Form: 1“Б”
Date: 15.04.2015y
Duration: 45 min
The theme of the lesson: The tree
The aims of the lesson:
educational: to be able to speak about the tree. To check up their
knowledge on this theme to, introduce the new words;
developing aims: to develop listening, writing and speaking abilities;
bringing up: to improve pupils' motivation and participation
in classroom activities, to stimulate pupils to a learning
foreign language, to develop the interest to English
Type of the lesson: mixing lesson
Methods of the lesson: Explanation, role-play, answer-question, individual and pair work, games
Equipments: Interactive board, a computer, projector,cards, wallpaper, pictures of foods
Intersubject: Maths, Music, Art, Kazakh.
The Procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment;
Phychological moment;
Checking up the home task;
Phonetic drill;
The presentation of the new theme ;
Doing the exercises;
Doing physical training!;
Giving homework;
I.Organization moment:
Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity
- Good morning, children! - Good morning, teacher
- Sit down, please
-What day is it today? - Today is… wednesday
-What date is it today? - Today is the 15th of April
II. Phychological moment:
- You are so happy as these animals!
- You are so merry as these sun!
- You are so beautiful as these flowers!
- You are so friendly as these friends!
-Are you ready for the lesson?
III. Checking up the home task. “The clever fish”
Vocabulary revision:
Brother – aға
Clever – ақылды
Ff , Gg , Hh
Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff , Gg , Hh
Begining of lesson
Well, let’s begin our lesson. Today, we will revise our last material and speak about tree.Today we have unusual lesson.
IV. Phonetic drill.
«ақылды» сөзін ағылшынша қалай айтамыз?( Translate into English)
«балық» сөзін ағылшынша қалай айтамыз?
«акула» сөзін ағылшынша қалай айтамыз?
«аға» сөзін ағылшынша қалай айтамыз?
V. The presentation of the new theme: Today we will speak about tree. And we have new words.
Vocabulary. Open your copybooks and write down the new words;
tree – ағаш
coconuts - кокос
ice cream – балмұздақ
milk – сүт
cheese – сыр
apple – алма
orange – апельсин
pear- алмұрт
VI. Doing the exercises:
Work with text. Look, listen and repeat the text.
I like coconuts. Do you like coconuts?
Mmmmm, yes, I do.
Ouch! No, I don’t!
Here , look.
Yes, that tree is on our map!
Come on, let’s go!
Follow me!
Here we are.
Yes, this is the tree. But why is it on our map!
Mickey, go away! Ahhhhh!
Tom! Tom!
Tom, are you OK?
I’m OK. But what can we do now?
Mickey! Kip! Come back!
VII. Doing physical training! Stand up, please!
Let’s do physical training!
Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together.
Stampt, stampt, stampt your feet, stampt your feet together .
Nod, nod, nod your heads, nod your heads together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance, dance a dance together.
Sit down, please!
Look at these pictures , please. Repeat after me.
Match the words to the pictures.

Ice cream Fish milk

Cheese Banana Apple
VIII. Conclusion.
Teacher: look and match
Оқушылар бас әріптер мен кіші әріптерін дұрыс байланыстыру
A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F f
G g
H h
Оқушылар жеке-жеке тақтаға шығып сөз бен суретті байланыстырады

IX. Giving homework.
Your hometask will be Ex 1 p 74. New words
X. Marks
Today you were very active.
Open your diaries and write down your homework to learn new words.
Your marks are …
The lesson is over!
Good-bye, pupils!
You may be free!
Thank for your attention