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Урок английского языка для 9 класса "London"

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Урок английского языка, направлен на закрепления изученного материала по страноведению, имеено по теме Лондон. В разработке имееется ссылки на исторические фоакты, связанные с Лондоном. А также на уроке применяются ИКТ технологии, здоровьесберегающие технологии, элементы игровой технологии. Задания способствуют развитию речи учащихся, критического мышления. 

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«Урок английского языка для 9 класса "London" »

Урок в 9 классе по теме «London»

Учитель: Соколова А.В.

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся.

  • Социокультурный аспект – знакомство с достопримечательностями Лондона.

  • Развивающий аспект– развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.

  • Воспитательный аспект – привитие навыков объективной оценки и самооценки участия в проектной работе; воспитание уважения к чужому труду.

  • Учебный аспект

    • контроль навыков устной речи. Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся,

    • расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся, развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения детальной информации

  • Обучающая цель: обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по теме "London", отработать фонетические навыки.

  • Развивающая цель: совершенствовать навыки связной речи, развивать мышление, память, стимулировать самостоятельность учащихся, формировать познавательный интерес учащихся к предмету.

  • Воспитательная цель: прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, достопримечательностям Лондона, формировать уважительное отношение к иной культуре, традициям и обычаям другой культуры, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе, в группе, паре.

  • Учебно-наглядные пособия: карта, Лондона, открытки, карточки с заданиями,плакат к игре «Крестики – нолики»,(презентация PowerPoint достопримечательностей Лондона), мультимедийное оборудование, компьютеры.

1. Организационный момент

T- Good morning, my dear students. I am very glad to see you! How are you today?

Sit down please. Now we begin our lesson. Today all are present. We have an unusual lesson. We have many guests. Today we will go to the travelling around London. I received a letter, but some facts are false in it. We should correct the mistakes. Look at the blackboard and correct the mistakes.

(Учащиеся читают текст, исправляя ошибки, и попутно отвечают на вопросы учителя)

«The Great Fire of London”
In October 1796 there was a fire in the city of London. The fire started in a house on London Bridge. The weather was fine that day, there were burn few houses on London. Bridge and that's why only 4 houses were burnt. The fire started on Thursday and was over on Friday. The people of London built a new city after the Fire.

  1. When was the Great Fire?

  2. In what place it began?

  3. What was the weather at that day?

  4. How many houses were burnt?

  5. What period of time lasted the Fire?

T – OK, students that’s right. You told that after the Great Fire the Londoners had built the new city. That city was London. And nowadays it has many beautiful buildings and places to visit.

At first let’s check what you know about London.

(Учащиеся высказываются)

T – Good job. Look at the London’s map. Today we are going to visit some places, famous places in London. As you know there are unusual buses in London.

S Yes, it is double – Decker bus.

T - And we will go our travelling by the double – decker bus. Let’s go!!!

  1. First station. Students we’ve arrived in

We should guess where we are?

  1. My 1st word is very tall building

  2. My next word is the preposition

  3. My 2nd word of the capital of the greatest country.

  4. My next word is the building again

  5. My last word adds together two banks of the river.

Tower of London and the Tower Bridge. Your home task was to find some information about famous places in London.

Who wants to tell us about this sightseeing?

And look at the board you can see cards with English Proverbs, please, correct them.

  1. An Englishman's house is best

  2. East or West home like home

  3. There is no place is his castle

  1. Second station. Is you should make up one task and then we will know where we are.

(Match the names)

Let’s listen the information about this place? And after that you tell me what the place is? If you know it of cause. (WestminsterAbbey)

  1. Third station is Trafalgar square. On your desks you have cards with sentences, but the words in these sentences are in not correct order. You should make up correct sentences, and then tell me in what tense they use.(На доске слайд с неправильными предложениями, а затем с правильными вариантами)

Let’s listen the information about Trafalgar square.

  1. Fourth station of our travelling is … (Big Ben). We can’t see what is the place? But… Know and we should ask some questions about this place. (слайд следует закрыть шторкой, или фрагментатором) (учащиеся задают краткие вопросы)

… What do you know about Big Ben

Relaxation (music)

Комплексная релаксация: (Quiet music)

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Let’s pretend its summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. you are relaxing. (Pause)

Your troubles float away.

You love your relatives, your school, and your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing. The Earth is full of wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy. You are in good spirits.

Open your eyes. How do you feel?

  1. Fifth station is St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Work with the text. The teacher read the text twice. And then students should fill the gaps in their texts with correct information.(Work in groups)

London lies on the river Thames. The population of the city is about 9 million people. It is an ancient city, for it is more than 2000 years old. London consists of three main parts: the City, The West End and the East End. The City is the most important commercial and financial center of the country; there are banks and offices of companies from all over the world there. The West End is a district where most of theaters, bars, restaurants and hotels are situated. The popular place is Piccadilly Circus. It is a square in the central part of London, where we can see people of many nationalities. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of six streets. London’s famous restaurants and best-known theatres and cinemas are on Piccadilly Circus. Covent Garden is a tourist shopping center with cafes and restaurants. In the East End there are most of the factories and docks.

  1. Sixth station is Buckingham Palace. Let’s listen the information about this place.

There many sightseeing in London. Look at the board and tell what do you know about these places.( The London Eye, Hyde Park…)

I’ve some cards with definitions. Your groups should choose 4 cards and then guess what is the place? And then read the definition to another group and that group should say aloud what the place is?

Buckingham Palace is the most famous place in London. There are 600 rooms in it. It has an indoor swimming pool and a cinema.

Trafalgar Square is the most popular place for people to meet. In the middle of the square there is tall Column, which is 51 m high.

The London Eye is the biggest wheel in Britain. It was opened on 1 February 2000 in London. There’s a wonderful view from it.

Madam Tussaud’s is the world’s most famous waxwork museum. Over two million people go there every year to see wax figures of presidents, film stars and pop stars.

Tower Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in London. It is over a hundred years old.

Hyde Park is the most famous park in London. It’s a pleasure to watch Londoners walk and jog in the park. There are no signs like “Do not walk on the grass.”

The Tower of London is a very big castle. It is the oldest place in London. It was a castle, a palace, a zoo, a prison and a museum.

Westminster Abbey.It is a symbol of English tradition at its best. The coronations of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror have taken place here.

  1. Now our travel is over. Do you like it? One day we’ll go to London and see all these places.

What places do you want to visit and why?

As for me, I want to visit Buckingham Palace because it is the most famous place in London. And you…? (Учащиеся спрашивают по цепочке друг друга)

  1. Now we play the game” Crosses and Zeroes”

I divide you into two groups. The rules are very simple. First team is “Crosses” the second is “Zeroes”. In each team we CHOOSE a speaker who will give answers the questions. You should take a card read the question aloud and then answer. If team answers wrong, another team will get a point. And put their sign.

  1. At the end of our lesson we have been on England in London. We enjoy staying there.

I prepare the post cards for you. You should write your impressions of our travel. And present this postcard somebody in your class.

Your marks of this lesson are:

Now our lesson is over. And I want to finish it with these words:

The more you live, the more you see; the more you see, the more you know.”

Thank you. Good bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка для 9 класса "London"

Автор: Соколова Анна Вячеславовна

Дата: 17.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 106315

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