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Grade: 8 а-б


The aims:

1) To enrich their knowledge concerning the theme, on the   new words, to practice its pronunciation and teach them to  use the words in their speech.

2) To enrich pupils interest to the new material to develop.

    Their speaking and thinking abilities to consolidate the

     Material with asking and answering the questions, to

     Develop their memory on the learning English words.

 3) To raiser their interest to the English language widing.

Organization moment:

Good morning girl’s and boy’s!How are you?I’m glad to see you!Who is on duty today?

What month is it now?What season is it now?What date is it today?Who is absent?Thank you!Sit down please!

Today we are going to learn new theme, to learn new words, to do some exercise, to checking up your home work, answer the question, read and translate, work in groups.

To checking up home work:

What was your home work?Are you ready?.

Do you understand me?Well, let’s begin!

Nice of you!Thank you!Sit down please!

Presentation new theme:

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.


Warm-up activity

  • Practise reading and sayings the words:

Ecology [ii'kolscfei], flood [fkd], tornado [toi'neidsu], earthquake ['3:0kweik], tsunami [tsu:'na:mi], volcano [vol'keingu], disaster [di'zaists]

2. Read the proverbs and saying and explain their meaning:

  • Nature is our Mother (Latin proverb).
  • My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here.

My heart’s in the Highlands a chasing the deer (Robert Burns).

  • Speak to the Earth, and it shall teach thee.
  • Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed (Francis Bacon).

II. Speaking

In pairs or small groups, discuss the following:

Do you think it is necessary for people to study nature? Why? How can it help us in our everyday life?

Do you think you know much about nature? Do you want to know more? Why?

Let’s learn the new words.

  • Read the sentences to know how to understand and use the words.

drought[draut] n. — drought is caused by the lack of rain for ;i long period of time when crops die.

tsunami [tsunami] n. — a very large wave of water caused by underwater earthquakes in the sea: More than 80% of tsunami happen in the Pacific Ocean. They are caused by underwater earthquakes.

earthquake['aiGkweik] n. — sudden shaking movements of the ground: The Spitak earthquake in Armenia in 1988 destroyed the cities of Spitak and Leninakan. Some earthquakes are caused not only by natural reasons.

  • Read and match the words with their definitions:

Flood, tornado, earthquake, drought, tsunami, volcano

  • a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface, which may cause great damage;
  • a very violent wind in the form of a tall wide pipe of air that spins at a great speed;
  • a very high, quickly travelling sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake or similar disturbance;

IV. Read and listen to the text and answer the question:

What causes death and suffering for people?

Environmental problems of the modern world are caused by ecology and disasters. They are dangerous for human lives. The nuclear attack on Japan in 1945, numerous technological accidents, pollution, wars and terrorism, earthquakes, tsunami, floods and drought cause

Read Steve’s story about his most exciting experience. Discuss the story with your partners.

My Most Exciting Experience

Last summer my family and I went to a campsite near the river in the South of France. We put up our tent on the hill at the end of the campsite. One evening all the campers were sitting in front of their tents. Suddenly it started to rain heavily. People picked up their things and ran into the tents. It rained all night.

3. Answer the questions.

  • Where did Steve and his family go?
  • Where was their tent?
  • What happened one evening?
  • What did Steve find out in the morning?
  • What did the police do when they arrived?
  • Why did Steve say that they were lucky?
  • Was it really an exciting experience?
  • What was your most exciting experience? When was it?

Home-task. Write an essay about your most exciting experience.

  • Auding: “Coyote team Work”
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Grade: 8 а-б


The aims:

1) To enrich their knowledge concerning the theme, on the new words, to practice its pronunciation and teach them to use the words in their speech.

2) To enrich pupils interest to the new material to develop.

Their speaking and thinking abilities to consolidate the

Material with asking and answering the questions, to

Develop their memory on the learning English words.

3) To raiser their interest to the English language widing.

Organization moment:

Good morning girl’s and boy’s!How are you?I’m glad to see you!Who is on duty today?

What month is it now?What season is it now?What date is it today?Who is absent?Thank you!Sit down please!

Today we are going to learn new theme, to learn new words, to do some exercise, to checking up your home work, answer the question, read and translate, work in groups.

To checking up home work:

What was your home work?Are you ready?.

Do you understand me?Well, let’s begin!

Nice of you!Thank you!Sit down please!

Presentation new theme:

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.


Warm-up activity

  • Practise reading and sayings the words:

Ecology [ii'kolscfei], flood [fkd], tornado [toi'neidsu], earthquake ['3:0kweik], tsunami [tsu:'na:mi], volcano [vol'keingu], disaster [di'zaists]

2. Read the proverbs and saying and explain their meaning:

  • Nature is our Mother (Latin proverb).

  • My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here.

My heart’s in the Highlands a chasing the deer (Robert Burns).

  • Speak to the Earth, and it shall teach thee.

  • Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed (Francis Bacon).

II. Speaking

In pairs or small groups, discuss the following:

Do you think it is necessary for people to study nature? Why? How can it help us in our everyday life?

Do you think you know much about nature? Do you want to know more? Why?

Let’s learn the new words.

  • Read the sentences to know how to understand and use the words.

drought[draut] n. — drought is caused by the lack of rain for ;i long period of time when crops die.

tsunami [tsunami] n. — a very large wave of water caused by underwater earthquakes in the sea: More than 80% of tsunami happen in the Pacific Ocean. They are caused by underwater earthquakes.

earthquake['aiGkweik] n. — sudden shaking movements of the ground: The Spitak earthquake in Armenia in 1988 destroyed the cities of Spitak and Leninakan. Some earthquakes are caused not only by natural reasons.

  • Read and match the words with their definitions:

Flood, tornado, earthquake, drought, tsunami, volcano

  • a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface, which may cause great damage;

  • a very violent wind in the form of a tall wide pipe of air that spins at a great speed;

  • a very high, quickly travelling sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake or similar disturbance;

IV. Read and listen to the text and answer the question:

What causes death and suffering for people?

Environmental problems of the modern world are caused by ecology and disasters. They are dangerous for human lives. The nuclear attack on Japan in 1945, numerous technological accidents, pollution, wars and terrorism, earthquakes, tsunami, floods and drought cause

Read Steve’s story about his most exciting experience. Discuss the story with your partners.

My Most Exciting Experience

Last summer my family and I went to a campsite near the river in the South of France. We put up our tent on the hill at the end of the campsite. One evening all the campers were sitting in front of their tents. Suddenly it started to rain heavily. People picked up their things and ran into the tents. It rained all night.

3. Answer the questions.

  • Where did Steve and his family go?

  • Where was their tent?

  • What happened one evening?

  • What did Steve find out in the morning?

  • What did the police do when they arrived?

  • Why did Steve say that they were lucky?

  • Was it really an exciting experience?

  • What was your most exciting experience? When was it?

Home-task. Write an essay about your most exciting experience.

  • Auding: “Coyote team Work”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс


Автор: Бакитжанова Альбина Галымжановна

Дата: 03.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 365248

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