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The theme: Looking for the sun

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The theme: Looking for the sun. Открытый урок для 6го класса

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«The theme: Looking for the sun»

Looking for the sun

Сабақ: Step 3 Date _______ 6 сынып ________
Тема: Looking for the sun
1. Ауа райы тақырыбында жаңа лексикаларды үйрету
2. Жай сұрақтарға жауап беру дағдысын қалыптастыру
Көрнекіліктер: кітап, жазба дәптер
Пайдаланатын әдіс-тәсіл: жұптық жұмыс, диалогтық оқыту

Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
Greeting. Talking to the pupil on duty.

II. Warm up.
Teacher: Listen to the rhyme. Let’s translate it into Kazakh. Repeat after me.
In winter it’s cold and snowy,
In summer it’ sunny and fine.
In autumn it’s cloudy and rainy,
In spring I can jump up into the sky.
Learn it by heart and recite the rhyme.
III. Revising the new lexics.

a) Look at the pictures and answer my questions:
Is it windy?— Yes, it is.
Is it cloudy?— No, it isn’t.
Is it cloudy or windy?— It’s windy.
What is the weather like?— it’s windy. Etc.
b) Look at the pictures and say what the weather is like.
Карточки: Weather 1, weather 2, Vocabulary “The weather”
c) Make up words using the given letters. Работа по карточкам7
d) Form adjectives from the nouns.
A (sun) _______ day
A (snow) _______ winter
A (rain) ________ weather
A (wind) ________ day
A (fog) _________ morning
e) What will the weather be tomorrow in different cities? Look at the table and make up sentences. Use the words under the pictures.
Example: In Moscow it will be warm.
IV. Reading “Looking for the sun”
Ex. 3, p. 93
a) Listen to the text
b) Read the text aloud
c) What is the Kazakh for:
Robert Midhurst is 65, but he looks much younger.— Роберт Мидхерст 65 - те, бірақ ол жас көрінеді.
Last September the weather in Britain was very bad.— Өткен қыркүйекте Британияда ауа - рай өте жаман болды.
He went to Dover.— Ол Дуврге барды.
He took a ferry.— Ол жүк кемесіне отырды.
After three days he reached Paris.— Үш күннен кейін ол Парижге жетті.
He travelled slowly.— Ол ақырын саяхаттады.
The days were very sunny and warm.— Күндер жылы әрі күншуақты болды.
At the beginning of November the weather got better.— Қарашаның басында ауа - райы жақсарды
In December he was in Africa.— Желтоқсанда ол Африкада болды.
d) Now answer my questions.
1. Where was Robert Midhurst last year?
2. Where did he go last September?
3. Was the weather better in Paris than in London?
4. Did it rain all the time?
5. Where did he go then?
6. Where was he in late October?
7. What was the weather like at the beginning of November?
8. What was the weather like in Africa?
e) Ex. 4, p. 94 complete the chart.

Places Weather
Britain The weather was very bad.
France It rained all the time. The weather got better. The days were very sunny and warm.
Spain There were strong winds and it often rained.
Africa It was very hot there.

V. Homework
Ex. 11, p. 96 Do the exercises in the workbook. Step Three.
VI. Conclusion of the lesson

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

The theme: Looking for the sun

Автор: Карылгашова Тургангул Берикбаевна

Дата: 20.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 381810

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