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My animals

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Grade 8
Theme: My favourite animals
Aims 1. To revise the new vocabulary; to develop pupils1 abilities in speech; to teach to work creatively; to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech; to bring up love to animals

Type of the lesson: revision
Kind of the lesson: mastering of new material
Teaching methods: Explanation, question - answer, listening, reading, speaking, writing,
Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures,
Procedure of the lesson
I.   Organization moment a) Greeting.
b) Asking about the dates, absentees, etc.

  1. Phonetic drill.

T: Dear children,today we will review the theme  ‘Animals’ new words and all languages structures. We will begin our lesson with the poem ‘At the zoo’

I saw, I saw, I saw

A lion at the zoo

I saw, I saw, I saw

A baby tiger too.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A big grey kangaroo.

I saw, I saw, I saw

I saw them at the zoo

  1. Checking the hometask.

New theme: My favourite animals

T: Today we have got an unusual lesson. We will talk about our favourite animals and pets. Do you like animals?

Now, let`s speak about our favourite animal


I love big dogs. Dogs are loyal. They are friendly. You can trust dogs. They are people’s friends Cats

 Cats are beautiful. Cats are always lazy. I like  white cats. Cats are sociable and funny. They     are good at playing


 Horses are very beautiful. They are helpful, brave and careful. They are good at running. I like   black horses.

Doing exercises. Make sentences

  1. The to river elephant is the next
  2. In is horse the meadow the
  3. Parrot in is his cage the
  4. Bird the is the branch on
  5. Between the hens the rooster is two

Conclusion: You work very actively during the lesson. We have completed everything that was planned for this lesson. I think you all for this lesson. Here are your final marks. The lesson is over good bye pupils

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«My animals»

Grade 8
Theme: My favourite animals
Aims 1. To revise the new vocabulary; to develop pupils1 abilities in speech; to teach to work creatively; to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech; to bring up love to animals

Type of the lesson: revision
Kind of the lesson: mastering of new material
Teaching methods: Explanation, question - answer, listening, reading, speaking, writing,
Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures,
Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment a) Greeting.
b) Asking about the dates, absentees, etc.

  1. Phonetic drill.

T: Dear children,today we will review the theme ‘Animals’ new words and all languages structures. We will begin our lesson with the poem ‘At the zoo’

I saw, I saw, I saw

A lion at the zoo

I saw, I saw, I saw

A baby tiger too.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A big grey kangaroo.

I saw, I saw, I saw

I saw them at the zoo

  1. Checking the hometask.

New theme: My favourite animals

T: Today we have got an unusual lesson. We will talk about our favourite animals and pets. Do you like animals?

Now, let`s speak about our favourite animal


I love big dogs. Dogs are loyal. They are friendly. You can trust dogs. They are people’s friends Cats

Cats are beautiful. Cats are always lazy. I like white cats. Cats are sociable and funny. They are good at playing


Horses are very beautiful. They are helpful, brave and careful. They are good at running. I like black horses.

Doing exercises . Make sentences

  1. The to river elephant is the next

  2. In is horse the meadow the

  3. Parrot in is his cage the

  4. Bird the is the branch on

  5. Between the hens the rooster is two

Conclusion: You work very actively during the lesson. We have completed everything that was planned for this lesson. I think you all for this lesson. Here are your final marks. The lesson is over good bye pupils

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

My animals

Автор: Избасарова Гулбану Казиевна

Дата: 22.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 297073

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