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Урок по теме: What films do you like best?

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Вид урока: комбинированный Цели урока: 1. Образовательные: совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи 2. Воспитательные: повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка осуществлять эстетическое воспитание учащихся 3. Развивающие: создавать благоприятный психологический климат способствовать развитию творческой деятельности учащихся развивать умение сравнивать, обобщать. Задачи урока: развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи, учить выражать свое мнение, развивать навыки чтения и аудирования.
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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Урок Капуш Т.А.»

Тема: What films do you like best?

(Какие фильмы вы любите больше всего?)

План-конспект урока

(Учебник для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Авторы В, П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. III. Перегудова и другие, 5 издание, Москва, изд. «Просвещение», 2003 г.)

Вид урока: комбинированный

Цели урока:

1. Образовательные:

совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи

2. Воспитательные:

повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка осуществлять эстетическое воспитание учащихся

3. Развивающие:

создавать благоприятный психологический климат

способствовать развитию творческой деятельности учащихся

развивать умение сравнивать, обобщать.

Задачи урока: развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи, учить выражать свое мнение, развивать навыки чтения и аудирования.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, доска, проектор, экран, магнитофон, презентация в программе Power Point, подготовленная учащимися, компьютерная анимация «Yellow Submarine», созданная учащимися, постеры, творческие работы учащихся.

Активная лексика: documentary, romantic storv, melodrama, western, thriller, astonishing, really, absolutely, stuffed with events, supernatural effects, to be indifferent, to defend weak and offended и т.д.

Использование форм классной работы

Формы работы:

• фронтальная

• индивидуальная

• работа в парах

• работа в группах

План урока

1) Организационный момент

Приветствие, сообщение о теме и характере работы на данном, уроке

Слайд № 1

Учитель: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Sit down please. I hope you are all ready for our English lesson. We can start now. The twentieth century may be called the century of film making. The development of cinematography brought to life the world cinema empire called Hollywood. Film making industry developed rapidly and a number of genres of films grew constantly. Today we continue our speaking about cinema. The aim of our lesson is to introduce and use new vocabulary related to genres of films and to discuss your attitude towards them.

2) Речевая зарядка (по материалу прошлого урока)

Who made the first film?

What was it about?

What actors took part in silent films?

What films were directed by Spielberg?

3) Проверка домашнего задания

Слайды №2, 3, 4

Тест по теме «Cinema»

1. In 1995 we celebrated the 100th anniversary of... a) theatre b) cinematography

2. A century ago the Lumiere brothers made first three-minute films, which were ... to the public on the second of December ,1895.

a) demonstrated b) produced

3. Nowadays the cinema is considered one of the main contemporary .... a) arts b) leisure

4. 'There are different kinds of films: documentary, popular-science and feature .... a) cartoons b) films

5. Films can be black and white or ... wide-screen or wide-framed, a) in colour b) colour

6. I think it is a screen ... of any novel or a story by an American writer, a) version b) serial

7. The ... centres around the fate of a boy named Philip. It is a two ... film. a) film, part b) plot, serial

8. The ... takes place in Russia in the 19th century, a) performance b) action

9. The ... of the film reveals a lot of problems such as love and friendship, respect and faithfulness.

a) director b) camera man

10. The film has an excellent... with Kidman as a star. a) cast b) staff

11. Their ... is very natural. a) acting b) stunning

12. His touching performance often sets the ... crying or laughing.

a) cast b) audience

Учитель: Thank you, hand in your papers, please, I will check them a bit later.

4) Wanning tip. Цель... настроить учащихся на работу по теме.

Учитель: Look at the screen.

Слайд №5

(На слайде кадры из фильмов

разных жанров)

What kinds of films do you know? Учащиеся называют разные жанры,выражают своё отношение к ним.

5) Чтение текста «Jurassic Park» .

Цель - извлечение информации с предварительным упражнением (fill in the gaps).

Учитель: Sometimes it is very difficult to determine the genre of a film. What about Jurassic Park by Spielberg? Is it a science fiction film or an adventure film? Read the text, fill in the gaps and answer my question.

6) Работа над лексикой.

Слайд №б

На слайде слова:

Astonishing awful boring dreadful excellent extraordinary frightful horrible magnificent marvellous reasonable splendid superb jaw-dropping heartwarming stunning gorgeous chilling eerie terrific

Повторение слов за учителем.

7) Монологическое высказывание. Учащиеся высказываются по теме, используя таблицу на стр.185 с опорой на слайды.

Слайды №7, 8, 9,10

На слайдах кадры из комедий, мелодрам, триллеров и фэнтези.

8) Составление и воспроизведение диалогов. Цель - отработать диалог-обмен мнениями. Как стимул к высказываниям используются слайды и аутентичные рекламные афиши фильмов из американских газет.

Учитель: Now I want you to make up short dialogues and exchange opinions with

your classmates.

Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги.

Учитель: Whose dialogue is the best? Prove it. (учащиеся высказывают свою точку зрения)

9) Аудирование. Цель - дать задание на общее понимание аутентичной аудио­информации.

Учащимся была предложена аудиозапись с вебсайта voaspeciaIenglish.com

„Academy awards":

On February twenty-fifth, actors, directors, producers and other filmmakers will gather n Hollywood, California, the center of the American film industry. They will receive Academy awards for the best acting, directing, writing, editing, music and other work on movies released last year.

The winners will receive an award called an Oscar. This statue is shaped like a man. It is made of several metals covered with gold. The Oscar is only about 34 centimeters tall. It weighs less than four kilograms. But the award is extremely valuable for the people who receive it. People who win an Oscar can become much more famous. They can get offers to work in the best movies. They can also earn much more money.

The musical Dreamgirls" received eight Academy Award nominations, the most of any movie released last year. „Dreamgirls" is a film version of a Broadway musical play. It tells about a group of three female singers who became famous during the 1960-s. The film's nominations include three for the best song and two for acting.

However, many people were surprised that „Dreamgirls" was not nominated for the best motion picture. Five others were. They are: „Babel". „The Queen", „The Departed", „Letters From Iwo Jima" and „Little Miss Sunshine". The directors of the first four of these movies also received Academy Award nominations. „Babel" received seven nominations. It tells three powerful stories that take place in Morocco, Mexico, the USA and Japan. The actors speak five languages. „Babel" shows the terrible results of people not being able to communicate with each other. It was directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu.

The Queen", directed by Stephen Frears, received six nominations. It combines fact with fiction to tell the story about how the British royal family reacted to the death of Diana, the Princess of Wales in 1997.

Учитель: Say: True or 'false.

1. Gold is the only metal an Oscar statue is made of.

2. The people who win an Oscar can't gain popularity.

3. The musical „Dreamgirls" was nominated, for the best motion picture.

4. Film „Babel" received seven nominations.

Учитель: Choose the right answer.

5) The film which tells three powerful stories that take place in Mexico, Japan,

Morocco, the USA is:

a) „Letters from Iwo Jima" b) „Babel" c) „The Queen"

10. Подведсние результатов урока.

Учитель: I have checked your tests. You'll have two marks for the lesson. Your work was great. Now we are going to have some fun. Look at these funny portraits and say what are their names and in what films they were starring at.

На слайдах - шаржи на киноактеров:

Сталлоне, Шварценеггера, Монро,

Андерсон, Духовны, Керри и др.

11) Завершение урока.

Учитель: Now, please, write down your homework: make a poster of your favourite


There are two or three minutes left. What about a song?

Учащиеся исполняют песню BeatlesYellow Submarine". На экране компьютерная анимация.

Учитель: The lesson is over. Thank you. Your work was great. You've done the test well. Good-bye, children.

Анализ освоенности материала и интереса учащихся к теме

На уроке был создан положительный эмоциональный настрой, урок имел практическую направленность, учащиеся были вовлечены в активную деятельность (самостоятельно добывали знания, применяли полученные знания на практике).

Учащиеся проявляли инициативу в процессе подготовки к уроку, во время его проведения.

В работе участвовал весь класс (22 человека). Слабые учащиеся весьма успешно работали в группе, чувствуя поддержку товарищей,

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Слайды What films do you like best»

What films do you like best ?

What films do you like best ?



  • 1 . In 1995 we celebrated the hundredth anniversary of ………..
  • A. theatre B. cinematography
  • 2 . A century ago the Lumiere brothers made their first three minute films, which were…. to the public on the 28 th of December, 1895.
  • A. demonstrated B. produced
  • 3 . Nowadays the cinema is considered one of the main contemporary……..
  • A. arts B . leisure
4. There are different kinds film: documentary, popular, science and feature………  A . cartoons  B.  films 5  . Film can be black and white or…….., wide-screen or wide-framed.  A . in colour  B . colour 6. I think it is a screen…… of any novel or story by an American writer.  A . version  B . serial 7. The………centres around the fate of a boy named Philip. It is a two……film.  A.  film, part  B . plot, serial
  • 4. There are different kinds film: documentary, popular, science and feature………
  • A . cartoons B. films
  • 5 . Film can be black and white or…….., wide-screen or wide-framed.
  • A . in colour B . colour
  • 6. I think it is a screen…… of any novel or story by an American writer.
  • A . version B . serial
  • 7. The………centres around the fate of a boy named Philip. It is a two……film.
  • A. film, part B . plot, serial
8. The……….takes place in Russia in the nineteenth century.  A . performance  B . action 9. The……of the film reveals a lot of problems such as love and friendship, respect and faithfulness.  A . director  B . camera man 10. The film has an excellent…….with K. B. as a star.  A . cast  B. staff  11. Their………is very natural and convincing.  A . acting  B . stunning 12. His touching performance often sets the…..crying or laughing.  A. cast  B. audience
  • 8. The……….takes place in Russia in the nineteenth century.
  • A . performance B . action
  • 9. The……of the film reveals a lot of problems such as love and friendship, respect and faithfulness.
  • A . director B . camera man
  • 10. The film has an excellent…….with K. B. as a star.
  • A . cast B. staff
  • 11. Their………is very natural and convincing.
  • A . acting B . stunning
  • 12. His touching performance often sets the…..crying or laughing.
  • A. cast B. audience
Match the pictures with the film genres.

Match the pictures with the film genres.

  • a) a historical film c) a melodrama e) a comedy
  • b) a western d) a musical f) a thriller


  • Supernatural events
  • Mysterious plot
  • Romance
  • Beautiful
  • costumes


  • Love stories
  • Sorrow
  • Relationship
  • True to life
  • Dramatic situations


  • Funny situations
  • Touching
  • Jokes


  • Keep you in suspense
  • Mystery
  • Grab your attention
Word power

Word power

  • You can evaluate in this way:
  • Astonishing, awful, bad , boring, dreadful, excellent, extraordinary, fantastic, good, great, horrible, lousy, marvellous, not bad, nothing special, outstanding, reasonable, rotten, sensational, splendid, superb, wonderful

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Урок по теме: What films do you like best?

Автор: Капуш Татьяна Александровна

Дата: 02.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 138575

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