Species-түрі Mammal-сүтқоректі Amphibian-қосмекенді Reptile-бауырыменжорғалаушы Falcon-қыран Saiga-ақбөкен Gazelle-қарақұйрық Deer-елік Polecat-күзен Ok! Today we’ll our favourite animals. Let's see it. Now you will listen to the text about animals and then answer the questions. "It's interesting to know". The World of animals is very rich. Do you know what is the biggest, the fastest, the tallest, animal in the world? What animal is a best eater? What animal can sing and what animal can smile?  It's interesting to know that the fastest animal is Gepard. Its record is 110 kilometers an hour.  It is hard to believe that the largest and the most impressive animals are Blue whales. They are 30 meters long and weigh about 125 tons. They are three times heavier than the biggest dinosaur. They live from 60 to 80 years. The baby whale is 7 meters long and weighs 2 tons. Itdrinks 166 liters a day.  The tallest animal is Giraffe. It is about 7 meters high. The baby Giraffe is 2 meters high.  The best eaters are elephants. They eat 100 kilos of food a day and drink 189 liters a day. They spend 16 hours a day eating. The hardiest animal is the Arabian camel. It can walk 60 kilometers a day carrying about 300 kilos. It’s interesting that the mice can sing.  White tigers live in India and they have blue eyes.  The Nile crocodile can smile. |