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Тема "Здоровье" 8 класс

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Theme: Health

The lesson topic: Types of illnesses


     - to enrich the basic vocabulary of the pupils;

  • to use the lexical material in speech;
  • to develop the abilities of working in pairs, groups;
  • to develop speaking skills;
  • to enlarge pupils’ knowledge in treatment.

Данный урок является уроком изучения нового материала.

Целью данного типа урока является овладение учащимися новым материалом. Для этого школьники должны подключаться к решению таких дидактических задач, как усвоение новых понятий и способов действий, самостоятельной поисковой деятельности, формированию системы ценностных ориентации.


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«Тема "Здоровье" 8 класс »

Fragment of the English lesson

Lesson № 76 Date: 11.01.12. Form: 8a

Theme: Health

The lesson topic: Types of illnesses


- to enrich the basic vocabulary of the pupils;

  • to use the lexical material in speech;

  • to develop the abilities of working in pairs, groups;

  • to develop speaking skills;

  • to enlarge pupils’ knowledge in treatment.

Equipment: flash-card, hand-outs, multimedia projector.

Ход урока



Слова учителя

Слова учеников


І. Greeting. Aim.

II. Warming-up


III. Main part

  1. Vocabulary practice


-individual work

  • Group work

  • Work in pairs

(Role play)

IV. Summing up


-Good morning, pupils. How are you today?

-tell me, who is absent today?

Today we are going to speak about health, health problems and how to keep fit.

We are to learn new words and word combinations which will help us in our future work on the topic “Health”.

What is opposite to word “Health”?

Do you know the names of illnesses or words connected with it? I want you to make a scheme of first associations with word “Illness”

And now, we’ll enlarge your knowledge in this theme with a help of new words and word combinations. So, look at the projector, here we have new words and word combinations. Open your vocabulary and write these words.

To catch a cold – простудиться –means to fall ill, when you have high temperature, painful throat and so on

A scarlet fever – [ˈskɑ:lɪt]алый [ˈfi:və] лихорадка Скарлатина –is the inflectional illness when you have rash, high temperature

To suffer from – страдать от – means to have painful feelings

To sound one’s heart – слушать сердце – when doctor using statoscope listen to your heart

To examine – [ɪɡˈzæmɪn] проверять, исследовать – to check smth

To cover after illness – выздоравливать после болезни – to fill better after illness

To take one’s temperature – [ˈtemprɪtʃə] измерять температуру – when you check your temperature with a help of thermometer

A sore throat – [sɔ:] [θrəut] больное горло, ангина - when you have a painful throat

To have a running nose – насморк – when you have a problems with your nose, discharge from the nose

(N, v)Cough – [kɔf] кашлять, кашель – when you produce such noise as ///

A toothache – [ˈtu:θeɪk] зубная боль – when your teeth are painful

To prescribe a medicine – [ˈmedsɪn] назначать лекарство – to make a list of medicine to treat the patient

To have one’s chest X-rayed – делать рентген спины – it’s a special procedure, when doctor lightened your chest with special rays

Tonsillitis – [ˌtɔnsɪˈlaɪtɪs] тонзиллит или ангина – illness when you have a sore throat

Flu – [flu:] грипп – the higher form of fever, when you have a very high temperature

And now, we will do several exercises.


Match words with their definitions:

1)To catch a cold a) to check smth

2)To sound one’s heart i) when your teeth are painful

3)To examine g) the highest form of fever, when you

have a very high temperature

4)To cover after illness h)when you have your nose discharging snot

5)To take one’s temperature e) when you have a painful throat

6)A sore throat c) when you check your temperature with a help of thermometer

7)To have a running nose j)to feel better after illness

8)A toothache d)when doctor using statoscope listen to your heart

9)To prescribe a medicine f)to make a list of medicine to treat the patient

10)Flu b) means to fall ill, when you have high temperature, painful throat

Exercise 2

Work in groups. Look at the list of words and word combinations.


1group: from the list of words pick up words, which are connected with names of diseases.


3group: Doctor’s activities

a scarlet fever, to sound one’s heart, to examine, to take one’s temperature, a sore throat, to have a running nose, cough, a toothache, to prescribe medicine, tonsillitis, flu.

Names of diseases


Doctor’s activities

Ex3. I want you to make pairs. I’ll give you situations. One of you will be doctor another one will be a patient. You have to make dialogues, using new words. You should/You shouldn’t

Now, it’s high time for us to see how attentive you were. Look at the picture and say word or word combination to reveal the meaning of the picture, and try to fill our chart.

- Good morning, teacher. We’re fine.

-All are present.

Pl: Illness







6. e





Рисуют схему



Match words with their definitions:

1)To catch a cold a) to check smth

2)To sound one’s heart i) when your teeth are painful

3)To examine g) the highest form of fever, when you have a very high temperature

4)To cover after illness h)when you have your nose discharging snot

5)To take one’s temperature e) when you have a painful throat

6)A sore throat c) when you check your temperature with a help of thermometer

7)To have a running nose j)to feel better after illness

8)A toothache d)when doctor using statoscope listen to your heart

9)To prescribe a medicine f)to make a list of medicine to treat the patient

10)Flu b) means to fall ill, when you have high temperature,

painful throat


Exercise 2. Group work

Look at the list of words and word combinations. Try to put them into correct column:

a scarlet fever, to sound one’s heart, to examine, to take one’s temperature, a sore throat, to have a running nose, cough, a toothache, to prescribe medicine, tonsillitis, flu.

Group1: Names of diseases

Group2: Symptoms

Group3: Doctor’s activities


Match words with their definitions:

1)To catch a cold a) to check smth

2)To sound one’s heart i) when your teeth are painful

3)To examine g) the highest form of fever, when you have a very high temperature

4)To cover after illness h)when you have your nose discharging snot

5)To take one’s temperature e) when you have a painful throat

6)A sore throat c) when you check your temperature with a help of thermometer

7)To have a running nose j)to feel better after illness

8)A toothache d)when doctor using statoscope listen to your heart

9)To prescribe a medicine f)to make a list of medicine to treat the patient

10)Flu b) means to fall ill, when you have high temperature,

painful throat


Exercise 2. Group work

Look at the list of words and word combinations. Try to put them into correct column:

a scarlet fever, to sound one’s heart, to examine, to take one’s temperature, a sore throat, to have a running nose, cough, a toothache, to prescribe medicine, tonsillitis, flu.

Group1: Names of diseases

Group2: Symptoms

Group3: Doctor’s activities

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Тема "Здоровье" 8 класс

Автор: Трофимова Мария Викторовна

Дата: 14.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 155216

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