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~~Задачи урока: научить учащихся говорить о животных и описывать их действия, тренировать учащихся в употреблении сравнительной степени прилагательных, развивать умение чтения, аудирования и говорения.
Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, картинки животных, карточки для самоанализа.
Ход урока.

I would like to start our lesson with riddles. Listen to them, please.
1. I live in Africa and India. I am grey. I’ve got  big ears.  I’m big and strong. I like bananas and apples. I don’t eat meat. I can carry things and people.
2. I live in Australia. I’ve got a long tail and strong legs.  I can jump very well. I like to eat grass and leaves.
Elephants and kangaroos are animals.
-Which animal is bigger: an elephant or a kangaroo?
-Which animal has a longer tail?
- So, what did you do?
(students’  answers)


I. There’re pictures of different animals on the board. Can you name them?
Let’s compare the animals.
- Which animal is bigger: a whale or a hippo?
- Which animal has a shorter tail: a kangaroo or a sheep?
- Which animal is taller: a giraffe or an elephant?
- Which animal is thinner: a seal or a lizard?
- Which animal is cleverer: a mouse or a dolphin?
II. Divide into three groups. The 1st group will represent herbivore animals, the 2nd group will represent carnivore animals and the third group will represent omnivore animals.
Let’s remember: what do you know about herbivore, carnivore and omnivore animals? (students’ answers)
Look at the board and match the animals (на интерактивной доске представлены разные виды животных под номерами). Write down your answers (работа с интерактивной доской).
III. What do you know about hippos? (students’ answers)
What else would you like to know about them?
Open your books at page 81, Ex 7.
Read the text and you’ll get some information about this animal. Complete it in your exercise books.
- Name:
- Lives in
- Has babies in
- Eats
Check yourself and count your points. You’ll get two points for each correct answer.
IV. So you read the text and got some interesting information about hippos. What is your favorite animal? Use this plan and try to tell us about favorite animal. (Students’ answers)
V. Game.
Teacher: Monkeys climb trees!
Учащиеся изображают обезьянок, карабкающихся на деревья.
Teacher: Elephants clap their hands!
Учащиеся ничего не изображают и т.д..
VI. Итог урока.
What new things did you learn at our lesson today? What was interesting? Which exercises did you like?
Учащиеся заполняют карточки: Student’s self – Assessment Form.
VII. Homework: Draw your favorite animal, find and write some interesting information about it.


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Задачи урока: научить учащихся говорить о животных и описывать их действия, тренировать учащихся в употреблении сравнительной степени прилагательных, развивать умение чтения, аудирования и говорения.

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, картинки животных, карточки для самоанализа.

Ход урока.

I would like to start our lesson with riddles. Listen to them, please.

  1. I live in Africa and India. I am grey. I’ve got big ears. I’m big and strong. I like bananas and apples. I don’t eat meat. I can carry things and people.

  2. I live in Australia. I’ve got a long tail and strong legs. I can jump very well. I like to eat grass and leaves.

Elephants and kangaroos are animals.

-Which animal is bigger: an elephant or a kangaroo?

-Which animal has a longer tail?

- So, what did you do?

(students’ answers)

  1. There’re pictures of different animals on the board. Can you name them?

Let’s compare the animals.

  • Which animal is bigger: a whale or a hippo?

  • Which animal has a shorter tail: a kangaroo or a sheep?

  • Which animal is taller: a giraffe or an elephant?

  • Which animal is thinner: a seal or a lizard?

  • Which animal is cleverer: a mouse or a dolphin?

  1. Divide into three groups. The 1st group will represent herbivore animals, the 2nd group will represent carnivore animals and the third group will represent omnivore animals.

Let’s remember: what do you know about herbivore, carnivore and omnivore animals? (students’ answers)

Look at the board and match the animals (на интерактивной доске представлены разные виды животных под номерами). Write down your answers (работа с интерактивной доской).

  1. What do you know about hippos? (students’ answers)

What else would you like to know about them?

Open your books at page 81, Ex 7.

Read the text and you’ll get some information about this animal. Complete it in your exercise books.

  • Name:

  • Lives in

  • Has babies in

  • Eats

Check yourself and count your points. You’ll get two points for each correct answer.

  1. So you read the text and got some interesting information about hippos. What is your favorite animal? Use this plan and try to tell us about favorite animal. (Students’ answers)

  2. Game.

Teacher: Monkeys climb trees!

Учащиеся изображают обезьянок, карабкающихся на деревья.

Teacher: Elephants clap their hands!

Учащиеся ничего не изображают и т.д..

  1. Итог урока.

What new things did you learn at our lesson today? What was interesting? Which exercises did you like?

Учащиеся заполняют карточки: Student’s self – Assessment Form.

  1. Homework: Draw your favorite animal, find and write some interesting information about it.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс


Автор: Савельева Валентина Леонидовна

Дата: 26.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 108560

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