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Table manners 7 form

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Конспект урока английского языка

Класс: 7 Б

Учитель английского языка: Степочкина Татьяна Евгеньевна

Тема:  Table manners


1. Образовательная: повторение и закрепление лексического и грамматического материала (should/shouldn’t; used to); введение в речь лексических единиц по теме  Table manners.

2. Воспитательная: формирование толерантного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка. Воспитание культуры  общения на английском языке, воспитание чувства коллективизма.

3. Развивающая: формирование навыков работы с текстом; развитие механизмов запоминания нового лексического материала; развитие способностей к продуктивным речевым действиям, развитие умения работать в группе.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Состав класса: 14 человек.

УМК:  учебник “New Millennium English 7”.

Дополнительные материалы: доска, мел, интерактивная доска, рабочая тетрадь.

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«Table manners 7 form »

Конспект урока английского языка

Класс: 7 Б

Учитель английского языка: Степочкина Татьяна Евгеньевна

Тема: Table manners


1. Образовательная: повторение и закрепление лексического и грамматического материала (should/shouldn’t; used to); введение в речь лексических единиц по теме Table manners.

2. Воспитательная: формирование толерантного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка. Воспитание культуры общения на английском языке, воспитание чувства коллективизма.

3. Развивающая: формирование навыков работы с текстом; развитие механизмов запоминания нового лексического материала; развитие способностей к продуктивным речевым действиям, развитие умения работать в группе.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Состав класса: 14 человек.

УМК: учебник “New Millennium English 7” .

Дополнительные материалы: доска, мел, интерактивная доска, рабочая тетрадь.

Этап и время

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика

Warming up

(3 мин)



(2 мин)

Class work

(35 мин)



(2 мин)


(2 мин)

Good morning children!

On the last lesson you learned some words and knew what they were made of and what they were used for. Am I right?

So, can you tell me what my pencil is made of?

What is it used for?

What’s your bag is made of?

What is it used for?

What’s the window is made of?

What is it used for?

Very well.

Ok now let’s open your copybooks at page 92. Look at the pictures please. What can you see on the pictures?

Right. But haven’t you noticed something strange? Do you eat like that boy on the picture “d”?

Why not?

It means that you shouldn’t eat like this boy. Right?

How will you translate “shouldn’t”?

And “should’?

Now I’ll give you one minute to read the sentences in the center of the picture. After that we will read them aloud.

Are you ready?

So, repeat after me:

1. Lick your fingers

2. Say thank you when you finish your meal.

3. Use your knife and fork or spoon.

4. Put your elbows on the table.

5. Throw bones on the floor.

6. Sit up straight.

7. Talk with your mouth full.

8. Wipe your fingers on a serviette.

Good. Now I will tell you Russian variant of these sentences and you should choose English variant. Do you understand the task?

Ok, let’s start:

Кидать кости на пол.

Разговаривать с полным ртом.

Облизывать пальцы.

Сидеть прямо.

Пользоваться ножом и вилкой или ложкой.

Говорить спасибо после еды.

Складывать локти на стол.

Вытирать пальцы салфеткой.

Now you know the translation of these sentences. Are you with all of them? What behavior do you think is not right? What people shouldn’t do?

(спрашивать по одному)

What should you do?

Ok, let’s read it together again. Repeat after me:

1. Lick your fingers

2. Say thank you when you finish your meal.

3. Use your knife and fork or spoon.

4. Put your elbows on the table.

5. Throw bones on the floor.

6. Sit up straight.

7. Talk with your mouth full.

8. Wipe your fingers on a serviette.

Now look at the board. Do you know all of these words?

(Fork, knife, plate, spoon, spit, throw, wipe, mouth, finger, full)

Let’s read them: Fork, knife, plate, spoon, spit, throw, wipe, mouth, finger, full.

I’ll tell you Russian variant you should find English word:

Рот. Палец. Тарелка. Ложка. Плевать. Вилка. Нож. Полный. Кидать. Вытирать.

You’re good. Now right them down in your copybooks.

Now answer my questions please with phrases yes you should\no, you shouldn’t:

Should I throw food on the floor?

Should I use a spoon?

Should I talk with my mouth full?

Now work in pairs. One of you should tell a word from the list that you have written, another should say the translation of this word. Work please.

Have you finished?

Very good. Please look through the Glossary at page 92.

Now let’s read it together. Repeat after me: settler, blow one’s nose, spit, stale, pot, allow.

Now I will read these words and you will translate them. (читаю)

Ok, now I’ll give you 10 minutes to read and translate the texts at page 92-93.

I suppose you are ready, let’s read them one by one. Start please.

As you noticed it’s not the completed text, the order is not right. I’ll give you a minute to put it in the right order. Do you understand the task? You should put the numbers near the letters. One minute and then we will check.

So, your time is up. Let’s check what you have done.

You are absolutely right.

Now look at the pictures on page 93. Do they remind you anything? There were some information in the text that can describe these pictures. Do you agree?

So, let’s find the sentences in the text that can describe each picture. Match the pictures 1 to 4 with a letter of the text. One minute.

Well, tell me please what do you have?

Good job. Now you know what people used to do in the past.

By the way, how can we translate used to do?

Right you are. It means that they did something in the past but now they don’t.

As for me when I was a child I used to drink milk. Also I used to do gymnastics but now I don’t.

Do you have anything that you used to do in the past but now you never do it? What did you use to do?

I didn’t use to like coffee, I like it very much now. What about you? What you didn’t use to do?

Ok. Now look at the board please.

You can see a present picture and the picture from the past. Make up the sentences with a construction used to\didn’t use to.

Very good.

Now let’s return to our text about table manners in the past. Do you find it strange or weird that a long time ago people didn’t use to eat together? Firstly men, then women and children.

Please write all facts that you think are strange or funny. 5 minutes. You have the example: ex. 3a. Use the construction used to\didn’t use to.

Are you ready? Let’s check.

It’s really interesting to know how people ate a long time ago. We have big differences with them. Now can you write these differences? For example: People in the past used to eat with their fingers. We usually use a spoon, or a knife and a fork.

Make 5 sentences about differences in table manners. Write them down please. I’ll give you 10 minutes.

Time is up. Let’s check.

Now we have some time to make a poster for your school canteen. In the poster you will write and draw rules for pupils, what they should or shouldn’t do in the canteen. Use such phrases as: don’t use, always eat, you should, you shouldn’t.

Do you understand the task? Make it in pairs and by the end of the lesson you will show us your posters.

Learn the words Fork, knife, plate, spoon, spit, throw, wipe, mouth, finger, full.

Did you like the lesson? Did you know anything new?

What else did you know?

Thank you for the lesson. Bye.

Good morning.


It’s made of wood.

It is used for writing.

It’s made of cloth.

It’s used for carrying things.

It’s made of glass and wood.

It’s used for looking through.

People are eating.


Because it’s not polite.


Не следует/ не должен.



Повторяют предложения вслух.



They shouldn’t lick fingers\ they shouldn’t talk with their mouth full…

Use your fork and knife or spoon…

Повторяют предложения


Повторяют слова.

Mouth. Finger. Plate. Spoon. Spit. Fork. Knife. Full. Throw. Wipe.

Записывают слова с переводом.

No, you shouldn’t.

Yes, you should.

No, you shouldn’t.

(работают в парах, спрашивают друг у друга перевод слов fork, knife, plate, spoon, spit, throw, wipe, mouth, finger, full)


Повторяют слова.

Переводят (перевод дан).

Читают и переводят тексты.

Читают по предложению, по цепочке, переводят.

Расставляют части текста в правильном порядке.

A - 1

B - 4

C - 3

D - 2

E - 5



Дети ищут части предложения подходящие к картинке.

1 - D

2 - C

3 - A

4 - E


Yes. (называют свои примеры)

Называют свои примеры

На доске презентация с картинками: какой-либо человек сейчас и раньше. Все вместе составляют предложения.

(She used to swim;…)

Пишут предложения.

По выбору читают одно предложение.

Читают предложения на выбор.

Пишут и рисуют постер.


I knew the word used to.\...

Now I know such words as canteen, spit, throw, full, wipe, plate…

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Table manners 7 form

Автор: Степочкина Татьяна Евгеньевна

Дата: 16.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 187466

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