III. Речевая разминка и активизация навыков устной речи Актуализация знаний, полученных на предыдущих уроках, активизация изученных лексических единиц в знакомых речевых образцах. | Учитель задает вопросы . - Where is Great Britain situated? - How many countries does the UK consist of? - What countries does the UK consist of? - What is the capital of the UK? - What is the capital of Scotland? - What is the capital of Wales? - What is the capital of England? - Where is London situated? - What is the capital of Northern Ireland? - What is the symbol of England? What is the symbol of Scotland? What is the symbol of Northern Ireland? What is the symbol of Wales? Учитель обращает внимание на изображение нарцисса на картинке. Учитель демонстрирует на слайдах картинки о Великобритании, Лондоне, флаги этих стран. - What can you see in the picture? | Учащиеся слушают, воспринимают речь учителя и отвечают на вопросы, используя географическую карту и иллюстрации. - Great Britain is situated in Europe. - It consists of 4 countries. - The UK consists of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. - The capital of the UK is London. -It is situated on the river Thames -The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. - The capital of Wales is Cardiff - The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. - The symbol of England is the red rose. -The symbol of Scotland is the thistle. - The symbol of Northern Ireland is the shamrock -The symbol of Wales is the daffodil. Учащиеся называют достопримечательности Великобритании, Лондона, Уэльса I can see the daffodil, Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, Big Ben, Stonehenge, flags of Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland, Piccadilly Circus. | Фронтальная беседа «Speaking in a chain» (Беседа по цепочке) |