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Урок 8 класс Биболетова, Проблемы подростков.

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План- конспект урока 8 класс, УМК Биболетова  М.З.   « Проблемы подростков»

Введение в тему: We will watch the video.   Name the topic of our lesson.            «Teenagers` Problems”.

2. Фонетическая разминка: Let`s train pronunciation of some sounds:

  a) read after me

  b) read one by one;

   c) read  words with the sound :

[     ]- threat, threaten, threatening, thrill

[    ]- bully, bulling, rudeness, rude

[      ]-parents, caring,  share,  care

3. Речеваяразминка: You`ve just watched the video. Pay attention to the statement: «But the world has nothing to offer teenagers except vanity and hopelessness.”

The hero is a pessimist. What do you think about this statement?

-Do you agree with it?

Use the fallowing phrases:

  I agree with…

I disagree  with …            I have a different opinion

I may by wrong, but I think that.

I believe that….

It seems to me that…

In my opinion…

As I see it….

4.  Предтекстоваяработа.

Youhavetexts. Your home task was to read them. I think  it will help you to make the next task ;

Match the English and Russian variants.

1  should try to give more attention –

2  not satisfied with their appearance-

3 to have deal with rudeness and intolerance of annuals –

4  to solve this problem –

5  can tackle this problem-

6  unequal opportunities and chances-

7 unfortunately-

            a) не удовлетворены своей внешностью

b)   иметь дело с грубостью и нетерпимостью

c)следует уделять больше внимания

d)чтобы решить эту проблему

e)к сожалению

f)неравные возможности и неравные шансы

g)может уладить эту проблему

1c, 2a, 3b, 4d, 5g, 5f, 7e.

5. Работа над текстом.

  1)  Look through  the texts you have.   There are 7 texts.. Entitle them.


 2)   Find and read sentences,  which reveal these pictures.

Use the following phrases : P 1 corresponds this sentence.

3)   Change or paraphrase the following sentences.

Образец :Parents make their children read books.- Pодители заставляют своих детей читать книги.

Use :reality, parents, adults, teachers, bullies, choose

Pay attention to this construction:




make    +         you      +    V1




1. Teenagers want to decide on their own what music to listen, what clothes to wear, who to make friends with.( 3 sentences)

2. Sometimes they have to deal with rudeness and intolerance of annuals.

3. Teenagers often get into trouble because for  many of  them being adult means staying out at night, trying “adult things” .

1 Parents make teenagers listen to  music parents  want.

2   Adults make teenagers  wear clothes  they want.

3  Teachers sometimes make teenagers  choose  the friends.

4  Sometimes  reality makes them   deal with rudeness and intolerance of annuals.

5  Bullies often make  teenagers get into trouble because for  many of  them being adult means staying out at night, trying “adult things” l.

6.Послетекстовая работа

Работа в группах

  • Find and write  the problems of teenagers.

Group 2.Find and write the way of solving these problems according to this text.

Stick them with magnets.

Fish bone.

Gr 1:  It seems to me that…

         Teenagers have different problems, such as…

          There are a lot of teenagers` problems, such as…

Gr 2: Teenagers can solve these problems in different ways. Forexample…

1 человек соединяет всё вместе.

7.    –Let`s make the conclusion of our lesson today.    Find it in the text.

8.  Wright down your home task: to tell about your own problems, and what uoy can do to solve them.

9. Подведениеитоговурока.

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«Урок 8 класс Биболетова, Проблемы подростков.»

ППлан- конспект урока 8 класс, УМК Биболетова М.З. « Проблемы подростков»

Введениевтему:Wewillwatchthevideo . Name the topic of our lesson. «Teenagers` Problems”.

2. Фонетическаяразминка: Let`s train pronunciation of some sounds:

a) read after me

b) read one by one;

c) read words with the sound :

[ ]- threat, threaten, threatening, thrill

[ ]- bully, bulling, rudeness, rude

[ ]-parents, caring, share, care

3. Речеваяразминка: You`ve just watched the video. Pay attention to the statement: «But the world has nothing to offer teenagers except vanity and hopelessness.”

The hero is a pessimist. What do you think about this statement?

-Do you agree with it?

Use the fallowing phrases:

I agree with…

I disagree with … I have a different opinion

I may by wrong, but I think that..

I believe that….

It seems to me that…

In my opinion…

As I see it….

4. Предтекстоваяработа.

Youhavetexts. Your home task was to read them. I think it will help you to make the next task ;

Match the English and Russian variants.

1 should try to give more attention –

2 not satisfied with their appearance-

3 to have deal with rudeness and intolerance of annuals –

4 to solve this problem –

5 can tackle this problem-

6 unequal opportunities and chances-

7 unfortunately-

a) не удовлетворены своей внешностью

b) иметь дело с грубостью и нетерпимостью

c)следует уделять больше внимания

d)чтобы решить эту проблему

e)к сожалению

f)неравные возможности и неравные шансы

g)может уладить эту проблему

1c, 2a, 3b, 4d, 5g, 5f, 7e.

5. Работанадтекстом.

1) Look through the texts you have. There are 7 texts. . Entitle them.


2) Find and read sentences, which reveal these pictures.

Use the following phrases : P 1 corresponds this sentence..

3) Change or paraphrase the following sentences.

Образец :Parents make their children read books.- Pодители заставляют своих детей читать книги.

Use :reality, parents, adults, teachers, bullies, choose

Pay attention to this construction:




make + you + V1




1. Teenagers want to decide on their own what music to listen, what clothes to wear, who to make friends with.( 3 sentences)

2. Sometimes they have to deal with rudeness and intolerance of annuals.

3. Teenagers often get into trouble because for many of them being adult means staying out at night, trying “adult things” .

1 Parents make teenagers listen to music parents want.

2 Adults make teenagers wear clothes they want.

3 Teachers sometimes make teenagers choose the friends .

4 Sometimes reality makes them deal with rudeness and intolerance of annuals.

5 Bullies often make teenagers get into trouble because for many of them being adult means staying out at night, trying “adult things” l .

6.Послетекстовая работа

Работа в группах

-Let`sdressafishbone. Group 1.Find and write the problems of teenagers.

Group 2.Find and write the way of solving these problems according to this text.

Stick them with magnets.

Fish bone.

Gr 1: It seems to me that…

Teenagers have different problems, such as…

There are a lot of teenagers` problems, such as…

Gr 2: Teenagers can solve these problems in different ways. Forexample…

1 человексоединяетвсёвместе.

7. –Let`s make the conclusion of our lesson today. Find it in the text.

8. Wright down your home task: to tell about your own problems, and what uoy can do to solve them.

9. Подведениеитоговурока.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок 8 класс Биболетова, Проблемы подростков.

Автор: Филатова Александра Михайловна

Дата: 10.08.2017

Номер свидетельства: 425172

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