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Упражнения для развития критического мышления в старших класса

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Данная работа представляет  задания на грамматику, письмо, чтение и говорение с применением технологии критического мышления. Целевая аудитория 9-11 классы.

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«Упражнения для развития критического мышления в старших класса»

Critical Thinking Assignments for 10-year students

Grammar Assignment

  1. Read the sentences about the inventions of the 21 century (the words in bold). Change the sentences into Passive Voice:

For example: Swedish company created Skype in 2003. – Skype was created in 2003.

1 Google map app analyzes the speed of traffic movement.

2 Tesla made electric cars available.

3 Nissan and BMW produce commercially available electric cars.

4 Apple I-pod carries so many songs.

5 Steve ChenChad Hurley, and Jawed Karim founded You Tube in 2005.

6 Mark Zuckerberg introduced Facebook in 2004

7 In 2005 people made GPS (Global Positioning System) commercially available

8 In 2007 Apple released the first touch screen mobile for mass production

9 Four American people created Twitter in 2006

10 Two Americans launched Instagram service in 2010.

  1. Look at the inventions of 21 Century (task 1). Which inventions are the most useful? Arrange the inventions from the most useful to the least useful. Give reasons to justify.

For example: I think/ believe/feel electric cars are the most useful invention because they reduce air pollution.

Speaking Assignment

1 Read the article and make notes which type of entertainment is popular among teenagers in different countries. (Spotlight 10 Student’s Book, module 7a)

A text from the textbook which has 5 teenage comments on what they like doing in free time, how they entertain themselves

The first teenager (UK) writes about going to a disco on Friday night.

The second teenager (Mexico) writes about soap operas.

The third teenager (Japan) talks about karaoke.

The fourth teenager (India) talks about going to the cinema.

The fifth teenager (Russia) suggests videogames.

  1. Choose one comment and put down the reasons why the teenager likes it. Add 2-3 reasons of your own.

  2. Convince others in your group that this is the best entertainment. Use the reasons you have prepared. You have to use the phrases below.

Reassuring the others

  • I strongly advise you to…

  • I can assure you that…

  • You will definitely…

  • I guarantee you won’t regret it.

  • I swear

  • Honestly,

  • It’s obvious, that…

  • It’s an obvious choice!

Sequencing a list of arguments
  • First of all, I'd like to state ...

  • Firstly, ... Secondly, ...Thirdly, ...

  • To begin with, ...

  • For a start, ...

  • The next argument I'd like to state is...

Adding an argument to strengthen your point
  • In addition to that,...

  • You also have to consider...

  • Furthermore,...

  • Moreover,...

  • What is more,...

  • I might also add that...


I strongly advise you to go to a disco club with your friends. I can assure you that you will have fantastic time with your friends. For a start ,you will get your spirits up . What is more, you can meet new people. Not to mention the fact you will wind down and forget your problems. It’s an obvious choice!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Упражнения для развития критического мышления в старших класса

Автор: Свешникова Светлана Владимировна

Дата: 23.06.2021

Номер свидетельства: 584005

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