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Talking about you

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The  theme  of  the  lesson:  Unit 1.Step 1.Talking  about  you.

The  Aims  of  the  lesson: 1.educational: to  teach  talking  about  holiday activities,making  questions  with                      different  tenses;

2.developing: to  develop  pupils’  reading,writing,speaking  and  listening  skills;

3.up-bringing: to  teach  to  lead  a  healthy  life.

Visual  aids: gr.tables,cards.

The  type  of the lesson:  traditional

The  methods  of  the  lesson: doing  level  tasks  on  grammar,presentation  of  the new  theme.

                                      The  Procedure  of  the  lesson


- greeting  the  pupils;

- report of  the  duties.

II.Warm  up

Answer  the  questions

-What is your  name?

-Where  were  you  born?

-Where  didi  you  spend  your  summer  holiday?

III.Checking  up  the  home  task

Revision  of  the  Tenses

1.Present  Simple

2.Past  Simple

3.Future  Sinmple

4.Present  Continuous

5.Past  Continuous

6.Future  Continuous

IV.Presentation  of  the  new  theme


          1.Special  questions

1.When  were  you  born? – I was  born  in  ….

2.Where  were  you  born? – I  was  born  in  ….

3.How  many  sisters  have  you  got? – Ihave  got  three sisters.

4.Why  are  you  studying  English? – Because  it’s  an  international  language.

         2. Negatives  and  pronunciation

1.Bell  invented  television.

   He  didn’t  invent  television.

2.Toyota  cars  are  made  in  Germany.

   Toyota  cars  are  not made  in  Germany.

3.We’re  sitting  at  home.

   We  are  not  sitting  at  home.

V.Doing  exercises

   Level  1

Make  questions.

1.I was  born  in  Aktau.

2.I  live  in  Taraz.

3.I  have  got  three  cousins.

4.I  am  studying  English  because  it’s  important  to  know  English  nowadays.

   Level 2

 Answer  the  questions

1.Where  were  your  parents  born?

2.Have  you  ever  met  a  famous  person?

3.Do  you  like your  mother?

4.What  are  you  wearing  at  the  moment?

  Level 3

Look  at  the  answers  of  some  famous  people  and  try  to  guess  what  are  the  original  questions  are.


What  have  you  learned  from  the  lesson?

Was  the  lesson  interesting  or  boring?

VII.Giving  the  home task




T:The  lesson  is  over.Good-bye,pupils!


T:See  you  soon!

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«Talking about you »



The theme of the lesson: Unit 1.Step 1.Talking about you.

The Aims of the lesson: 1.educational: to teach talking about holiday activities,making questions with different tenses;

2.developing: to develop pupils’ reading,writing,speaking and listening skills;

3.up-bringing: to teach to lead a healthy life.

Visual aids: gr.tables,cards.

The type of the lesson: traditional

The methods of the lesson: doing level tasks on grammar,presentation of the new theme.

The Procedure of the lesson


- greeting the pupils;

- report of the duties.

II.Warm up

Answer the questions

-What is your name?

-Where were you born?

-Where didi you spend your summer holiday?

III.Checking up the home task

Revision of the Tenses

1.Present Simple

2.Past Simple

3.Future Sinmple

4.Present Continuous

5.Past Continuous

6.Future Continuous

IV.Presentation of the new theme


1.Special questions

1.When were you born? – I was born in … .

2.Where were you born? – I was born in … .

3.How many sisters have you got? – Ihave got three sisters.

4.Why are you studying English? – Because it’s an international language.

2. Negatives and pronunciation

1.Bell invented television.

He didn’t invent television.

2.Toyota cars are made in Germany.

Toyota cars are not made in Germany.

3.We’re sitting at home.

We are not sitting at home.

V.Doing exercises

Level 1

Make questions.

1.I was born in Aktau.

2.I live in Taraz.

3.I have got three cousins.

4.I am studying English because it’s important to know English nowadays.

Level 2

Answer the questions

1.Where were your parents born?

2.Have you ever met a famous person?

3.Do you like your mother?

4.What are you wearing at the moment?

Level 3

Look at the answers of some famous people and try to guess what are the original questions are.


What have you learned from the lesson?

Was the lesson interesting or boring?

VII.Giving the home task




T:The lesson is over.Good-bye,pupils!


T:See you soon!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Talking about you

Автор: Нургалиева Алтынай Жаумитбаевна

Дата: 07.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 229271

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