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Урок английского языка "Кухни народов мира"

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В процессе изучения темы "Еда", учащиеся собирают материалы для проектной работы, которую и представляют на этом уроке. Учащиеся предварительно разбиваются на группы. Каждая группа представляет свою страну и ее традиционное блюдо.

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«Урок английского языка "Кухни народов мира"»

Урок английского языка в 10 классе.

Тема Кухни народов мира


 - практическая: закрепить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Еда»; активизировать лексические навыки в устной речи; развивать навыки говорения, аудирования (учить находить необходимую информацию в прослушанном тексте); развивать наглядно - образное мышление; зрительную память; практиковать учащихся в составлении и выполнении творческих заданий.

 - обучающая: знакомство с традиционной едой Великобритании и кухнями разных стран, познакомиться с историей еды и рецептом приготовления вареников.

 - развивающая: развивать умение самостоятельно работать, развивать эстетический вкус, умение пользоваться новой лексикой и новой информацией, способствовать формированию мировоззрения.

 - воспитательная: воспитывать уважительное отношение в мировому культурному наследию, прививать интерес к изучению языка; воспитывать у учащихся аккуратность, усидчивость, уважение к одноклассникам, умение выслушать ответ, прислушаться к мнению другого, формировать умения и навыки самостоятельной и групповой работы.

Оборудование:презентация, проекты учащихся, иллюстрации блюд, приготовленное блюдо (вареники), медали:

The best story teller

The best project maker

The best actor

Карточки с пословицами

Национальное блюдо

ENGLISH – scones AMERICAN – onion rings RUSSIAN – pancake

Ход урока

  1. Начало урока

Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи


T: Hello, my dear children and our guests. I am glad to see you. So let me start our lesson.


T: Today we are going to talk about national cuisine. So look at the screen where you can read the topic of our lesson “ National Cuisine.

Warming up

T: People can not live without food. But we should remember that

we eat to live, but we do not live to eat.

So, tell me please:

-What types of food do you know?

(I know: meat, diary, fruit, vegetable, bread/cereal, and fat/ sugar)

- Why must we eat meat products? (Because they provide us by protein)

- Why must we eat diary products? (Because they help us to build strong teeth and bones)

-Why must we eat vegetable? (They help you have Healthy gums, good eyesight by providing vitamins С and A)

2.Основная часть урока


- Do you consider all types of food to be healthy?

(I consider not all types of food to be healthy)

- Is it healthy to eat much sweet and salt?

(I think it is bad for my teeth and health.)

-What is important to stay healthy?

(To my mind, to stay healthy is to eat fresh food, do not eat too much salt, sugar, to drink herb tea and milk with honey, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, do not eat much before sleeping.)

- Prove that by the proverbs.

Eat with pleasure, drink at measure.

After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.

Now you have cards with proverbs, but they have been cut. You should find the ending or the beginning. (Части пословиц разложены на столе)

No song, no supper.

A half of loaf is better, than no bread.

First come, first served.

You cannot eat unscramble egg.

What kinds of food do you know?

Why do people eat fast food or junk food?

Why should people eat healthy food?

What can you say about junk food?


T. All living things need food, because it is the basic fuel of our life. It keeps us warm, gives us energy and helps kids to grow healthy. What food is very good for us? Which of the foods are not so good for us? And what food can even cause illnesses?

Write a list of 5 best and 5 worst foods. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists and discuss your choises.

- What are the traditional Russian meals? (Okroshka, pancakes, schi, borsch, pelmeni.)

- What are the traditional American meals? (Bagels, girdle vegetables, iced tea.)

- What are the traditional English meals? (Scones, porridge, tea with milk, jacket potatoes,)

- What are the traditional Ukranian meals?

- What is your favorite food to eat? (Best of all I enjoy eating...)

So, what food do you prefer?


Vocabulary Practice

1 ) T: You know that almost every country has its own cuisine and what is more some popular dishes are associated with this or that national cuisine.

Look at the screen. Your task is to complete the sentences.

Pudding is a typical English dish.

Pizza is a typical Italian dish.

Pelmeni is a typical Russian dish.

Varenyky is a typical Ukrainian dish.

Burrito is a typical Mexican dish.

Ratatouille is a typical French dish.

Sushi is a typical Japanese dish.

Baklava is a typical Turkish dish.

T: That is great.

5. I see you are a little bit tired. Let’s do some physical exercises.

Защита проектов

В начале изучения темы учащимся было дано задание – сделать проект по изученой теме. В ходе изучения темы они собирали материал для проектов. Каждая группа выбрала свою страну и представляет проект на тему «Кухни народов мира»

Thank you, friends for your answers. Now let us have fun and see your projects.

American food. (Onion rings)

Russian food. (Pancakes)

English food. (Scones)

Ukranian food. (Borsh)

Защита проектов проходит в форме костюмованого представления.

По плану:

1. Story about national meals. (Рассказы по коллажам составленными детьми)

2. Recipes. (Выступления детей в костюмах и презентация национальных блюд)

3. A play. (Игра “Угадай блюдо или напиток”)

4. Puzzles, crosswords

But we live in Russia and I invite you to listen to the recipe of the most favourite dish “varenyki”

You need:

1 kilo of potatoes, 2 onions chopped, 1 stick of margarine, salt and pepper, 2 cups of flour, 1 egg,

1/2 teaspoon salt, water.


1) Cook potatoes in simmering water until soft and mash it.

2) Fry onion in margarine until very soft, add 1/2 of the onions to the potatoes and pour salt and pepper.

3) Sift flour and salt into a bowl.

4) Add vegetable oil and enough water to make soft batter and mix until the batter no longer sticks to the hands.

5) Cover batter and let rest for about 15 minutes.

6) Roll out batter on a floured board.

7) Cut batter into small circles and place a tea spoon of potato mixture in the center of each circle.

8) Fold batter, pinch ends to form a semicircle.

9) When all are made, put into boiling water and boil for about 10 minutes.

10) When all are cooked, drain and serve with the fried onions on top.

Учащиеся угощают гостей варениками

Thank you for your job. You are good and talented. Now let us find out who is

The best actor.

The best story teller.

The best project-maker.

Подведение итогов. Вручение медалей.

III Summing up the lesson

You have been working hard today.

The lesson is over. You are free.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Урок английского языка "Кухни народов мира"

Автор: Старченко Татьяна Александровна

Дата: 30.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 194270

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