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The living world. plants and animals.

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Наурзова Фарида Кожасовна

Б?О облысы

Зеленов ауданы

Белес ЖОБМ балаба?шасы

ІІ санатты а?ылшын тілі п?н м??алімі


The living world. plants and animals.

                                                     (7 th form.)

The aims of the lesson:

1.to teach students to work creatively and get information while reading the text.

2. to develop speaking abilities, monologue speech, writing.

3.  to bring up pupil’s interest in English language using new words, love to animals and skills to work in groups.

Type of the lesson: consolidation lesson.

The visual aids: pictures, posters, diagrammes.

Plan of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.

II. Phonetic drill.

III. Phycological  training.

IV. Check up of the home – task.

V. Introduction of the new theme.

VI. Riddles. (about animals).

VII. The game (domestic and wild animals).

VIII. Home – task.

IX. Conclusion “The Crow and the fox”.

X. Marks for the lesson.

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«The living world. plants and animals. »

Наурзова Фарида Кожасовна

БҚО облысы

Зеленов ауданы

Белес ЖОБМ балабақшасы

ІІ санатты ағылшын тілі пән мұғалімі

The living world. plants and animals.

(7 th form.)

The aims of the lesson:

1.to teach students to work creatively and get information while reading the text.

2. to develop speaking abilities, monologue speech, writing.

3. to bring up pupil’s interest in English language using new words, love to animals and skills to work in groups.

Type of the lesson: consolidation lesson.

The visual aids: pictures, posters, diagrammes.

Plan of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.

II. Phonetic drill.

III. Phycological training.

IV. Check up of the home – task.

V. Introduction of the new theme.

VI. Riddles. (about animals).

VII. The game (domestic and wild animals).

VIII. Home – task.

IX. Conclusion “The Crow and the fox”.

X. Marks for the lesson.

Procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.

T. Good morning, children! I’m very very glad to see you!

St. Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too!

T. Sit down, please! Who is on duty today?

St. I’m on duty today.

T. Who is absent today?

St. All are present today.

T. What date is it today?

St. Today is the 20 th of October.

T. What day of the week is it today?

St. Today is Thursday.

T. What is the weather like today?

St. Today is cold, windy and frosty.

T. Very well, thank you very much. Sit down, please.

II. Check up home – task.

T. What was your home – task for today?

S1. Our home – task was (to revise lexical material of unit I, especially, adjectives).

T. What is English for «мейрiмдi» (kind)

белсендi - active;

сыпайы - polite;

шыданды – patient.

What is Kazakh for “shy” – момын ;

interesting – қызықты;

lazy – жалқау.

T. Translate this proverb into Kazakh:

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

Thank you very much.

Continue our lesson.

III. Psycological training.

T. Boys and girls, look at the blackboard please. You see different figures, choose the figures you like.

- you are a leader, you are always active.

- you like to work, study, especially English.

- you have good mood, you are happy that today we have an unusual lesson.

- you are a very creative person. You are full of ideas, fantasy and energy.

- you are a friendly person. You have a lot of friends.

IV. Introduction of the new theme.

Boys and girls look at the blackboard. Let’s read the title of our lesson. (children read aloud). Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson today is “ The living world. Plants and animals”. («Тiрi табиғат. Өсiмдiктер мен жануарлар»).

Look at the blackboard, and complete this cluster.

What kind of words come to your mind when you hear the words “The living world”.

water nature

The living world animals

the sun insects the sky

Thank you, very much, and write down in your copy – book well.

V. Phonetic drill.

Look at the blackboard and listen to me very attentively. I’ll read the poem “About animals”, then we read together, and then answer the question: What this poem about? What can you say about it

About animals.

I love all kinds of animals:

Dogs and cats, and rabbits.

I love all kinds of animals.

Despite their little habits.

If I had tons of money,

Do you know what I would do?

I’d buy lots of animals.

And have my own zoo.

(Read in chores and individual).

Now, boys and girls answer my questions, please.

- Do you like animals? (yes/ no).

- What is your favourite animals? (a dog).

- What colour is it?(It’s black).

- What do you know about “domestic animals”? Name some of them. (a cow, a pig, a sheep, a horse).

- What do you know about “ wild animals”? Name some of them.

(a fox, a wolf, a tiger, a rabbit).

VI. The game. (domestic and wild animals).

Let’s play the game, name “domestic” and “wild” animals. Very well, thank you! And continue our lessons.

VII. Riddles (about animals).

I’ll read riddles for you, and you must guess what animal it is.- It is brown. It has 4 legs. It sleeps in winter. What is it? (a bear).

- It is grey and white. It likes carrots and cabbage. It can run and jump. What is it? (a rabbit).

Well, continue our lesson.

VIII. Work with the text “ About animals”. (open your books at p. 39.)

First, I’ll read this text for you, then you read the text and retell it. (What this text about).

Ex1, 2, 3.

Firstly, read new words, there are a lot of new words on this text, please, read after me all together.

Vast – зор, үлкен; exaclty – дәл; fur – жун. терi. Etc.

IX. Work with pictures. (Ex. 7.)

Pair work. Choose one of these pictures and talk to your partner about this animals.

ex: It is a wolf. It is grey. It is a wild animals. It eats meat.

X. The scene “The Crow and the fox”.

Now, listen our boys and girls, they show to us the scene [si:n] – сценка (көрiнiс).

Thank you very much.

XI. Home – task.

Your home – task will be Ex 3, 7 p. 40 – 41.

XII. Conclusion and the marks for the lesson.

Открытое внеклассное мероприятие

по английскому языку в 10 «Б» классе.

The game «Polyglot».

T: Good afternoon, dear teachers, guests and students! I’m very glad to see you today. Welcome to our game «Polyglot». So, we begin.

The game consists of 6 tours. ( Игра состоит из 6 туров).

I. Introduction. – Знакомство.

II. Polyglot (proverbs). – Полиглот (пословицы).

III. Match the idioms. – Подобрать идиомы.

IV. The captain’s competition. – Соревнование капитанов.

V. Is it true? (YES/ NO). – Верно ли это? (ДА/НЕТ).

VI. Give antonyms. – Подобрать антонимы.

The class divided in two teams. The first team’s name is «Let’s speak English». The second team’s name is «English in action».

The captain of the first team is Aigerim. The captain of the second team is Juliya. Two teams will show us their knowledge and what they learned at English lessons.

I. Introduction ( Знакомство).

Each team calls your name, motto and introduce your captains and emblems.

- Our team’s name is «Let’s speak English» . Our team’s motto is «Think before you speak». This is our emblem. We drew in the emblem the English book and the pen. They mean «knowledge ». Our captain’s name is Aigerim.

- Our team’s name is « English in action » . Our team’s motto is «A friend in need is a friend indeed». This is our emblem. We drew in the emblem the pictures of teachers and students, because the teacher teaches us English language. Our captain’s name is Juliya.

T: Very well, thank you very much for your introduction. Continue our game.

II. Polyglot (proverbs). – Полиглот (пословицы).

I’ll read proverbs for you and you’ll be finished it, and translate the word into three languages. (English, Kazak, Russian).

1. Better late, than … (never, ешқашан, никогда).

2. Two heads better than …( one, бiр, один).

3.Good health is above … ( wealth, байлық, богатство).

4.East or West, home is … (best, ең жақсы, наилучший).

5. It’s never too late …(to learn, оқу, учиться).

6. There is no smoke without … (fire, от, огонь).

III. Match the idioms. – Подобрать идиомы.

Let’s begin the 3 – d tour. Match the idioms. For each teams I’ll give 3 idioms.

1. On cloud nine. (На седьмом небе).

2.When pigs fly. (Когда рак на горе свиснет).

3. In one ear and out the other. (В одно ухо влетает, из другого вылетает).

4. As poor as a church mouse. (Беден как церковная крыса).

5. A Jack of all trades.(Мастер на все руки).

6. War is the sport of kings. (Вoйна развлечение королей).

Continue our game.

IV. The captain’s competition. – Соревнование капитанов.

Each team ask questions to each other. (3 questions).

The theme: «Weather », «Season ».

V. Is it true? (YES/ NO). – Верно ли это? (ДА/НЕТ).

I’ll give you 6 questions and you must answer «Yes» or «No».

1. Great Britain situated in Europe. «Yes»

2. In England has president. «No»

3. The first president of the USA George Washington. «Yes»

4. The seventh day of the week is Sunday. «Yes»

5. The shortest month in a year is May. «Yes»

6. Big – Ben in a France. «No»

VI. Give antonyms. – Подобрать антонимы.

Give antonyms to the next adjectives:

fast – slow

small – big

clean – dirty

interesting – boring

expensive – cheap

safe – dangerous

good – bad

old – new (young)

hot – cold

difficult – easy

beautiful – ugly

strong – weak

quite – noisy

clever – stupid

lazy – hardworking

So, our game is over, and the students count their points. So, the winner of our game is …

Both teams were good. Let’s congratulate them. The lesson I over. Good – bye!

Открытое внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

в 5 «Б» классе.

Тема: We are learning English. (Мы изучаем английский язык).


Образовательная: расширение эрудиции учащихся, их общего кругозора; повторение учащимися изученных структур и лексики.

Развивающая: развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, их чувств и эмоций.

Воспитательная: формирование интереса у учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, формирование познавательной активности учащихся.

Ход мероприятия:

Teacher: Good morning, dear teachers and pupils! You are welcome to our lesson. Today we shall hold our competition “We are learning English”. Our competition consist of several tasks. They are:

I. Presentation.

II. Who knows the ABC better?

III. Name the right numbers.

IV. Who is the fastest?

V. Who is the best?

VI. Polyglot.

VII. The captains’ competition.

I divided you into two groups. The first group is called “clever boys” and the second group called “clever girls”. Now, let’s begin our competition.

I. The first task is “Presentation” (Каждый из учащихся, каждой команды должен представить себя).

Hello! My name’s Vera. I’m eleven. I’m OK. I’m in 5B. I’m from Beles.

(данный конкурс оценивается в 5 баллов).

II. The second task is “Who knows the ABC better?” (Кто лучше знает алфавит?)

(Я называю буквы английского алфавита, а учащиеся называют следующую).

I. C – D II. B – C

M – N K – L

G – H H – I

I – J J – K

U – V X – Y

(За каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

III. the third task is “Name the right numbers”. (Назвать правильное число).

(Для каждой команды я называю числа на русском языке, а учащиеся переводят их на английский язык).

I. 2 – two II. 3 – three

5 – five 5 – five

4 – four 10 – ten

7 – seven 13 – thirteen

9 – nine 2 – two

1 – one 7 – seven

11 – eleven 16 – sixteen

15 – fifteen 18 – eighteen

IV. The fourth task is called “Who is the fastest?” (Кто самый быстрый?)

(Кто из ребят, быстрее всех соберется в школу. Выходят по одному участнику из каждой команды. Учащиеся называют учебные принадлежности на английском языке и кладут их в сумку.)

книга – book

резинка – rubber

ручка – pen

линейка – ruller

карандаш – pencil

блокнот – notebook

тетрадь – copy – book

калькулятор – calculator.

V. The fifth task is called “Who is the best?” (Кто самый лучший?)

(Учащимся предоставляется ситуация «Кто пройдет не упав с моста», т. е. учащиеся делают шаг и переводят слова на листочке на английский язык).

I. имя – name II. добрый день - good afternoon

доброе утро - good morning привет – hello

папа – father мама – mother

брат – brother сестра – sister

дядя – uncle тетя – aunt

сын – son дочь – daughter

ручка – pen карандаш – pencil

VI. The sixth task is called “Polyglot” (Полиглот).

(Предложить для каждой команды слова, а учащиеся переводят их на казахский и английский языки).


книга – book – кітап

линейка – ruller – сызгыш

бабушка – grandmother - әже

брат – brother – аға/ іні

желтый – yellow – сары

галстук – tie – галстук


ручка – pen – қалам

резинка – rubber – кетіргіш

дедушка – grandfather – ата

сестра – sister – апа

серый – grey – сұр

джинсы – jeans – джинсы

VII. The seventh is called “The captains’ competition”. (Конкурс капитанов).

Dialogue – Диалог. (Капитаны должны задать как можно больше вопросов друг другу и ответить на них).

S1 Hello!

S2 Hello!

S1 What is your name?

S2 My name is Dima. And what is your name?

S1 My name is Vova.

VIII. Conclusion: The rhyme: “I love learning English”.

Подведение итогов и награждение команд призами.

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 9 «Б» классе.

Тема: London. (Лондон).


Образовательная: обобщение учащимися грамматического материала «Герундий»; ознакомление с новой лексикой и активизировать ее в речи учащихся; умение сравнивать и выделять главное; дать больше информации о Лондоне.

Развивающая: развитие навыков говорения, понимание иностранной речи на слух, развитие воображения, памяти и творческих способностей учащихся; высказывать свое мнение на английском языке.

Воспитательная: привитие любви и интереса к изучаемому языку; уважение обычаев и традиций изучаемого языка; расширение кругозора учащихся.

Тип урока: смешанный.

Методы: групповая работа, индивидуальная работа, вопрос – ответ.

Наглядность и оборудование: картинки, карточки, таблицы.

Домашнее задание: Ex. 9 (b). p. 82 – 83.

Ход урока:

I. Organization part.

T. Good morning, children!

Cl. Good morning, teacher!

T. Sit down. I’m very glad to see you! Who is on duty today?

Karina: I’m on duty today.

T. Who is absent today?

Karina: All are present today. (is/ are) absent today.

T. What date is it today?

K. Today is the 30 – th of November.

T. what day of the week is it today?

K. Today is Friday.

T. What is the weather like today?

K. It’s cold and frosty.

T. Sit down. Thank you.

- Boys and girls today we have unusual lesson. We have guests in our lesson today. “Dear guests you are welcome in our open English lesson. I want to say for you: “Make yourselves home! From all my heart I wish you the best.” Now, let’s continue our lesson. Now I held.

II. Psycological training.

Stand up and go to the blackboard children. (Учащиеся встают в круг и говорят друг другу пожeлания на английском языке).

T. This is a “magic” apple – a symbol of many important things. So, pass it to your friend next to you and say a good wish. Let’s begin.

- Liza, I wish you be active and attentive in our lesson today.

T. Thank you. Take your sits, please!

III. Checking up the home task.

What was your home task?

(Revise grammar material). To learn by heart the rules about “Gerund”. So, who is answer my question?

What the gerund is?(Что такое герундий?)

- Неличная форма глагола, сочетающая в себе свойства глагола и существительного и выражающая действие как процесс. В казахском и русском языках нет соответствия герундию.

- Образуется путем прибавления к основе инфинитива окончания - ing.

Ex. to do – doing

to come – coming

to run – running

IV. Presentation of the theme. (Задаю учащимся вопросы, чтобы перейти к новой теме).

Now we have an English lesson. The language we learn is English. The capital of England is London.

So, the theme of our lesson today is “London”. Open your copycooks and write down.

So, answer my questions “What do you know about London?”

(заполнение кластера).


the largest city London Big – Ben

queen The Thames

V. Information about London.

The girls prepared some more information about London. (listen attentively).

VI. Reading the text about “the great Fire in London”. (p. 262 – step 3 textbook).

VII. the words. (Adjectives).

Look at the blackboard. Read these words and name the adjectives you hear in the text.

terrible, narrow, crowed, clean, dirty, plastic, wooden, dry, wet, strong, hot, new, wide, old.

VII. Make sentences with these phrases. Ex. 4. p. 81.

a) In the 17 – th century.

In the 17 – th century London was a very dirty city. Etc.

IX. Make questions to the text.

1. When was the great Fire in London? (1666 on September 2 – nd).

2. Why did the fire spread quickly? (because the wooden houses were dry).

3. How many days was the fire? (4 days).

X. To retell this text.

(in English or in Russian).

XI. “Have a rest”.(The game “Merry lottery” – «Веселая лотерея»).

(Take cards with the words, and do different orders. Let’s play.)

  1. read

  2. write

  3. smile

  4. jump

  5. sleep

  6. run

  7. cry

XII. Venn’s diagram.

(Write different and similarities between two cities).

Astana Both London

President big city queen

Republic capitals Kingdom

Baiterek state Big – Ben

modern Eurasia ancient city

Kazakh has a rich history

XIII. Conclusion. (Подведение итогов).

What have you learnt from the lesson? (About the great fire).

Home work: Ex. 9 (b). p. 82 – 83.

Marks of the lesson.

The Quotation: “A man who knows many languages has no barriers and difficulties”.

- He who loves not his country can love nothing”

The lesson is over. Good – bye. Thank you for your attention.

Theme : London.

The aims of the lesson: to give more information about London and enrich pupil’ vocabulary, to develop pupils’ skill in oral speech, listening and reading; to develop pupils’ interest in learning English, and developing critical thinking.

Aids: Maps of England and Kazakhstan, pictures, texts – books, test.

Technology of critical thinking.

The plan of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.

T. Good morning, children!

Cl. Good morning, good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning our teacher, we are glad to see you!

T. I’m glad to see you too! Sit down, please!

Thank you! How are you?

Cl. We are fine, thank you. And how are you?

T. I’m OK, thank you.

Boys and girls, today we shall have an unusual lesson. We have guests in our lesson today.

“Dear guests, you are welcome to our school, and in our open lesson. We are very glad to you here and I want to say for you. Make yourselves home! From all my heart I wish you the best”.

T. Now, continue our lesson

Who is on duty today?

S. I’m on duty today.

T. Who is absent today?

S. … is/are absent today. (all are present today).

T. What date is it today?

S. Today is the 16 - th of March.

T. What day of the week is it today?

S. Today is Wednesday.

T. What is the weather like today?

S. It’s cold, frosty and windy.

T. That’s enough good, sit down please.

II. T. Now, please check up your home work.

What was your home work for this lesson?

S. The home task was: Retell the text about “Kazakhstan” and the words (learn by heart).

T. First of all, I read this words and you listen to me very attentively, then repeat after me all together.

Who is go the blackboard? (Kxeniya, please and other ask questions her, please).

Ex: What is the English for …Центральная Азия? Central Asia.

What is the Russian for … Republic? Республика.

Who wants to retell the text “Kazakhstan”?

(Karina, please).

Show on the maps its borders, capital, rivers and lakes etc.

Now, look at the blackboard. I’ll read the poem about our Motherland.

Phonetic practice: My Motherland, my dear land.

Let my land be in peace.

Be happy land, be happy people.

Be joyful people of Kazakhstan.

Who wants to read this poem with good information.

III. Now, continue our lesson. Look at the blackboard and read the saying. “He who loves not his country can love nothing”. Byron.

T. What do you think about these words! Do you agree or disagree.\

The theme of our lesson today is “London”. First of all answer my question “What do you know about “London”?

(draw this cluster and complete it).

I stage. Evocation.

the largest city Thames

queen London Big Ben

8 million people

II stage. Realization of meaning (стадия осмысления)

Vocabulary presentation.

(boys and girls read new words and try to translate them from English into Kazakh).

London – Лондон

Westminster – Вестминистерство

Stock Exchange – Фондовая Биржа

Oxford street – ул. Оксфорда

III stage. Working with textbook.

Open you books at p. 125 Ex IV (first listen to the text. Now you are going to work with the text. Now you must read it and mark: (take your pencils).

V - I know (я знаю).

+ - It is new for me (это новое для меня).

(you have only 5 minutes).

IV stage. Pair work. (answer the questions about London).

S1 What can you say about London as the capital of Great Britain?

S2 It is political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. etc.

V stage. The test.

Now, I’ll give the test, please choose the right answers. (you have only 3 minutes).

VI stage. Reflection. (Рефлексия).

Now, make up a cinquaine about “London”

1. London.

2. largest, important.

3. develops, situated, attracts.

4. London is the capital of GB.

5. England. (capital).

(read your cinquains about).

Look at the cluster again. What new details can you add to it?

(учащиеся дополняют кластер).

VII stage. Your home work: Ex IV p. 125.

(Retell the text “London”).

Ex I – II p. 124.

(Learn the words by heart).

Boys and girls answer my questions. Did you like our lesson? Was it interesting? What have you learnt about.

Your marks are …

And at the end of our lesson I want to say “A man who knows many languages has no barriers and difficulties”.

First of all we must know Kazakh language, as official, state one. English and Russian are the language of an international communication. “If we want to be a member of the World Trade Organization, our young generation must learn languages”, said the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbaeyv.

The lesson is over good – bye. Thank you for your attention.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

The living world. plants and animals.

Автор: Наурзова Фарида Кожасовна

Дата: 16.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 173876

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