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Theme: Unit 7 My flat The present simple tense
The aims of the lesson:
1.to teach students to get more information from the new material and to train to differ from other tenses,to consolidate the new theme with the help of different tasks.
2.to develop memory and attention
Visual aids: textbooks, slides, cards,blackboard.
Map of the lesson:algoritm
Type of the lesson: new
Connection with other subjects: kazakh, life,geography.
The method of the lesson: collective and individual work
The procedure of the lesson:
I.Organization moment.
Greeting.Talk to the student on duty.
II. Phonetic drill
III. I explanation. ____min. (actualization by questions)
I go he goes
You go she goes
They go it goes
We go
For example: I go school by bus.
He goes to school by car
IGiving the task 5+30 sek. Trial Clap your hands (1)
I(read)a book (+)
She (listen) to music.(+).We (think) about the holidays.(+)
He (hurry) to the office. (+), (-), (?)
II explanation. ____min.
II Giving the task 5+30sek. Consolidation Clap your hands (2)
We (think) of moving. (+)I (speak) with my doctor. (+)
The bus (go) to Santa-Fe.(+),(?)
Mr.John (come) from London.(+), (-), (?)
III explanation___min
III Giving the task 5+30sek.. Memory Clap your hands (3)
The sun (shine). (+),(-)
They (look) at my new car(-)(?)He (speak) (+)
She (open) her exercise-book (-),(+),(?)
IV.Work with slides. Make up the sentences.
1. I/8/get/in/the/up/at/o`clock/morning.
2. Play/football/I
3. Speaks/Dana/very/slowly
4. This/flies/quickly/bird/very
5. Live/we/London/in
6. They/to/cinema/every/go/Sunday/the
7. I/dance/to/like/it/my/because/is/hobby
V. Work with book. Exercise 4.
VI.slides. "My flat”
VII.Home work: exercise 2,3
VIII. Evaluation.
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