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The USA. 7 сынып

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Мендигалиева Акерке Ерболатовна

Ш.Жексенбаев атындағы ЖОББМБ-ның

ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.

Батыс Қазақстан облысы,

Бөкей ордасы ауданы,

Ұялы ауылы.

The theme of the lesson: The USA

The aims of the lesson: 1.АҚШ туралы танымдық сипаттағы елтану мәтіні арқылы оқушылар осы елдің географиялық атаулар, үлкен қалалары, саяси құрылымы және басқа да фактілер туралы негізгі ақпараттарды үйренеді.

2. Сөздік қорларын молайтып, ой-өріс, дүниетанымдарын кеңейту.

3. Отанға, еліне деген сүйіспеншіліктерін арттыру. Пәнге  қызығушылықпен қарауға, жауапкершілікке тәрбиелеу.

Visual aids: cards, pictures, slide

The method and the type: question-answer,        new lesson

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization moment

- Good morning, children!

- Sit down, please.

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

- What season is it now?

- What month is it now?

There are some  cities pictures pictures. You must take it and sit down with groups.

II. Checking-up home work.

Now pupils let’s check up your home work. What was a home work for today?

To learn by heart new words and complete the sentences.

III.Presentation of the new theme.

Look at the blackboard. –

  • What do you see at the picture?
  • You are right, it is the President of the USA is Baraka Obama.
  • Flag of the USA.

IV. Working with  new words.

New words






North America- Солтүстік Америка

Hawaii- Гавай



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«The USA. 7 сынып»


Мендигалиева Акерке Ерболатовна

Ш.Жексенбаев атындағы ЖОББМБ-ның

ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.

Батыс Қазақстан облысы,

Бөкей ордасы ауданы,

Ұялы ауылы.

The theme of the lesson: The USA

The aims of the lesson: 1.АҚШ туралы танымдық сипаттағы елтану мәтіні арқылы оқушылар осы елдің географиялық атаулар, үлкен қалалары, саяси құрылымы және басқа да фактілер туралы негізгі ақпараттарды үйренеді.

2. Сөздік қорларын молайтып, ой-өріс, дүниетанымдарын кеңейту.

3. Отанға, еліне деген сүйіспеншіліктерін арттыру. Пәнге қызығушылықпен қарауға, жауапкершілікке тәрбиелеу.

Visual aids: cards, pictures, slide

The method and the type: question-answer, new lesson

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization moment

- Good morning, children!

- Sit down, please.

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

- What season is it now?

- What month is it now?

There are some cities pictures pictures. You must take it and sit down with groups.

II. Checking-up home work.

Now pupils let’s check up your home work. What was a home work for today?

To learn by heart new words and complete the sentences.

III.Presentation of the new theme.

Look at the blackboard. –

  • What do you see at the picture?

  • You are right, it is the President of the USA is Baraka Obama.

  • Flag of the USA.

IV. Working with new words.

New words






North America- Солтүстік Америка

Hawaii- Гавай







Residence-тұрғылықты жері

White House-Ақ Үй

New York- Нью Йорк

Los Angeles- Лос Анжелес

Chicago- Чикаго

Philadelphia- Филиадельфия

Denver- Денвер


Baltimore- Балтимур

San Francisco-Сан-Франциско

V. Read the text “The USA”

1. Listen to the text.

2. Read the text.

3. Translate the text.

The USA”

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). Christopher Columbus discovered the USA.

It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii. The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers.

The United States is a democratic federal republic. It comprises 50 states.

The largest state is Alaska, and the smallest is Rhode Island. Each state has its own legislature.

The capital of the USA is Washington.Head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years. The First President of the USA is G.Washington.The President of the USA is Baraka ObamaThe White House, the residence of the President. There are 132 rooms in the White House. The Capitol is the tallest building in Washington. The Statue of Liberty is situated in New York.The official language is English.The flag of the USA called is “Stars and Stripes” There are 13 stripes and 50 stars.

The largest cities of the USA are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver, Atlanta, Baltimore and San Francisco.

Harvard is the oldest university in the USA. American’s national sport is baseball.

VI. Complete the sentences.

  1. USA Christopher the Columbus discovered. Aru

  2. Alaska state is largest the.Bekzat.

  3. Of the is USA the Washinghton capital. Kamila

  4. American’s baseball sport is national. Batiar

  5. USA the in Harvard is the oldest university. Fariza

  6. English official is language the .Aiazhan

Translate into English.

Ақ Үй, орналасқан, шектеседі, ел, ресми, ұлттық

VII. Krestics and zeroes.

There are some cards with questions, you must take it and answering

VIII. True or False

There are some sentences with mistakes, you must find it.


Look at the blackboard “We are think altogether”

There are some questions, you must answering the questions for you mind.

Now leader of groups count the balls.

X. Giving homework

To learn by heart new words and write about the largest cities of the USA.

XII.Giving marks.

You active at the lesson. Your marks is excellent. Your marks is good. Your marks is sad.You may be tree. Good-bye!

The USA”

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). Christopher Columbus discovered the USA.

The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers. The United States is a democratic federal republic. It comprises 50 states.

The largest state is Alaska.The capital of the USA is Washington.Head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years.

The First President of the USA is G.Washington.The President of the USA is Baraka Obama.The White House, the residence of the President. There are 132 rooms in the White House.

The Capitol is the tallest building in Washington.

The official language is English.

The flag of the USA called is “Stars and Stripes” There are 13 stripes and 50 stars.

The Capitol is the tallest building in Washington.

The largest cities of the USA are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver, Atlanta, Baltimore and San Francisco.

Harvard is the oldest university in the USA.

American’s national sport is baseball.

New words






North America- Солтүстік Америка

Hawaii- Гавай








White House-Ақ Үй

New York- Нью Йорк

Los Angeles- Лос Анжелес

Chicago- Чикаго

Philadelphia- Филиаделпия

Denver- Денвер


Baltimore- Балтимур

San Francisco-Сан-Франциско

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

The USA. 7 сынып

Автор: Мендигалиева Акерке Ерболатовна

Дата: 20.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 401750

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