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The theme of the lesson

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The theme of the lesson:

Form:7  Unit 4‘’ Health’’

Step 1 “It really works”

Vocabulary: ‘’ Parts of the body’’

The type of the lesson: revision lesson

The aims of the lesson:

- to enrich pupils’knowledge concerning to the theme;

- to develop pupils’ interest to work with the teams;

- to develop pupils’ skills in oral speech and reading,communication skills;

Visual aids:presentations,cards, interactive board, electronic books concerning to the new words, textbooks.

The pupils are divided into 2 groups.

’’Home  remedy’’

‘’Folk  remedy’’

The outline of the lesson:

I.Organization moment:

II. Warming up: Watching and doing exercises on the electronic book

Learn Grade1-EVS-The Parts of Our body

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«The theme of the lesson »

The theme of the lesson:

Form: 7

Unit 4‘’ Health’’

Step 1 “It really works”

Vocabulary: ‘’ Parts of the body’’

The English teacher:Uteyeva .M

The theme of the lesson:

Form:7 Unit 4‘’ Health’’

Step 1 “It really works”

Vocabulary: ‘’ Parts of the body’’

The type of the lesson: revision lesson

The aims of the lesson:

- to enrich pupils’knowledge concerning to the theme;

- to develop pupils’ interest to work with the teams;

- to develop pupils’ skills in oral speech and reading,communication skills;

Visual aids:presentations,cards, interactive board, electronic books concerning to the new words, textbooks.

The pupils are divided into 2 groups.

’’Home remedy’’

‘’Folk remedy’’

The outline of the lesson:

I.Organization moment:

II. Warming up: Watching and doing exercises on the electronic book

Learn Grade1-EVS-The Parts of Our body

III.Checking up the homework:Reading and translating the text’’Home remedy’’into Kazakh

IV.Phys. cult minute: Muffin songs-Heard shoulders knees and toes

V.Speech drill exercises:Exercises4,5.

VI. Giving home task: Exercise 8

VII . TheConclusion:

VIII. Giving marks.

IX. The end of the lesson.Sayinggood-bye.

The prosedure of the lesson:

I.The beginning of the lesson:


Class:Good morning teacher!

T:Thank you,sit down please!

-Who is on duty today?

P:-I’m on duty today.

T:-Any absentees today?

P:-All are present.

T:-What is the date today?

Cl:-Today is the …. January

T:-What day of the week today?

Cl:-Today is ….

T:-Today we shall have the second hour of the theme ‘’Health’’

Let’s start our lesson.At the previous lesson we have talked about health and today we’ll speak about health? ,because it is the most important thing for people of our planet nowadays.

II. Warming up:Watching and doing exercises on the electronic book

Learn Grade1-EVS-The Parts of Our body

III. Checking up the homework:Reading and translating the text ’’Home remedy ’’into Kazakh

T:-The first group begin reading and translating the text in turns .

The second group will continue .


IV. Phys. cult minute: Muffin songs-Heard shoulders knees and toes

T:-Please ,stand up all of you.We’ll sing and dance together.

V. Speech drill exercises: Exercises 4,5.

T:-All of you open your exercise books.We’ll do exercise4

Write advice for these problems.Then compare with the partner.

T:-Exercise 5 you’ll do in groups.First group you must make a diagram giving advice for ‘’a sore throat’’ The second group must make a diagram giving advice for a cough.Then your leaders will protect it.

VI. Giving home task:Exercise 8

T:-You must write about an interesting home or folk remedy

VII .Giving marks.

T:-Now , the leaders give marks to your group mates

VIII. The Conclusion:


T: What did you learn today? Did you learn anything?

IX. The end of the lesson.Saying good-bye.

T:-The lesson is over .You are free have a rest.

Good bye children!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

The theme of the lesson

Автор: ?теева Мира ?біл?кім?ызы

Дата: 11.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 184393

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