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Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Cinema"

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Повторительно-обобщающий урок по теме “Cinema”

Hello, my dear friends! How are you getting on? This year is called “The Year of Cinema” and that’s why today we are going to talk about cinema and TV films. Cinema and TV films have become an important part of our lives. Now we’ll see what you know about it. Let’s start our game. So, we have two teams. They are going to compete.

Guess and write the words

a, m, a, r, d, o, l, e, m

y, r, a, t, n, e, m, u, c, o, d

i, m, f, l,         e, t, a, f, u, e, r,

t, r, a, o, c,

c, r, e, m, p, n, a, f, r, o, e,

Вставьте пропущенные фразы в диалог. (команды получают листки с заданием. Кто быстрее сделает и допустит как можно меньше ошибок)

- Ну как фильм?

- Это было чудесно. Полно спецэффектов. Мне они всегда нравились.

- И мне. Вначале я думал, что это дрянь.

- А что тебе понравилось кроме эффектов?

- Прекрасная игра актёров. Они прекрасно это сделали.

- Это ведь великий фильм?

- О, да!

- Well, what about that film?

- It was wonderful! Full of special effects! I’ve always liked them.

- Me, too. At first I thought it was going to be a drag.

- What did you like except the effects?

- The perfect acting. The actors did their best.

- Isn’t it a great film?

Oh, yes!

(команды вписывают в пропуск и показывают свою работу). (каждое предложение на отдельном листе, и каждый ребёнок вставляет пропущенное слово и читает результат)

Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making. What are these people? Match the name of the profession and what they do.

a camera operator, an actor, a costume designer, a make-up artist, a boom operator, a sound mixer, a director, a stuntman/-woman, an editor, a director of photography, a producer,  scriptwriter

___________________ has general control of the money for a film but he doesn’t direct the actors. (a producer)

____________________ is the boss and tells everybody what to do. He works very closely with the actors in particular. (a director)

____________________ looks through the camera, and operates the equipment. (a camera operator)

____________________ decides the position of the camera, and everything to do with the light, colour, quantity, and direction. (a director of photography)

_____________________ writes scripts for films, shows. (a scriptwriter)

__________________________ holds the microphone. (a boom operator)

__________________________ does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors. (a stuntman/-woman)

________________________ chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together. (an editor)

________________________ operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who make noises during the filming. (a sound mixer)

________________________ pretends to be another person and acts in a film. (an actor)

________________________ prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films. (a costume designer)

________________________ can make a new face for an actor. (a make-up artist)

Каждая команда получает листок с заданием, вписывает ответы и зачитывает текст.

Here are the impressions about two different films. Choose the words from the box and put them into the gaps and say what genres these films are. (выбирают и вписывают маркером на листочек)

  1. Wonderful / horrible / magnificent / rotten
  2. Romantic / realistic / mysterious / boring
  3. Criminals and detectives / vampires and werewolves / music and singing / fights and shooting
  4. True to life / boring / moving / dynamic
  5. Couldn’t help crying / couldn’t help yawning / made me want to laugh / made me want to scream
  1. Yesterday I saw a 1)____________________________ film. I’ve never seen such a 2)___________________ story before. The film was stuffed with the adventures of the unusual things such as 3)___________________________________________. They were so 4) ___________________________________ that they
  1. ________________________________________ and hide. But I adore such films.

The girl saw ________________________________

  1. Some days ago I saw a 1) ___________________________________ film. It was a 2) __________________________________ story. There were a lot of 3) ______________________________________. It was so 4) __________________ that I 5) ______________________________________ but the happy end of the film made me feel wonderful too.

The boy saw _________________________________.

Find the appropriate translation

  1. For a woman, this was totally unheard of in Shakespeare’s time.

А) Женщины были абсолютно не слышны в шекспировские времена.

В) Это было неслыханно для женщин шекспировских времён.

2) To be one of the only girls of the set.

А) Быть одной единственной девушкой в наборе.

В) Быть одной единственной девушкой в составе.

3) It was a real treat to play.

А) Это была игра с настоящим угощением.

В) Игра доставила мне истинное наслаждение.

4) He had me rolling around with laughter.

А) Он заставил меня покатываться от смеха.

В) Он заставлял кружиться вокруг со смехом.

5) The trick is never to hide.

А) Фокусы не спрятать.

В) Обман не спрятать.

So, the team _________ has won.

Thanks, everybody.

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«Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Cinema"»

Повторительно-обобщающий урок по теме “Cinema”

Hello, my dear friends! How are you getting on? This year is called “The Year of Cinema” and that’s why today we are going to talk about cinema and TV films. Cinema and TV films have become an important part of our lives. Now we’ll see what you know about it. Let’s start our game. So, we have two teams. They are going to compete.

Guess and write the words

a, m, a, r, d, o, l, e, m

y, r, a, t, n, e, m, u, c, o, d

i, m, f, l, e, t, a, f, u, e, r,

t, r, a, o, c,

c, r, e, m, p, n, a, f, r, o, e,

Вставьте пропущенные фразы в диалог. (команды получают листки с заданием. Кто быстрее сделает и допустит как можно меньше ошибок)

- Ну как фильм?

- Это было чудесно. Полно спецэффектов. Мне они всегда нравились.

- И мне. Вначале я думал, что это дрянь.

- А что тебе понравилось кроме эффектов?

- Прекрасная игра актёров. Они прекрасно это сделали.

- Это ведь великий фильм?

- О, да!

- Well, what about that film?

- It was wonderful! Full of special effects! I’ve always liked them.

- Me, too. At first I thought it was going to be a drag.

- What did you like except the effects?

- The perfect acting. The actors did their best.

- Isn’t it a great film?

Oh, yes!

(команды вписывают в пропуск и показывают свою работу). (каждое предложение на отдельном листе, и каждый ребёнок вставляет пропущенное слово и читает результат)

Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making. What are these people? Match the name of the profession and what they do.

a camera operator, an actor, a costume designer, a make-up artist, a boom operator, a sound mixer, a director, a stuntman/-woman, an editor, a director of photography, a producer, scriptwriter

___________________ has general control of the money for a film but he doesn’t direct the actors. (a producer)

____________________ is the boss and tells everybody what to do. He works very closely with the actors in particular. (a director)

____________________ looks through the camera, and operates the equipment. (a camera operator)

____________________ decides the position of the camera, and everything to do with the light, colour, quantity, and direction. (a director of photography)

_____________________ writes scripts for films, shows. (a scriptwriter)

__________________________ holds the microphone. (a boom operator)

__________________________ does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors. (a stuntman/-woman)

________________________ chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together. (an editor)

________________________ operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who make noises during the filming. (a sound mixer)

________________________ pretends to be another person and acts in a film. (an actor)

________________________ prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films. (a costume designer)

________________________ can make a new face for an actor. (a make-up artist)

Каждая команда получает листок с заданием, вписывает ответы и зачитывает текст.

Here are the impressions about two different films. Choose the words from the box and put them into the gaps and say what genres these films are. (выбирают и вписывают маркером на листочек)

  1. Wonderful / horrible / magnificent / rotten

  2. Romantic / realistic / mysterious / boring

  3. Criminals and detectives / vampires and werewolves / music and singing / fights and shooting

  4. True to life / boring / moving / dynamic

  5. Couldn’t help crying / couldn’t help yawning / made me want to laugh / made me want to scream

  1. Yesterday I saw a 1)____________________________ film. I’ve never seen such a 2)___________________ story before. The film was stuffed with the adventures of the unusual things such as 3)___________________________________________. They were so 4) ___________________________________ that they

  1. ________________________________________ and hide. But I adore such films.

The girl saw ________________________________

  1. Some days ago I saw a 1) ___________________________________ film. It was a 2) __________________________________ story. There were a lot of 3) ______________________________________. It was so 4) __________________ that I 5) ______________________________________ but the happy end of the film made me feel wonderful too.

The boy saw _________________________________.

Find the appropriate translation

  1. For a woman, this was totally unheard of in Shakespeare’s time.

А) Женщины были абсолютно не слышны в шекспировские времена.

В) Это было неслыханно для женщин шекспировских времён.

2) To be one of the only girls of the set.

А) Быть одной единственной девушкой в наборе.

В) Быть одной единственной девушкой в составе.

3) It was a real treat to play.

А) Это была игра с настоящим угощением.

В) Игра доставила мне истинное наслаждение.

4) He had me rolling around with laughter.

А) Он заставил меня покатываться от смеха.

В) Он заставлял кружиться вокруг со смехом.

5) The trick is never to hide.

А) Фокусы не спрятать.

В) Обман не спрятать.

So, the team _________ has won.

Thanks, everybody.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Cinema"

Автор: Фисенко Наталья Юрьевна

Дата: 23.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 361954

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