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The theme : "Our planets"

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Topic: Our planet

Running time: 40 min

Technical equipment: CD player, whiteboard, speakers, cards with words, two rectangles in colours grey and green

Lesson objectives: to talk about the planet, to identify things about the environment, to differentiate between reuse and recycle, to bring up positive attitude to the environment.


  • T-Ss: Good morning, class. Look outside and describe the weather.
  • T-Ss: Look at this picture and tell me what the connection is between the weather and this picture? (slide 1)
  • Ss This picture is divided into halves. Match the words with these halves.

Clean up

The environment






Rubbish dump

(There are two rectangles in grey and green. Ss put the words in appropriate colours).

  • Ss What do these words mean? (definitions)

Clean up: to make a place clean and without litter and pollution.

The environment: the world around us.

Planet: a very large, round rock in space that goes around the sun.

Wildlife: the animals and birds living in a place.

Damage: to hurt something or do something bad to it.

Litter: paper and other rubbish on the ground.

Pollution: something that makes water, air or land dirty.

Rubbish dump: a place for people to leave rubbish.

  • T-Ss Look at this slide. What does this sign mean? What words are hidden in these arrows?

( Slide 2,3 reduce, reuse, recycle)

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«The theme : "Our planets"»

Topic: Our planet

Running time: 40 min

Technical equipment: CD player, whiteboard, speakers, cards with words, two rectangles in colours grey and green

Lesson objectives: to talk about the planet, to identify things about the environment, to differentiate between reuse and recycle, to bring up positive attitude to the environment.


  • T-Ss: Good morning, class. Look outside and describe the weather.

  • T-Ss: Look at this picture and tell me what the connection is between the weather and this picture? (slide 1)

  • Ss This picture is divided into halves. Match the words with these halves.

Clean up

The environment






Rubbish dump

(There are two rectangles in grey and green. Ss put the words in appropriate colours).

  • Ss What do these words mean? (definitions)

Clean up: to make a place clean and without litter and pollution.

The environment: the world around us.

Planet: a very large, round rock in space that goes around the sun.

Wildlife: the animals and birds living in a place.

Damage: to hurt something or do something bad to it.

Litter: paper and other rubbish on the ground.

Pollution: something that makes water, air or land dirty.

Rubbish dump: a place for people to leave rubbish.

  • T-Ss Look at this slide. What does this sign mean? What words are hidden in these arrows?

( Slide 2,3 reduce, reuse, recycle)

  • Ss What do they mean? (reduce: to make small in size, degree, amount; reuse: use something again; recycle: make new materials from waste)

  • Ss What are we going to talk about today? (Slide 4: lesson objectives)


  • SS Writing. Using these words form a story of four sentences. One is for grey colour, the other one is for green one.

  • Ss Speaking. Make suggestions and reasons. When we make a suggestion, we give a reason for the suggestion. What phrases do we use to make suggestions: Why not…? How about…? What about…? (Each group makes suggestions to each other and give reasons for the suggestions) (slide 5)

  • T-Ss: Ss listen and do work on this activity, answering the questions teacher asks. Listening “Save our world”: We live in a wonderful world, full of life, full of colour, full of beauty. Solar panels, wind farms and underwater turbines are being used to produce renewable energy. These are sources that can be used again and again, although there are many more things that we can be doing. Things that you and your family can do together. You can reduce the amount of waste you produce. You and your family can recycle many items in your home. Just look at what you can reuse: jars, bottles, bags. Did you know that a hundred thousand tons of carrier bags are being thrown away every single year? Your family could put a stop to this by simply reusing your bags rather than just throwing them away. Many items that you use can be recycled: cans, bottles, paper, even electrical goods and food. It is important we don’t just throw these items away. Your used cans be easily become part of a new car and your use glass bottle could be made into new windows for your home, so make sure you use a recycle bin every time. Tell your parents, your grandparents and your friends to do the small things that count. We must take it step by step to make sure that you have a future to grow up in. Person by person, family by family, community by community, together We can make a difference.

  • T-Ss What is this video about? What familiar words from the topic have you heard now?

(reuse, recycle, reduce, carrier bags, paper, renewable energy, solar panels, wind farms)

What things can we recycle? What can we make from cans? What can we make from glass bottles? What things can we reuse? What does this phrase “We can make a difference” mean?

Post activity:

  • SS make posters about saving the environment and present them.

  • T evaluate Ss.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

The theme : "Our planets"

Автор: Мухтаров Азимжон Бахтиёрович

Дата: 09.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 530994

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