Солт?стік ?аза?стан облысы
Тайынша ауданы
Тихоокеанск орта мектебіні?
А?ылшын тілі п?ніні? м??алімі
Макажанова Бахит Саттаровна
The theme of the lesson:
The Present Simple tense.
The aim of the lesson:
- Educational: To consolidate lexical stock, to teach to express own opinions, to enrich pupils vocabulary, to teach Grammar.
- Developing: To develop the pupils habits of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
- Bringing – up: To bring up them to respect the opinions of their classmates about the professions.
The type of the lesson: a lesson of teaching vocabulary and teaching Grammar.
The form of the lesson: a show of lesson:
The methods of working: warm – up, group work, role plays, a crossword, running dictation.
Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Music.
The visual aids: an interactive board, thematically pictures, Grammar tables.
Objectives: at the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
- use thematically vocabulary in oral speech.
- develop their speaking and listening skills.
- evaluate their own participation at the lesson.
- use the Present Simple tense in their speech.
The outline of the lesson:
- Organization moment
T – D T→P1 P2 P3
Good morning, children!
T: Who is on duty today?
D: I am on duty today.
T: Who is absent today?
D: All are present today.
T: What season is it now?
P1: It’s winter.
T: What date is it today?
P2: Today is the 12 th of December.
T: What month is it?
P3: It’s December.
T: What day is it today?
P4: Today is Monday.
II. Warm – up:
Dear children! Let’s begin our lesson with the warm – up. Today we shall train the sounds [æ] and [w] in compare with Kazakh and Russian sounds.
Kazakh sounds
Russian sounds
[æ] A cat
A black cat
Sat on a mat
And ate a fat rat
Kazakh sounds
Russian sounds
[w] Willie
Why do you cry, Willie?
Why do you cry?
Why Willie? Why Willie?
Why do you cry?
III. Checking up the home task
The seasons of the year
autum spring
1. Name the seasons of the year.
2. Name the winter months.
3. Name the spring months.
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«Theme of the lesson "The Present Simple tense" »
Солтүстік Қазақстан облысы
Тайынша ауданы
Тихоокеанск орта мектебінің
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Макажанова Бахит Саттаровна
The theme of the lesson:
The Present Simple tense.
The aim of the lesson:
Educational: To consolidate lexical stock, to teach to express own opinions, to enrich pupils vocabulary, to teach Grammar.
Developing: To develop the pupils habits of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Bringing – up: To bring up them to respect the opinions of their classmates about the professions.
The type of the lesson: a lesson of teaching vocabulary and teaching Grammar.
The form of the lesson: a show of lesson:
The methods of working: warm – up, group work, role plays, a crossword, running dictation.
Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Music.
The visual aids: an interactive board, thematically pictures, Grammar tables.
Objectives: at the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
use thematically vocabulary in oral speech.
develop their speaking and listening skills.
evaluate their own participation at the lesson.
use the Present Simple tense in their speech.
The outline of the lesson:
Organization moment
T – D T→P1 P2 P3
Good morning, children!
T: Who is on duty today?
D: I am on duty today.
T: Who is absent today?
D: All are present today.
T: What season is it now?
P1: It’s winter.
T: What date is it today?
P2: Today is the 12 th of December.
T: What month is it?
P3: It’s December.
T: What day is it today?
P4: Today is Monday.
II. Warm – up:
Dear children! Let’s begin our lesson with the warm – up. Today we shall train the sounds [æ] and [w] in compare with Kazakh and Russian sounds.
Kazakh sounds | Russian sounds |
Ә Әліппе Әділхан Әділет | ____ |
[æ] A cat
A black cat
Sat on a mat
And ate a fat rat
Kazakh sounds | Russian sounds |
уә- Уәзір Уәде Уәлихан | Вилли |
[w] Willie
Why do you cry, Willie?
Why do you cry?
Why Willie? Why Willie?
Why do you cry?
III. Checking up the home task

The seasons of the year

1. Name the seasons of the year.
2. Name the winter months.
3. Name the spring months.
4. Name the summer months.
5. Name the autumn months.
Болымды сөйлем | Болымсыз сөйлем | Сұраулы сөйлем |
I swim You swim She swims He swims It swims We swim You swim They swim | I don’t swim You don’t swim She doesn’t swim He doesn’t swim It doesn’t swim We don’t swim You don’t swim They don’t swim | Do you swim? Does she swim? Does he swim? Does it swim? Do we swim? Do you swim? Do they swim? |