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7th form Table manners

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To practice  there is some …/there aren’t any ….

Result of the lesson

 Talking about table manners, discussing, talking about dishes (tableware)

Type of the lesson

New theme.


Write the correct words, check the meaning of the simple, talk about table manners,  group work.

Visual aids

The English books, pictures, cards.

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«7th form Table manners»

7th form.

I term.

Date: The 23rd of October

Lesson 16

The theme

Table manners


To practice there is some …/there aren’t any … .

Result of the lesson

Talking about table manners, discussing, talking about dishes (tableware)

Type of the lesson

New theme.


Write the correct words, check the meaning of the simple, talk about table manners, group work .

Visual aids

The English books, pictures, cards.

The procedure of the lesson:

The stages of lesson.

Teacher’s activity

Pupils’ activity

Warming up

Org.moment. Greeting, talk on duty

Introduction of the lesson objectives..

Dividing into two groups

Criteria: speaking, writing, pronuncation, use of grammar, discussing.

Pupils greet the teacher.

Answer the questions.

Main part

The theme of our lesson is “Table manners”. At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask your attention to this golden rules:

-Be active , -Be attention, -Be emotional, -Don’t say I don’t know, -First think then speak. Listen, read and match. Look at the pictures and match with a paragraph below. Listen the text again and write true, false or not enough information.

Work in groups.

Explanation each other.


I Write sentences saying what you do when you sit down at a table. Use. sometimes, never.

I. Always.

Example: When I finish eating I always put my knife and fork together on my plate.

2. Sometimes – I sometimes read when I am eating.

I, Never – I never use a knife when I eat fish dishes

The teacher asked some questions about table manners. The student answered them. Match the questions with the answers.

  1. What is the correct way to sit at the table?

  2. Do you use your knife or your fork to take a slice of bread from the table?

  3. How do you cut your meat?

  4. What do you do with the spoon after stirring your tea?

  5. What do you say if you dislike the dish very much?

  6. What do you say if you dislike the dish?

  7. Where do you keep your book or newspaper during a meal, on the table or on your lap?

  8. B. Read the text. Give a title to it.

Some people judge others by their manners at the table.

They even think there is no better way to judge a person's Background than by watching him or her at the table.

The children learn it is impolite to talk while eating or to chew with the mouth open. As they grow older they learn the more obvious manners – not to butter an entire slice of bread, not to take more than one biscuit at a time.

Complete the sentences and understand the grammar rules.




Exercise I A. Answer these questions with a partner?

a. How should you get bread from the far end of the table? I). What do you do with stones if you are eating stewed i berries) fruit?

с What do you do if your food is too hot?

d. Is it good manners to ask for a second helping?

e. What shouldn't we do while eating?

f) Do girls learn table manners easier than boys?

Homework: ex: 5,6 p.86

Well, let’s evaluate today’s lesson



«5» excellent

«4» good

«3» satisfactory

Explanation and give your own opinion.


I know …

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

7th form Table manners

Автор: Жармуханова Гульжан Сергеевна

Дата: 03.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 261362

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