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Ecology and Nature in Kz

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                            Lesson  15                              Grade 11A

Theme: “Ecology and Nature in KZ ”

Aims: 1. talking about ecological problems in KZ.

          2. to develop care for our world.

           3. saying not damage the natural environment.

Materials: the map of KZ, a computer, semantic map.


I. Introduction. The theme of our lesson’s ecology and nature in KZ.

II.Warm-up  T-CL  T- Let’s repeat the names of natural resources.

coal(‘koul), copper (‘kop?), manganese (mæ?g?’ni:z), gold (‘gould), gas(gæs), asbestos(æz’bestos), chrom (kr?um), oil(oil), phosphorus(‘fosf?r?s), metal(metl), polymetal (‘polimetl), aluminium (ælju’min(j)?m), nickel(nikl), silver(‘silv?).

III. 2. T- Natural environment has been damaged or even destroyed by human activity. How do people damage natural environment?

             How do people destroy it?

III. Presentation.

1. T- Now, you’ll work with a computer. There some words about ecosystem, you’ll match the sentences with the right translation and practice the pronunciation.  

 1. military testing site [milit?ri]                                          a) радиоактивті ластау

2. the Aral disaster area [diza:st?]                                        b)тауэкосистемасыны? за?ымдануы

3. nuclear testing site [nju:kli?]                                            c) жайылымны? за?ымдануы

4. biologocal pollution [‘bai’ol?d3ik?l  p?‘lu∫?n]                 d) ?скери сына? орны

5. industrial  pollution [in’Λdstri?l]                                      e) уран ?азба ?алды?тары

6. radioctive pollution [‘reidi?u’æktive]                               f) жер за?ымдануы

7. pasture [pa:st∫?] degradation [degr?‘dei∫?n]              g) металл мен к?мір ?німдеріні? ?алды?тары

8. land [lænd] degradation                                                       h) химиялы? ?алды?тар

9. mountain ecosystem degradation [‘mauntin ekosist?m]       i Арал айма?ында?ы апат

10. uranium [ju’reini?m] mining [maini?] wastes                    j) ядролы? сына? орны

11. chemical [‘kemik?l] wastes                                                 k) биологиялы?   ластану

12. wastes of ferrous [fer?s] metallurgy [mit?l?d3i] and          l) ?нерк?сіптік ластану

coal [k?ul] prodacts [prod?kts]

       (Answers:      1d, 2i, 3j, 4k, 5l, 6a, 7c, 8f, 9b, 10e, 11h, 12g.)

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«Ecology and Nature in Kz »

Lesson 15 Grade 11A

Theme: “Ecology and Nature in KZ ”

Aims: 1. talking about ecological problems in KZ.

2. to develop care for our world.

3. saying not damage the natural environment.

Materials: the map of KZ, a computer, semantic map.


I. Introduction. The theme of our lesson’s ecology and nature in KZ.

II.Warm-up T---CL T- Let’s repeat the names of natural resources.

coal(‘koul), copper (‘kopә), manganese (mæŋgә’ni:z), gold (‘gould), gas(gæs), asbestos(æz’bestos), chrom (krәum), oil(oil), phosphorus(‘fosfәrәs), metal(metl), polymetal (‘polimetl), aluminium (ælju’min(j)әm), nickel(nikl), silver(‘silvә).

III. 2. T- Natural environment has been damaged or even destroyed by human activity. How do people damage natural environment?

How do people destroy it?

III. Presentation.

1. T- Now, you’ll work with a computer. There some words about ecosystem, you’ll match the sentences with the right translation and practice the pronunciation.

1. military testing site [militәri] a) радиоактивті ластау

2. the Aral disaster area [diza:stә] b)тауэкосистемасының зақымдануы

3. nuclear testing site [nju:kliә] c) жайылымның зақымдануы

4. biologocal pollution [‘bai’olәd3ikәl pә‘lu∫әn] d) әскери сынақ орны

5. industrial pollution [in’Λdstriәl] e) уран қазба қалдықтары

6. radioctive pollution [‘reidiәu’æktive] f) жер зақымдануы

7. pasture [pa:st∫ә] degradation [degrә‘dei∫әn] g) металл мен көмір өнімдерінің қалдықтары

8. land [lænd] degradation h) химиялық қалдықтар

9. mountain ecosystem degradation [‘mauntin ekosistәm] i Арал аймағындағы апат

10. uranium [ju’reiniәm] mining [mainiŋ] wastes j) ядролық сынақ орны

11. chemical [‘kemikәl] wastes k) биологиялық ластану

12. wastes of ferrous [ferәs] metallurgy [mitәlәd3i] and l) өнеркәсіптік ластану

coal [kәul] prodacts [prodәkts]

(Answers: 1d, 2i, 3j, 4k, 5l, 6a, 7c, 8f, 9b, 10e, 11h, 12g.)

2. a) T - National resources are widely used for purposes of home industry and agriculture. As a result of the wide using of National resources upsets the biological balance, pollutes air, water and soil.

Now you’ll complete the chart in the computer. There you have a semantic map. Your task’s to write your region’s Location, Population, Major Industries, Natural Resources, Major Energy Sources, Environmental problems. Then one of you’ll say your information 2nd of you place your Natural Resources’ signs to the map of your region.


Northern KZ

Southern KZ

Western KZ

Eastern KZ

Cental KZ


565, 7 th. km.sq.

712, 2 th.


736 th. km.sq

286, 3 th.


428 th. km.sq


3706,4 th.people

6246,6 th.people

2057,2 th.people

1530,8 th.people



Major Industries.

machine-building, agricultural, machine-building,

metallurgy, agricultural, oil-fields.

agricultural, oil-fields, fisherry,

agricultural, non- ferrous metallurgy, machine-building,

ferrous, metallurgy, machine-building, food industries

Naturial Resour-ses

coal, metal, polymetal, manganese, aluminium,

gas, polymetal, phosphorus, salt.

chrom, nickel,

copper metal, phosphorus, manganese

polymetal, copper, tabel salt.

coal, metal, polymetal, manganese.

Major Enery Sources.

Hydro-Electric Power Station, Thermal Power Station’s in

Hydro- Electric Power Station

Nuclear Power Station’s in Aktau,

Hydro-Electric Power Station Bykturma, Ertis.

Thermal Power Station’s in Kuznetsk,Zrjansk

Environmental problems.

Biological, Industial pollution, wastes of ferrous metallurgy coal products.

Ecological problems are Bio.Industial pollution. Radioactive site in Aral, Baikonyr. Toxic waste.

nuclear testing site, industial pollution,

Industial pollution, nuclear testing site, wastes of ferrous metallurgy coal products.,

wastes of ferrous metallurgy coal products, industial pollution.

A semantic map

b) T- As a result the wide use of N. Resources upsets we’ve ecological problems.

Which region of KZ has environmental problems? Every region’s leader takes the signs of eco. problem and put it on your region and say what kind of eco. problem has your region.

radioactive pollution, nuclear testing site, military testing site ---

industrial wastes, chemical wastes ---

biological pollution, land degradation ---

atmosphere pollution ---

c) T- Now most people understand that it’s necessary to fight pollution of the environment.

What should we do? What shouldn’t we do?

water flowers grow flowers cut trees set fire on

plant trees

recycle garbage pollute the air

with factory smoke

seas from oil

spill oil throw litter

clean rivers use garbage bins

IV. Practice.

1. Let’s repeat The 1st Conditional Sentences. If + Pres. Simple. + Fut. Simple.

1. His parents will be very glad if she …. the university.

A-enters, B- enter, C-‘ll enter, D- entered E-‘ll entered

2. If I … any help I …. my friend.

A- need, ‘ll phone, B- ‘ll need, ‘ll phone, C-‘ll need, phone,

D- needed, ‘ll phone, E- -‘ll need, phoned.

3. If you … on this tram it’ll take you to the downtown. A- get, B- got, C- ‘ll go, D- goes, E- ‘ll get

4. He … to country tomorrow if the weather is fine. A-‘ll go, B- goes, C- go, D-‘d go, E-‘ll goes

5. You’ll understand nothing unless you … the book yourself.

A- read, B- won’t read, C- don’t read, D- ‘ll read, E- reads,

6. You’ll understand this rule after your teacher … it to you.

  1. explains, B- explain, C- ‘ll explain, D- don’t explain, E- explained,

7. I … at home till you … me up.

A- ‘ll be, ring B- am, ‘ll ring C- is, ring D- ‘ll be,‘ll ring E- ring, ‘ll be

8. You … English fluently if you … hard.

A- speak, work B- speak, ’ll work C- ‘ll speak, work

D-‘ll speak, ’ll work E- ‘ll speak, worked

9. If I … my exams, my mother … me go to a disco.

  1. won’t pass, let B- won’t pass, won’t let C- don’t pass, won’t let

D- won’t pass, doesn’t let E- won’t pass, lets

10. If he … well, he’ll always be tired.

  1. sleeps, B- ‘ll sleeps, C-doesn’t sleep, D- won’t sleep, E- ‘ll sleep

11. You’ll have to make a speech in case the chairman … late.

A-‘ll be B- isn’t C- is D- won’t be E- be

12. If I … any help I … my friends.

  1. ‘ll need, phone B-‘ll need, ‘ll phone, C- need, ‘ll phone

D- needed, ‘ll phone E- need, phone

13. I don’t know when they …. A - came, B- are coming, C-‘ll come, D- come, E- coming

14. If it rains, we … at home. A-would stay B- would have stayed, C- will stay, D- stays, E- stay

15. I … the room till I see my brother. A-‘ll leave, B- leave, C- shan’t leave, D-don’t leave, E- leaves

( Keys: 1-7A, 8-15C)

2. Next your task is to find match the “If Clause” with “Main Clause”

1 If we protect environment we’ll live longer.

2. If water and soil are polluted the plants will not grow.

3. If we natural resources we shall be richer.

4. If we think about our environment we’ll find the way how to protect it.

5. If oil resources of our country end we’ll live worse than we live now.

6. What will you do if you see the forest set on fire?

7. What will happen to the world if people continue using damage?

8. If I go to Kyzylorda region I’ll see the Aral Sea.

9. If we don’t take care of the world’s plants they will disappear.

10. If we protect Aral Sea it will never die.

11. If we plant trees every year the air will be fresh.

V. Home task.

Write an essay about your village/s ecosystem.

VI. Evaluation.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Ecology and Nature in Kz

Автор: Жаньбек Арнагул

Дата: 23.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 242895

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