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The role of travel lessons in the adaptation and activism of primary school students

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      This article provides information on the types of lessons that elementary school students` are interested in.  It also helps students` who do not want to go to school to be more active and mentally and physically fit.

KEYWORDS:  education, travel, colloboration, museum, work, auther.

         The demands of the rapidly evolving period on the society are growing day by day. The role of educated, qualified and modern-minded high-potential personnel and specialists in achieving strategic goels, achieving new goals and becoming one of the developed countries is invaluable costs. Naturally, general secondary education is extremely important in the development of man. The bassis of general secondary education, which requires a great deal of responsibility from the teacher. In order to develop a child who is able to think freely, listen to the opinions of others,it is necessary to manege the quality and balance of lessons, that is, to use different types of lessons, taking into account  the family situation and psycology of students.                                                                                                         There is  a feeling of bordom in primary school students, as almost all subjects are taught by one teacher. Therefore, if the lessons are planned according to the students` wishes, it is advisable to organize more non-traditional lessons.

            First of all, let's remember that our children want interest. We know they want to go somewhere as long as they stay head over heels. We call this desire a" Journey"in science. We did not always make their wishes come true because we did not have time, we did not have the desire when we found the time, we did not have the money when we had the desire.

             We educators can fulfill the wishes of our little students who are the foundation of our future without any rejection and achieve lesson affectiveness, in my opinion. A travel lesson, which is a non-traditional type of lesson, increases student activity. Encourages students who are non interested in the lesson to be active as well. For this, students are asked where they would like to go if given the opportunity and travel lessons  can be arrenged depending on the circumstances, if not everyday. You can a play travel lessons in all the subjects you teach. Travel lessons develop students ability to focus on the environment,  to enjoy a variety of monuments, sights, gifts of nature and to develop imagination. Classes can be conducted in groups, individually. Throught travel lessons, students not only travel but also learn about museums, writers, works, hospitality, values and so on. Students morally and activity in the classroom will be enhanced with incentive cards and compliments.

                        You may be wondering where to travel. Below are a few exapmles.    

  1.  A trip to the museums.

First of all, the concept of the  museum is given. Museum (greek museum-a place dedicated to museums)- a scientific, scientific-educational instution that collacts,preserves, organizes and promotes historical, material and spirtual monuments. Examples of this trip are:

1. TRIP to museum cities (SAMARKAND, BUKHARA, NAVOI, KHIVA.)

By travelling to this cities, students will learn about the ancient interest of ancestors in art, beaty and carving. Students interested in the arts conclude that more needs to be learned from this lesson.  At the end of lesson, students' opinions and impressions are listened to.

2. A trip to the museums organized in their name in order to celebrate the legacy of our ancestors. A trip to such a famous museum deve lops the spirit of flow in the hearts of stu dents, they realize that a person should make a name for himself, because during the trip to the museum the teacher tells about the work of our ancestors for the country's development, independence and freedom.

3. A trip to the museum of NATURE. Through thid trip, students develop the ability to care for the environment, to enjoy the blessing of nature, to be nurtured in the spirit of love for nature, because such a museum preserves the blessings of nature.

4. A trip to the museum of the armed forces. A trip to this museum brings to the hearts of students the spirit of love for the MOTHERLAND, devation to the country. At the end of the lesson, students' opinions, impressions are listened to.

II.  A journey into writers and their works

Information about the author and the works is given. A writer-educator. The work is the  most popular from of art, which broadly and deeply reflects the feelings of man through words.

                     These seven students organized a trip to one of the children' writers and his child appropriate work. There is another important aspect to such travel lessons. Through such lessons, teacher encourages the child not only the child, but also their parents to look for books, to reflect and exchange ideas.

                        For exmple, they went on a trip yo Gafur Gulam's book "Your are not an Orphan"

  The purpose of taking students on a journey to yhis work is to see them feel the hardships of that time, to be grateful for the present, to try to overcome the difficulties they face to help them. I would like you to find the work and share it. Through this journey, stufents will gain a lot of information. Because the teacher works on little during the preparation for the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, students` opinions and impressions are listened to.

         III. Trave to distant relatives

Kids love to visit relatives on the weekends. There they rest without any boundaries, without any conditions. They pour out their overwhelmed energy. Let’s create such condions for them so that they make it a rule to go to school and be active in class.

Students work in groups. Two students in the group are relatives, the rest of the students are guests. On this trip, students assess themselves ( the host gives the guests homework, gives, fruit, chocolates, cookies … for correct answers ), and the teacher monitors the situation. At the end of the lesson, students’ opinions and impressions are listened to.

IV. A trip to the bosom of nature ( to pick flowers, to observe the weather, to see changes in nature, and to get an answer to a questions,… ).

This journey is more about the world around us in grades 1 and 2, the natural sciences in grades 3 and 4, the topics of lines and shapes in mathematics, and the task of finding the perimeters and surfaces of shapes. At the end of the lesson, students’ opinions and impressinons are listened to.

If we use different methods in all travel lessons, the lessons of that day and the information given will remain in the hearts and minds of the students for a lifetime.

In short, in your arduous career, such as educating the younger generation, you have to read books and research, share methodes, and follow the lessons of teachers. A teacher is not just a teacher, he is an actor, he is a doctor, he is a sculptor,… most importantly, he is a mother. What mother wants her child to be bad, no mother. So, I believe that every teacher gives his students a place in his heart and makes a small contribution to becoming a great person, working tirelessly.


Spiritual-educational, scientific-methodical publication in the field of education of skilled teachers.



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«The role of travel lessons in the adaptation and activism of primary school students»



This article provides information on the types of lessons that elementary school students` are interested in. It also helps students` who do not want to go to school to be more active and mentally and physically fit.

KEYWORDS: education , travel , colloboration , museum , work , auther.

The demands of the rapidly evolving period on the society are growing day by day. The role of educated, qualified and modern-minded high-potential personnel and specialists in achieving strategic goels, achieving new goals and becoming one of the developed countries is invaluable costs. Naturally, general secondary education is extremely important in the development of man. The bassis of general secondary education, which requires a great deal of responsibility from the teacher. In order to develop a child who is able to think freely, listen to the opinions of others,it is necessary to manege the quality and balance of lessons, that is , to use different types of lessons, taking into account the family situation and psycology of students. There is a feeling of bordom in primary school students, as almost all subjects are taught by one teacher. Therefore, if the lessons are planned according to the students` wishes, it is advisable to organize more non-traditional lessons.

First of all, let's remember that our children want interest. We know they want to go somewhere as long as they stay head over heels. We call this desire a" Journey"in science. We did not always make their wishes come true because we did not have time, we did not have the desire when we found the time, we did not have the money when we had the desire.

We educators can fulfill the wishes of our little students who are the foundation of our future without any rejection and achieve lesson affectiveness, in my opinion. A travel lesson, which is a non-traditional type of lesson, increases student activity. Encourages students who are non interested in the lesson to be active as well. For this, students are asked where they would like to go if given the opportunity and travel lessons can be arrenged depending on the circumstances, if not everyday. You can a play travel lessons in all the subjects you teach. Travel lessons develop students ability to focus on the environment, to enjoy a variety of monuments , sights, gifts of nature and to develop imagination. Classes can be conducted in groups, individually. Throught travel lessons, students not only travel but also learn about museums , writers, works, hospitality, values and so on. Students morally and activity in the classroom will be enhanced with incentive cards and compliments.

You may be wondering where to travel. Below are a few exapmles.

  1. A trip to the museums.

First of all, the concept of the museum is given. Museum (greek museum-a place dedicated to museums)- a scientific, scientific-educational instution that collacts,preserves, organizes and promotes historical, material and spirtual monuments. Examples of this trip are:

1. TRIP to museum cities (SAMARKAND, BUKHARA, NAVOI, KHIVA...)

By travelling to this cities, students will learn about the ancient interest of ancestors in art , beaty and carving . Students interested in the arts conclude that more needs to be learned from this lesson . At the end of lesson , students' opinions and impressions are listened to.

2. A trip to the museums organized in their name in order to celebrate the legacy of our ancestors. A trip to such a famous museum deve lops the spirit of flow in the hearts of stu dents , they realize that a person should make a name for himself , because during the trip to the museum the teacher tells about the work of our ancestors for the country's development, independence and freedom.

3. A trip to the museum of NATURE. Through thid trip, students develop the ability to care for the environment, to enjoy the blessing of nature , to be nurtured in the spirit of love for nature, because such a museum preserves the blessings of nature.

4. A trip to the museum of the armed forces. A trip to this museum brings to the hearts of students the spirit of love for the MOTHERLAND , devation to the country. At the end of the lesson, students' opinions, impressions are listened to.

II. A journey into writers and their works

Information about the author and the works is given. A writer-educator. The work is the most popular from of art , which broadly and deeply reflects the feelings of man through words.

These seven students organized a trip to one of the children' writers and his child appropriate work. There is another important aspect to such travel lessons. Through such lessons, teacher encourages the child not only the child, but also their parents to look for books, to reflect and exchange ideas.

For exmple, they went on a trip yo Gafur Gulam's book "Your are not an Orphan"

The purpose of taking students on a journey to yhis work is to see them feel the hardships of that time, to be grateful for the present, to try to overcome the difficulties they face to help them. I would like you to find the work and share it. Through this journey, stufents will gain a lot of information. Because the teacher works on little during the preparation for the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, students` opinions and impressions are listened to.

III. Trave to distant relatives

Kids love to visit relatives on the weekends. There they rest without any boundaries, without any conditions. They pour out their overwhelmed energy. Let’s create such condions for them so that they make it a rule to go to school and be active in class.

Students work in groups. Two students in the group are relatives, the rest of the students are guests. On this trip, students assess themselves ( the host gives the guests homework, gives, fruit, chocolates, cookies … for correct answers ), and the teacher monitors the situation. At the end of the lesson, students’ opinions and impressions are listened to.

IV. A trip to the bosom of nature ( to pick flowers, to observe the weather, to see changes in nature, and to get an answer to a questions,… ).

This journey is more about the world around us in grades 1 and 2, the natural sciences in grades 3 and 4 , the topics of lines and shapes in mathematics, and the task of finding the perimeters and surfaces of shapes. At the end of the lesson, students’ opinions and impressinons are listened to.

If we use different methods in all travel lessons, the lessons of that day and the information given will remain in the hearts and minds of the students for a lifetime.

In short, in your arduous career, such as educating the younger generation, you have to read books and research, share methodes, and follow the lessons of teachers. A teacher is not just a teacher , he is an actor, he is a doctor, he is a sculptor,… most importantly, he is a mother. What mother wants her child to be bad, no mother. So, I believe that every teacher gives his students a place in his heart and makes a small contribution to becoming a great person, working tirelessly.


Spiritual-educational, scientific-methodical publication in the field of education of skilled teachers.


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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс

The role of travel lessons in the adaptation and activism of primary school students

Автор: Janazaqova Odinaxon Muxtorjonovna

Дата: 30.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 552010

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