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Урок по теме "Путешествие" в 8 классе

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Урок по теме "Путешествие" в 8 классе по учебнику Кузовлева В.П.     Знакомство обучающих с видами  транспорта в Соединенном королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.Обучающимися предъявляются  фактические сведения о транспорте Соединенного королевства полученные самостоятельно из журналов "Speak out"  и других источников.Развиваются на уроке умения восприятия на слух и чтения.

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«Урок по теме "Путешествие" в 8 классе »


Филимонова М.В.,

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Боброводворская СОШ»

Виды транспорта в Соединенном королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.


Учебный аспект: развитие речевых умений учащихся. Формировать навыки монологической речи с использованием лексических единиц усвоенных в предыдущие годы обучения, презентация оборота would + Infinitive и активизация его в речи.

Воспитательный аспект: Воспитание толерантного отношения к чужой культуре, культура поведения в общественном транспорте.

Познавательный аспект: Предъявить учащимся фактические сведения о транспорте Соединенного королевства.

Развивающий аспект: Развивать способность к распределению внимания, развитию воображения и догадке.

Сопутствующие задачи: Развитие умения аудировать и читать текст с пониманием общего и конкретного содержания.

Оборудование: карта авто и железных дорог Великобритании, записьна диске, транспаранты, ЛЕ на доске, распечатанные тексты, тест, анкета

1 этап. Начало урока. Экспозиция темы.

We are going to travel to the UK. I have some reasons to do it. I want to practice my English language, to visit ancient castles, to see with my own eyes Trafalgar Square, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben. But how can one reach Britain? You know that it is an island surrounded by the water. What means of travelling do you know? Please, answer my question.

P I,2,3 - We can reach the UK by sea, by air, by train.

What is the quickest way of travelling?

Listen and try to understand as much as possible.

2 этап. Говорение. Ученики делают монологические сообщения о видах транспорта Британии на основе информации добытой на сайтах. Работа у карты Британии.

P-1. The quickest and the most reliable way of travelling to Вritain is by air. The main British air company is BRITISH Airways, or BA.

If you come to Britain by air, you'll see HEATHROW, one of the world’s biggest airports. Its official name is London Airport. It was opened in 1929. Over 44 million people pass through Heathrow each year. Heathrow is to the west of London. There is a direct underground rail link which takes an hour to reach central London. There are also Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, and London City airports.

Т. And now look here, please. Water is everywhere. What kinds of transport can you use?

P-2 - tells about underwater tunnel .

The British Isles are surrounded by water and one can reach the country by sea. There are more than ten ports in Britain. International sea passengers can use roll-on -roll -off ferries, hovercraft, hydrofoils, and high - speed catamarans.

In 1994 the railway underwater tunnel between Britain and Europe was opened.

It takes only 35 minutes to travel by train from Britain to France. Euro tunnel runs passengers shuttle services every 15 minutes. Now the traveler does not depend on weather.

In the tunnel you can use the train. And what information about travelling by train do you know?

P- 3 - tells about railways.

Travelling by train is also a very popular form of travel. For about 2 million British people railway is a hobby. The first rail service in Britain started in l812 to carry coal. Passengers were carried for the first time in 1825, from Stockton to Darlington. This system named British RAIL. (BR.) You can travel to many places by Inter -City trains.

P-4 tells about INTER - CITY - 125 TRAIN.

Air - conditioned Inter - City - 125 services (traveling at speed to 125 miles per hour, or 201 kilometers per hour) link London with south and west Wales, the Midlands, and Scotland. For example, you can reach Cardiff, Leeds, and York, each in less than two hours. It is now possible to travel from London to Edinburgh in as little as 3 hours 59 minutes. It is a through train.

P- 5 - tells about a Rail card and kinds of tickets.

When you buy a ticket, you can choose a smoker or a non - smoker carriage, a face to direction or a back to direction seat, you can choose a window or aisle. In some trains there are pay phones.

Travel by British Rail is fast, comfortable but expensive. There are two classes of carriages in these trains: first and standard. A one way ticket is called a single ticket and a round - trip ticket is called a return ticket.

A Rail card is a card sold to old pensioners, young people under 24 or disabled people at half-price. The Rail card is for one year only.

Do you know what do letters BA mean? What are the largest airports in the UK? How can you reach London from Heathrow? BR - What do these letters mean? What kinds of trains' tickets do you know? How can one buy a ticket?

Драматизация диалогов. В билетной кассе (распечатанные диалоги для каждого ученика или на экране)

Booking Airplane Tickets by Telephone.

Заказ билета по телефону.

Travel Agency clerk (PI): Good morning. Can I help you?

Mr. Brown :(P2):I'd like to reserve a seat on a morning flight to London

next Wednesday.

PI : I can offer you two flights at 7.30 a.m. and at 10 a.m. Which would you prefer?

P2: I'd rather go by the 7.30

PI: First class or economy?

P2: Economy, please.

PI: Adult or сhild?

P2: Adult, please.

PI : OK! We'll deliver the ticket two days before your departure. Thank you for calling us.

Booking a Seat at a Booking Office

Clerk(Pl): Yes, sir?

Mr. Brown(P2): I'd like to book a seat on a train to London on the 17th of November.

PI: Single or return?

P2: Return, please.

PI: That'll be seven thousand rubles, sir.

P2: Here you are.

PI: Thank you. Your train leaves at two twenty-five from Platform 6.

Т. So, you are on the land of Britain. What kinds of transport can you use?

P-6 - tells about the underground system.

There are underground rail system in London, Liverpool, Newcastle and Glasgow. The underground in London is called the tube (because of the form of its tunnels). Many people choose to travel by the tube because it`s cheap, convenient, and quick. The system covers 254 miles, the tube runs as deep as 221 feet underground. The tube carries over 2.5 million people each day. 470 trains run on 254 miles of track through 275 stations. There are 11 Underground lines, each with its own colour. The London Underground opens at 6 A.m. and closes at midnight.

What is the nickname of the underground in London?

3 этап. Чтение.

Another kind of transport is a famous British bus. Read the text and tell me please ' What is special about this kind of transport?

A Bus

One of the symbols of London is the red double-decker bus. The first bus service was run in 1829 and motor buses were first used in 1899. Smoking was allowed on the upper deck until 1991 and there is seating for approximately 70 people in the entire bus.

The double-decker bus is seen in all British towns. There are double-de­cker buses in many other countries of the world, for example in the USA, Australia, etc.

One can see a lot from the top level of the double-decker bus. Many bus routes pass by London's most famous sights.

There are two types of bus-stop - the compulsory stop (which has a white background ) and the request stop ( a red background).

On double-decker buses there are usually conductors who control the number of passengers allowed on and collect fares: on single-deck buses you give your fare to the driver as you get on. Passengers should keep their tickets until they leave the bus.

Buses operate from about 6 a.m. to mid-flight on most routes, including those connecting the main-line railway station, and offer service in Central London and the suburbs. A network of special All Night buses runs through Central London serving Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park Corner, Marble Arch and many other parts convenient for theatres, cinemas and restaurants.

Each bus route is identified by a number which appears on the front, sides and back of each bus.

You should always take your turn in the queue at a bus-stop - if there is one.

Let's read the text and translate some sentences.

Scan the text ex.3 p. 48. and try to find the information about the Travel card. If you read the text attentively you can answer the question" What do these sings mean?" (The sing of the bus stop. And the sing of the request stop.)

Now you can easily do Ex. 1 .P. 48. The British Transport Quize.

4 этап. Аудирование

Listen to the information about ways of travelling that British children suggest you. Ex. 4 . p. 50..

What would you like to choose?(мнения учеников о видах транспорта)с использованием оборота would + Infinitive

5 этап Заключительный.

Домашнее задание: заполнить анкету, выполнить тест " Do you know..?"

подведение итогов.

Quiz “Do you know?”

1. What is the national emblem of England?

a) Violet b) rose c) tulip

2. Whose monument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square?

a) admiral Nelson b) general Washington c)Queen Elizabeth

3.Where is the Loch Ness Monster supposed to live?
a) England b) Scotland c) Wales

4.Which river is associated with the name of Shakespeare?
a) the Thames b) the Severn c) the Avon

5. Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?

a) W. Shakespeare b) John Bull c) Oscar Wilde

6.What is the nickname of London's Underground?
a) Metro b) subway c) the tube

7.What part of Britain is called "land of song"?
a) England b) Wales c) Scotland

8.What colour were first taxes in London?
a) white b) black c) yellow

9. In a red double-decker bus you pay to

a) the driver b) insert the coins in the slot machine c) the conductor

10. How many lines are there in the London Underground?

a) 11 b) 13 c) 12


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок по теме "Путешествие" в 8 классе

Автор: Филимонова Марина Владимировна

Дата: 14.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 130640

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