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The theme of the lesson: Where are your toys?

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Grade: 3 “B”

Date: The 22nd of November. Friday

The theme of the lesson: Where are your toys?


Educational aim: to revise new words;

                     to learn use grammar materials;

Developing  aim: to develop pupils’  reading, hearing,

                     writing, speaking.

                     to develop their memory and oral speech

Cultural aim: increase the interest  to English

The form of the lesson: practical  lesson

The type of the lesson:

Teaching technology: developing technology

Visual aids: the blackboard, pictures, prepositions, etc.


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«The theme of the lesson: Where are your toys? »

Subject: English

Grade: 3 “B”

Date: The 22nd of November. Friday

The theme of the lesson: Where are your toys?


Educational aim: to revise new words;

to learn use grammar materials;

Developing aim: to develop pupils’ reading, hearing,

writing, speaking.

to develop their memory and oral speech

Cultural aim: increase the interest to English

The form of the lesson: practical lesson

The type of the lesson:

Teaching technology: developing technology

Visual aids: the blackboard, pictures, prepositions, etc.

The outline of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

  2. Warm up

  3. Home assignment

  4. Grammar material

  5. New words

  6. Drill exercises

  7. Conclusion

  8. Giving marks

  9. Giving homework

  10. The end of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

- Good afternoon children!

- Good afternoon teacher!

- How are you?

- We are fine and you?

- I’m fine too, thank you sit down!

- So, who is on duty?

- I am on duty today

- What date is it today?

- Today is the 22nd of November

- What day is it today?

- Today is the Friday

- Who is absent?

- All are present or he/she is absent

- Okay, thank you sit down!

III. Warm up

There is a swimming pool

There is a yard

There are houses

There are trees

III. Checking up home work

  • So, what was home work for today?

  • Our home work was to read the exercise -7 and exercise -10

IV. Grammar material

Are not – aren’t

They aren’t

They aren’t white

Where is ……………? Қайда ?

Where are …………..? Қайда ?

V. Introduction of new words

In – ішінде

Into – ішінде

Under – астында

On – үстіде

At –

Near – жанында

+ We go to the forest

we see the video

where is the animals

Drill exercises

Where is Masha


Thank you for attention.

Good buy pupils!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

The theme of the lesson: Where are your toys?

Автор: Игисинова Куланда Жумагалиевна

Дата: 01.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 165458

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