that many people have got pets. I think now it’s time to speak about our pets. Let’s make an interview about your pets. Work in pairs. Answer the questions in your cards and then speak up about your friend’s pet.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы на карточках.




Have you got a pet?


What pet have you got?


What is its name?


How old is your pet?


What colour is your pet?


What can your pet do?


What can not your pet do?


Your pet clever and nice, isn’t it?

-Now you are to make a report. It is called «My friend’s pet».

    • Will you tell us about your friend’s pet? Who will start?

Учащиеся рассказывают о домашнем питомце своего друга по схеме №1.

Схема №1.

- Your stories are really interesting, thank you.

7. Подведение итогов урока.


  • Did you like our lesson?

  • Yes.

  • Was it interesting or boring? Why?

  • What did you know at the lesson?

  • Dear boys and girls! Pets can be your friends. Love them and take care of your pet. Don’t be cruel with your pets.

8. Домашнее задание.

- Look at the blackboard. Here is your homework for the next lesson: prepare a story about your pet. (подготовить рассказ о своем питомце). См. схему №2.

  • Thank you for your work. Good for you!

  • Your marks for the lesson are…

Учитель ставит оценки за работу на уроке, комментирует их.

  • The lesson is over.

  • Good-bye!

  • Good-bye!

Схема №2.

A super cat

My cat can sing, my cat can walk,

My cat can watch TV.

My cat can do so many things

And it can play with me!

My cat can't play computer games

And can't sit on my bed.

But all in all, but all in all

It is a super cat!

Работа с текстом. Прочитай и переведи

Most people like animals. They keep animals at home as pets. Pets may be different. People like dogs and cats, birds and hamsters.

As for me, I prefer dogs. They are so clever. When they look at you with their beautiful eyes it seems to you that they understand you but can’t talk.

I have a dog as a pet. His name is Ret. I like him very much. I bought him. My dog is kind. He has a black nose, brown and black fur. My dog is pedigree. He likes to bathe. Ret enjoys Chappi and bones. I go for a walk with Ret. My father helps me to take care of the dog. I like Ret very much. Ret is a very big dog. He lives in the dog house. We like Ret.

Ответь на вопросы




Have you got a pet?


What pet have you got?


What is its name?


How old is your pet?


What colour is your pet?


What can your pet do?


What can not your pet do?


Your pet clever and nice, isn’t it?

Учащиеся рассказывают о своем домашнем питомце

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка " Pets in my life"

Автор: Войталюк Лилия Валинуровна

Дата: 22.01.2018

Номер свидетельства: 451617

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