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The theme : Music

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Конспект урока на тему : "Музыка"

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«The theme : Music»

“Music is the universal language of the world”
H. Longfellow

Основной метод: Технология развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо.

Тип урока: обобщение и закрепление знаний по теме.


  • создать условия для развития самостоятельной, творчески мыслящей личности;

  • активизировать речемыслительную деятельность;

  • развивать все виды речевой деятельности через технологию критического мышления, воспитывать мыслительные отношения;

  • формировать умение работать в команде, помогать друг другу;

  • умение анализировать и критически оценивать информацию, применять полученные результаты к различным ситуациям;

  • рефлексия – учить оценивать достижения свои и своих товарищей.


  • совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по разным видам речевой деятельности: говорению, чтению, аудированию и письму;

  • учить выражать в устной монологической и диалогической речи различные виды оценки, сообщения, доказательства.

Познавательный аспект:

  • познакомить учащихся с исследованиями о влиянии на людей классической музыки;

  • знакомиться с музыкальной жизнью страны изучаемого языка.

Развивающий аспект:

  • учить работать самостоятельно, развивать критическое мышление;

  • готовить к решению усложняющихся речемыслительных задач, требующих от учащихся интеллектуальных, поисковых усилий.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитание уважительного, толерантного отношения к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры;

  • осознание значения музыки в жизни человека.

Результат использования технологии критического мышления: мозговая атака, возвращение к ключевым терминам, кластерам, использование стратегии INSERT, создание синквейна, – всё это даёт возможность учащимся самореализоваться в рамках изученной темы.

Использование технологии развития критического мышления на уроках помогает учителю развить в детях самостоятельность, ответственность, умение адаптироваться к сложившейся ситуации, монологическую и диалогическую речь учащихся, умение работать со словарями и другой справочной литературой. Самое главное – самостоятельно добывать знания, самореализовываться и социализироваться в современном мире.

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент: 2 мин. (под тихую музыку Let it be) слайд 1

Teacher: Good morning, dear students! My name is Saida Gamzatgadjievna and today I’m your English teacher. I think you are ready for our lesson and have a good mood. Look at the screen, please. Name the pictures and then tell me what it is and if you guess we will open the cards and we can get hidden word. (на доске прикреплены 5 пронумерованных карточек а на обратной стороне спрятанное слово Music) So the theme of our lesson is Music.


(piano, guitar, drum, violin, flute ) слайд 2

Dear children today we continue to speak about music, about the wonderful world of  music.

It`s impossible to live without it, it follows us everywhere, it is in our hearts, feelings and souls. And as Henry Longfellow said – “Music is the universal language of the world”. Слайд 3

2. Сообщение целей и задач урока:

Today we`ll speak about your favourite music, have Brain-storm Activity, sing songs, discuss the text with the INSERT Method, listen to the music, play game.

3. Фонетическая разминка: 1мин

Let’s find the music words in this Wordcloud (слайд 3)

4.Речевая разминка: 1мин

 What is your attitude towards music? Do you like it?

 Who are you listeners or musicians?

 Are you good listeners?

Let’s check just now if you are really good listeners

4.Аудирование: 5мин

So, let the music begin! I invite you to start with your favourite song “Introducing Me” (by N. Jonas) for everybody to have a good mood. Watch the video. Слайд 4

Do the task after watching the video (раздаются пазлы со словами песни которые необходимо расставить в правильном порядке. Работа по парам)

6. Мозговой Штурм, кластеры: 2мин

слайд 5

Teacher: Now, let`s have brainstorm activity.

I ask you to divide in two groups. The first will brainstorm all the adjectives that come to your mind when you listen to different kinds of music. The second will speak about the influence of music on people. Work in groups, please. ( групповая работа – 2 группы учащихся заполняют следующие кластеры):


I give you 1 minute.

Are you ready? Now I ask _ to speak for your group.

Student 1: In our opinion music can be (читает слова, написанные его группой): romantic, boring, appealing, catchy, touchy, complicated, relaxing, unforgettable, breathtaking…

Student 2: We have discussed how music can influence people. So, our decision is (читает выводы, написанные его группой): - Music is a part of our life; It can provoke wonderful and complex feelings; It makes people happier, can support them; Music can give us positive emotions; Music promotes loving feelings; It can`t leave us indifferent; Music relates to our hopes, dreams, joys and disappointments…

Teacher: Thank you for your expressions.

  1. Работа с текстом по методу INSERT . 3 мин. Слайд 6 (индивидуальная работа)

Учитель включает запись с симфонией №40 В. А. Моцарта. Do you know that music has a medicinal effect on people? Now we‘ll read the text about its incredible power and exactly about the influence of this composer. Who is he? (Mozart)

While we work with text I need one student as a correspondent? …. make some questions for your classmates about music.( один ученик «корреспондент» составляет вопросы своим одноклассникам о музыке пока остальные работают с текстом)

Your task is to work at the text with the INSERT Method and I do hope that your reading will be really effective.



  1. Music is not just entertainment. It is medicine for both the brain and the body. Don Campbell is an expert on The Mozart effect and the incredible power of music. He says that all kinds of music, from Mozart to jazz, from Latin to rock can affect our learning and our health.

  2. Many people use music to help them feel relaxed after a busy day at work. Music can also reduce the stress of being ill, especially by reducing pain. The director of Baltimore Hospital says that thirty minutes of classical music has the same effect as ten milligrams of the painkiller Valium.

  3. Campbell also says that music can help you concentrate but you need the right kind of music for you mood. And you need to listen for about ten minutes before you start studying. Perhaps your mind needs relaxing or maybe you are tired and you want to feel more energetic. So you should choose the appropriate music to help you. You can use many different kinds of music to help you concentrate. Mozart’s music is very popular, however, because it is very organized and it makes your brain more alert and imaginative.

  4. Music helps you to study better and it can also actually make you more intelligent. In one study, students who listened to Mozart before doing a test got much higher marks than those who didn’t. Many students also show that children who learn to play a musical instrument before the age of twelve have better memories for the rest of their lives.

Слайд 6. You have to fill in the table:


I know this fact


New information

  • If you know the given information – you put a ( tick) opposite the sentence.

  • If the information was new for you – you marked it with a +.

Show me your marks and notes. Let`s begin with the first column.

What was familiar to you? (учащиеся зачитывают предложения из первого столбика).

What was unfamiliar, new for you? (учащиеся зачитывают предложения из второго столбика).

OK, students, you`ve managed doing this task, I`m pleased with you.(индивидуальная работа)

  1. «Интервью». 3мин. Слайд 7

Teacher: There are different kinds of music, but tastes differ, you know. I asked _ to be our class correspondent and prepare the interview to learn your musical preferences. (Один из учащихся выступает в роли корреспондента):

Student 3:

_, what sort of music do you prefer?

What about you, _ ?

Now I`ll try to guess, _, you like jazz, don`t you?

Is there anybody who is fond of folk?

_, and what music do you listen to when you have free time?

_, what kind of music is your joy?

_, what about you?

And what is your preference, _?

I see. Thank you for the interview.

Teacher: So, what are the results of your survey?

Student 3: Well, my classmates` musical interests are different. Some of them prefer dance music, rock and rap. The others are fond of hip-hop, soul and classical music. But pop music takes the first place. Frankly speaking, I`m for pop too. By the way, what music do you prefer, (обращается к учителю)?

Teacher: Oh, I`m an old fan of the legendary British pop group, I mean the Beatles. I will tell you more about the Beatles later , OK?

  1. Грамматика и лексика. Объяснение темы и выполнение задания.

Слайд 8

Now I would like to tell something about wordbuilding: -ful, -less.

noun + -ful = quality a person / thing has. e.g. helpful voice

noun + -less = quality a person / thing doesn’t have. e.g. useless speech

Суффикс -ful образует на основе существительных прилагательные со значением "обладающий (в полной мере) качеством", выраженным основой, например:

hope надежда - hopeful надеющийся;
аrе забота - careful заботливый, тщательный;

Суффикс -less образует прилагательные с противоположным значением: "лишенный качества, выраженного основой", и соответствует русскому префиксу без-, не-, например:

doubt сомнение - doubtless несомненный;
hopeless - безнадежный;
helpless - беспомощный;
careless - беззаботный.

  1. Закрепление грамматического материала. Слайд 9-10


noun+ -ful

noun + -less

Success (успех)


Care (забота)



Thought (мысль)



Speech (речь)


Beauty (красота)



noun+ -ful

noun + -less

Help (помощь)



Home (дом)


Use (польза)



Pain (боль)



Sound (звук)


  1. Динамическая пауза (под музыку). 1мин. Слайд 11

I think you are tired. Let’s relax a little bit and do some exercises.

- Stand up, please.

- Hands on the hips

- Bend right, bend left

- Turn around

- Stand straight,please

- Touch your nose ( head, eyes, fingers, shoulders).

- Don’t move your head

- Look up (down, to the right, to the left)

- Close your eyes, please and think about something good.

- Sit down, please.

12. Работа по карточкам с текстом о Моцарте: 2мин ( резервное задание)

- It is medicine for both….

- Many people use music…

- And you need to listen for about ten minutes…

- Music helps you…

- students who listened to…

- You can use many…

  1. Чтение. Рассказ о группе Beatles.5 мин. Слайд 13 (с текстом в правильном порядке)

Teacher: Well, students, I promised to tell you about the Beatles. I`ve prepared for you the task.

Now we are going to get acquainted with the detailed story of the Beatles. Here are separate parts of the story. (смПриложение № 2)Look them through and put in a logical order. You have 1 minute to complete the task.

OK. As you can see, each part of the text is of different colour. Look at the whiteboard, here you can see the right version. (Учитель раздаёт учащимся тексты с рассказом о Битлз, им даётся 2мин на прочтение текста про себя затем тексты сдаются обратно учителю. Затем раздаётся тот же текст только разделенный на три части который необходимо соединить в правильном порядке).

  1. Игра: 5мин. Слайд 14

And now I would like to offer to you the game “Guess the Melody”

I ask you to divide in two groups.

  1. Объяснение домашнего задания. 1 мин. Слайд 12

Now it`s just the time to write down your homework.

Your task will be – Ex.1 on p.36-37 in your Student’s Book (УМК В. П. Кузовлева). There you will find some information about the Beatles.

  1. Рефлексия. 1 мин. Слайд 15

Teacher: It`s the end of the lesson and the time for reflection, students. We have discussed much today. Did you like our lesson? I wonder what feelings and thoughts you`ve got now. You have red and yellow flowers on your tables. If you like today’s lesson put the red flower in the vase if you dislike the yellow one, please.

  1. Итоги урокаСлайд 16

Teacher: Dear students! I`m very grateful to you for the lesson too. You`ve worked hard and I will give only good and excellent marks to all of you! Good – bye!

Приложение № 2. История группы Битлз

The Beatles were not only a musical phenomenon; they were a cultural one as well. From their more than humble roots in working class in Liverpool to becoming the most recognizable people on the face of the earth. Before fame found the most famous lineup of the Beatles: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

John Lennon formed a group, The Quarry Men, in March 1957. On July 6 that year, he met Paul McCartney and the two were soon playing music together. Soon the young guitarist George Harrison joined the group, which played under a variety of names. Then they travelled to Hamburg where they finally became the Beatles. The Beatles′ first session produced a minor UK hit “Love me do”. This was quickly followed by the recording of their first album, “Please Please Me”, a mix of original songs by Lennon and McCartney.

Beatlemania began in Britain with a televised appearance at London Palladium. Although the band was experiencing great popularity on the record charts in England, Parlophone′s American counterpart, Capitol Records, refused to issue the singles Love me do, Please Please Me and From Me To You in the United States.

In August of the same year the Swan label tried again with the Beatles′ “She loves you”, which again failed to receive airplay. A testing of the song on his TV show American Bandstand resulted in laughter and scorn from American teenagers when they saw the group′s unusual haircuts. Meanwhile, it is said that British airline stewardesses were bringing single copies of Beatles records into the major US cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles to share with friends. In December, during the weeks immediately following the Kennedy assassination, their music began slowly filling the American airwaves.

Some commentators have speculated that after the assassination of John F. Kennedy a depressed America was searching for a way out of gloom and despair. So in effect, the Beatles were in the right place at the right time (with a unique combination of talent and stage presence).

The Beatles performed their last concert in San Francisco. From this time until the group dissolved, the Beatles concentrated on making some of the most remarkable recorded pop music of the 20th century.

Their final live performance was on the roof at the Apple studious in London. The band officially broke up and a few months later Let It Be followed as their last commercial album release. Any hopes of a reunion were crushed when Lennon was assassinated. He was 40 years old…

Приложение №3.

The Beatles were not only a musical phenomenon; they were a cultural one as well. From their more than humble roots in working class in Liverpool to becoming the most recognizable people on the face of the earth. Before fame found the most famous lineup of the Beatles: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

John Lennon formed a group, The Quarry Men, in March 1957. On July 6 that year, he met Paul McCartney and the two were soon playing music together. Soon the young guitarist George Harrison joined the group, which played under a variety of names. Then they travelled to Hamburg where they finally became the Beatles. The Beatles′ first session produced a minor UK hit “Love me do”. This was quickly followed by the recording of their first album, “Please Please Me”, a mix of original songs by Lennon and McCartney.

Beatlemania began in Britain with a televised appearance at London Palladium. Although the band was experiencing great popularity on the record charts in England, Parlophone′s American counterpart, Capitol Records, refused to issue the singles Love me do, Please Please Me and From Me To You in the United States.

In August of the same year the Swan label tried again with the Beatles′ “She loves you”, which again failed to receive airplay. A testing of the song on his TV show American Bandstand resulted in laughter and scorn from American teenagers when they saw the group′s unusual haircuts. Meanwhile, it is said that British airline stewardesses were bringing single copies of Beatles records into the major US cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles to share with friends. In December, during the weeks immediately following the Kennedy assassination, their music began slowly filling the American airwaves.

Some commentators have speculated that after the assassination of John F. Kennedy a depressed America was searching for a way out of gloom and despair. So in effect, the Beatles were in the right place at the right time (with a unique combination of talent and stage presence).

The Beatles performed their last concert in San Francisco. From this time until the group dissolved, the Beatles concentrated on making some of the most remarkable recorded pop music of the 20th century.

Their final live performance was on the roof at the Apple studious in London. The band officially broke up and a few months later Let It Be followed as their last commercial album release. Any hopes of a reunion were crushed when Lennon was assassinated. He was 40 years old…



  1. Music is not just entertainment. It is medicine for both the brain and the body. Don Campbell is an expert on The Mozart effect and the incredible power of music. He says that all kinds of music, from Mozart to jazz, from Latin to rock can affect our learning and our health.

  2. Many people use music to help them feel relaxed after a busy day at work. Music can also reduce the stress of being ill, especially by reducing pain. The director of Baltimore Hospital says that thirty minutes of classical music has the same effect as ten milligrams of the painkiller Valium.

  3. Campbell also says that music can help you concentrate but you need the right kind of music for you mood. And you need to listen for about ten minutes before you start studying. Perhaps your mind needs relaxing or maybe you are tired and you want to feel more energetic. So you should choose the appropriate music to help you. You can use many different kinds of music to help you concentrate. Mozart’s music is very popular, however, because it is very organized and it makes your brain more alert and imaginative.

  4. Music helps you to study better and it can also actually make you more intelligent. In one study, students who listened to Mozart before doing a test got much higher marks than those who didn’t. Many students also show that children who learn to play a musical instrument before the age of twelve have better memories for the rest of their lives.


noun+ -ful

noun + -less

Success (успех)

Care (забота)

Thought (мысль)

Speech (речь)

Beauty (красота)


noun+ -ful

noun + -less

Help (помощь)

Home (дом)

Use (польза)

Pain (боль)

Sound (звук)


noun+ -ful

noun + -less

Success (успех)

Care (забота)

Thought (мысль)

Speech (речь)

Beauty (красота)


noun+ -ful

noun + -less

Help (помощь)

Home (дом)

Use (польза)

Pain (боль)

Sound (звук)


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

The theme : Music

Автор: Юлия Сергеевна Чехонадских

Дата: 05.01.2023

Номер свидетельства: 622303

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