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Урок английского языка в 9 «Б» классе по теме «Reading?!. Why not?»

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  • укреплять любовь к предмету, интерес к английскому языку.Развивать навыки восприятия речи на слух, навыки чтения и  монологической речи, расширять мировоззрение, внимание, логическое мышление, тренировать объем и увеличивать качество памяти.?   формировать коммуникативную, лингвистическую, лингвострановедческую, общеучебную компетенции: 
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«Урок английского языка в 9 «Б» классе по теме «Reading?!. Why not?» »

Доржу Урана Дадар-ооловна

учитель английского языка,

МБОУ СОШ № 2 г.Шагонар

Урок английского языка в 9 «Б» классе по теме «Reading?!. Why not?»

“The book to read is not the one which thinks for you,
but the one which makes you think”. (James McCosh)



∙ формировать коммуникативную, лингвистическую, лингвострановедческую, общеучебную компетенции:


  • прививать любовь к книге, поэзии и потребность в чтении;

  • воспитывать чувство прекрасного;

  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к другим народам и культуре;

  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к окружающим нас людям, культуру поведения и взаимоотношений среди окружающих людей.

  • укреплять любовь к предмету, интерес к английскому языку.


Развивать навыки восприятия речи на слух, навыки чтения и монологической речи, расширять мировоззрение, внимание, логическое мышление, тренировать объем и увеличивать качество памяти.


Воспитательные: воспитание у учащихся чувства уважения к истории и культуре стран изучаемого языка, привитие любви к чтению.

Образовательные: повторение и закрепление активной лексики и грамматики уроков I цикла, совершенствование навыков аудирования и восприятия на слух, умение подготовить связное высказывание по теме.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор, компьютеры, Интернет.

Этапы урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Фонетическая зарядка. ( 2 мин )

  2. Беседа по теме « Книги и чтение в России» на основе материалов, предоставленных зарубежными источниками. ( 4 мин )

  3. Игра: Составь и прочитай высказывания известных людей о чтении. ( 3 мин )

  4. Комментарий высказываний о книгах, выражение своей точки зрения. ( 4 мин )

  5. Работа с лексикой по теме ( 2 мин )

  6. Кроссворд «Известные английские и американские писатели, их произведения» ( 4 мин )

  7. Рассказ эксперта о любимом зарубежном писателе, сопровождающийся показом слайдопрезентаций. ( 8 мин )

  8. Выполнение упражнений по заданной теме на компьютере в режиме «тренажер» ( 5 мин )

  9. Физкультминутка. Релаксация. ( 1 мин )

  10. Чтение отрывков из книг и определение их жанров. ( 5 мин )

  11. Выполнение on-line теста по грамматике. ( 5 мин )

  12. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок, домашнее задание. ( 2 мин )

Ход урока.

T. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Glad to meet you here. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What season is it now? What poem about autumn do you know? ( дети выразительно читают стихотворение Стивенсона «Autumn»


( by R.L.Stevenson)

In the other gardens,

And all up the vale,

From the autumn bonfires,

See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer’s over

And all the summer flowers,

The red fire blazes,

The grey smoke towers.

Sing a song of seasons!

Something bright in all!

Flowers in summer,

Fires in the fall! )

Who is the author of the poem?

Today we are going to speak about him and other foreign writers, their books and reading itself. The theme of our lesson is «Reading?!. Why not?»

2. Беседа по теме « Книги и чтение в России» на основе материалов, предоставленных зарубежными источниками.

T. Reading is not very popular nowadays, I

should say. And I am sorry about it. Now I’d like to show you the materials of one

foreign source. 100 hundred Russian people were asked about their attitude to

reading. The results you can see on your screens. Examine it. And let’s discuss the

problem. ( приложение 1 )

What is your opinion?

How often do Russians buy books?

Do they read books?

What books do they prefer?

Some people don’t read books, why?

What conclusion can we make?

T. All people have different reading habits. Some can’t live without reading, others don’t read at all except TV programme

And what about you?

How much time do you spend on reading?

What kind of reading do you prefer: do you like reading books? Newspapers? Magazines?

Do you read books only for your Russian literature classes or do you do any extra reading?

Is reading important part of your life?

    1. Игра: Составь и прочитай высказывания известных людей о чтении.

T. I’ve prepared some quotations of famous people about reading. But they are mixed. Please make up sentences ( слайдшоу)

  1. I / cannot /live / without/ reading / (Thomas Jefferson).

  2. Words / are/ the voice/ of the/ heart /(Confucius).

  3. Reading/ is/ to the mind/ what exercise / is/ to the body/ (Richard Steel).

  4. People / say /that / life / is/ the thing / but / I / prefer / reading / ( Logan Pearsall Smith )

  5. Read / in order to / live ( Gustavo Flaubert)

  6. Reading / is / the best / learning ( A. Pushkin)

  7. Old wood / is / best / to burn / old wine / to drink / old friend / to trust / and / old authors / to read ( F. Bacon)

    1. Комментарий высказываний о книгах, выражение своей точки зрения.

  1. Do you agree with the opinions of famous people? Express your point of view.

Ps. 1.The world of books is full of wonders. Reading books you can find yourself in different lands, countries, seas, oceans. Together with the characters of the book you go by ship in the stormy sea, you climb high mountains, you fly into space, you have a lot adventures. By reading we develop our imagination, logical thinking and broaden the outlook, the value of books is undeniable.

2. Books give us necessary information and a clever book is a good friend with whom you can discuss a lot. Books include interesting photos, biographical details and statistics, a lot of unknown facts. Books help us to solve our problems, to discover new things and to escape from routine every day life. A good humorous book is an entertaining reading.

3. Each book is a magic world full of interesting and unknown things and when we read books we get a lot of useful information. We get knowledge not only from reference books, encyclopedias and dictionaries. Fiction books are also interesting to us. We choose authors depending on our tastes and interests. We enjoy reading them, live the life of characters, we feel happy and sad with them.

    1. Работа с лексикой по теме

T. Thank you. Expressing your opinion you’ve mentioned some kinds of books. Let’s check up how well you know the words. Look at the screen. ( слайдшоу)

T. And now try to choose one word to the following definitions.

a) It is extremely useful in our work; it gives information about every branch of knowledge. The articles in it are arranged in alphabetical order.


b) It shows the order in which the topics in the book are discussed; it gives the title of each chapter and the page on which it begins.

(Table of contents)

c) A learner of a foreign language use it to find the meaning of a word he doesn't know and find out how to pronounce it, spell it and also how it is used.


d) These books contain made-up stories.

(Fiction books)

    1. Известных английские и американские писатели, их произведения.

T. Thank you. It’s time to control how well you know English and American writers. Let’s solve the crossword.

1). An English writer who was born in Ireland in 1667. His novel “The Gulliver’s Travel” is known all over the world (Jonathan Swift).

2). An English writer, the master of detective stories. She was called “A Queen of Crime”.

She wrote 78 crime novels. Her books have been translated into 103 languages. Her well-known characters were Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple (Agatha Christie).

3). A famous English children’s writer. His first book appeared in 1865. It was a fairy-tale about a small girl and her adventures in wonderful land (Lewis Caroll).

4). An English writer, he was born in India where his stories and poems were set. One of books was called “The Jungle Book» where the main hero is Mawgli. (Rudyard Kipling)

5). He was the professor of Literature and English and became famous as the author of   famous children’s books: “Hobbit” and “The Lord of Rings” (John Ronald Reuel  Tolkien).

6). The famous English novelist. He lived and worked in Scotland. He wrote adventures books: “Quentin Durward”, “Rob Roy”, “Ivanhoe” and others. (Walter Scott)

7). An American writer, the master of short detective stories. (Edgar Allan Poe).

8). A British writer. He was born in Scotland and created a famous fictional character – the detective Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

9). This American writer is called the Father of American literature. “All American literature comes from one of his books called “Huckleberry Finn”. (Mark Twain).

10). A modern English writer, she was born 1965, she wrote her first book at 5 or 6 years old, her first book about Harry Potter was published in 1997, at that time she won   recognition (J. K. Rowling).

11). The famous English writer. He wrote humorous books. The best known and the most famous is “The Three Men in a Boat to Say Nothing of a Dog”. (Jerome K. Jerome).

Фамилии писателей с 1-11 записываются по горизонтали, а из выделенных букв по вертикали составляется 12.

12). His name is famous all over the world (William Shakespeare).

T: Having solved the crossword you’ll find the name of the famous British writer down.

( слайдшоу)

    1. Рассказ эксперта о любимом зарубежном писателе с последующим выполнением упражнений.

T. Thank you very much. I know that every of you is an expert in the life and creation of British and American writers. But today we’ll choose only one of you. Now we’ll take part in a lottery. Who wants to help me? The author of the day is…( Oscar Wilde ). Who is the expert ? Please come to the stage. Tell us some words about him. Be very attentive. Open the presentation on your computers. After listening the expert will offer you some exercises to do.

( ученик рассказывает. Все слушают и на своих мониторах смотрят слайдопрезентацию).

8. Выполнение упражнений после просмотра презентации в режиме «тренажер». ( приложение 2 )

T. Thank you . Good job. We’ve got a lot of information about O. Wilde. You’ve read his books, of course, if no, you’ll have an opportunity to do it later.

9. Физкультминутка. Релаксация.

T – I think your eyes are tired let’s have a rest now:

Зарядка для глаз.

Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that rose
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again.

  1. Чтение отрывков из книг и определение их жанров.

Т. I hope you are not tired. Now we’ll have a reading task. There are cards with passages from different books. Try to determine what books they are from and complete the table below. ( приложение 3 )

  1. Выполнение on-line теста по грамматике.

T. Thank you.. We’ve checked up everything from the Unit 1 except grammar. We worked at Active and Passive Voice. When do we use passive voice? How is the passive voice formed? Now let’s do an on-line test. Welcome to the Internet. The address of the site you see on the screen. ( дети делают тест, объявляют результаты, приложение 4 – приблизительный тест)

T. In general everything is OK. Read more English books in original to improve your grammar skills.

12. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок, домашнее задание.

Summing up. I want to finish our lesson with the words of Charles Kingsley “Except a living man, there is nothing more wonderful than a book”.

I hope you understand that without books our life will be empty and boring. Read good books, enjoy them and think.

Marks for the lesson are:....

Homework: write mini-composition « Books in my life»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка в 9 «Б» классе по теме «Reading?!. Why not?»

Автор: Доржу Урана Дадар-ооловна

Дата: 14.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 172816

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