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Special people (6 grade)

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The aims:


            Educational aim:

                 To introduce pupils with an adjective. And to teach how to use they.

                 To introduce with new words.       

            Developing aim:

                 To development objectives to develop their memory, speaking, hearing, writing,

                  communication skills. To develop their habits of the oral speech, to develop

                  their creative and logical abilities.

            Cultural aim:

                 To bring up feeling love forward and interest to the subject, to respect each

                  other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom.  

The type of the lesson:  New lesson

The form of the lesson:  Demonstrative lesson  

Methods of the lesson: Explanation, training, interaction  

Visual aids: English book, work with blackboard, slaid  

The outline of the lesson

  1. Organization moment
  • Greeting and checking up attendance
  • Good afternoon, pupils!
  • How are you?
  • Sit down, please!
  • Who is on duty today?
  • Who is absent?
  • What date is it today?
  • The
  • What day is it today?
  • It is
  1. Checking up homework
  • What was the homework for today?  
  • Exercise 12
  1. Phonetic drill exercises
  2. New lesson

The theme of our lesson is «Special people ».

  1. New words

prime minister – премьер министрі

grocer – сатушы

university – университет

chemistry – химия

politics – саясат

politician – саясатшы

afraid – қорқу

resign – отставкаға шығу, берілу

Ex:1 Listen and read

    The shortest person in the world called General

Tom Thumb. He was born in 1838 in the USA and  was

only 102 cm tall when he died in 1883.

      King George IV had the biggest bath. It was 4.88 m   long, 3.05 m wide and 1.83 m deep.

      China has the largest population in the world – about one milliard.

     The funniest name? Mr Zzyzzy. Zzyryxxy who lives in Chicago and that’s true!

      The hottest place in the world is Mali in West Africa, which has an average temperature of 28*C all the year round.

Ex:2 Complete the sentences.

  1. The ________ name is Zzyzzy Zzyryxxy.
  2. The  ________ person in the world was General Tom Thumb.
  3. The _________ place in the world is Mail.
  4. The country with the _______ population is China.
  5. The ______ bath was 4.88 m long.

Ex:5 Read the text and check new words in your dictionary.

Margaret Thatcher

   Margaret Thatcher was the first woman prime minister in Europe. She was born in the small English town in 1925. Her father was a grocer. He earned very little money. Margaret worked hard and went to Oxford  University, where she studied chemistry. In 1951 she married Denis Thatcher. He was a rich businessman. They had twins a girl and a boy. She loved politics and didn’t have any other interests. She needed only four hours’ sleep. She became Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1979. She was a very strong person. A lot of people were afraid of her. She resigned in 1990, but she didn’t want to resign. 


Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

                                                                             T           F

  1. She was born in London
  2. She came from a rich family
  3. She had a lot of other interests
  4. Her husband was a politician
  5. People were afraid of her
  6. She was Prime Minister for ten years
  7. She was happy to resign

Ex:7 Complete the questions about Margaret Thatcher

  1. Where ________ she born?
  2. What did she ________ at Oxford University?
  3. When did she________ Prime Minister?
  4. How many children _______ she have?
  5. Why ______ people afraid of her?
  6. How long _______ she Prime Minister?
  7. Giving marks
  8. Giving homework

I’ll give you for homework ex:11.  To learn by heart the new words

Look at the people in the photos and write some sentences abo

  1. The end of the lesson
  • Have you got any question?
  • The lesson is over! Bye-bye!
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«Special people (6 grade)»

Date: 13.12.2014

Form: 6 «a»

The theme of the lesson: Step 4 Special people

The aims:

Educational aim:

To introduce pupils with an adjective. And to teach how to use they.

To introduce with new words.

Developing aim:

To development objectives to develop their memory, speaking, hearing, writing,

communication skills. To develop their habits of the oral speech, to develop

their creative and logical abilities.

Cultural aim:

To bring up feeling love forward and interest to the subject, to respect each

other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom.

The type of the lesson: New lesson

The form of the lesson: Demonstrative lesson

Methods of the lesson: Explanation, training, interaction

Visual aids: English book, work with blackboard, slaid

The outline of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

  • Greeting and checking up attendance

  • Good afternoon, pupils!

  • How are you?

  • Sit down, please!

  • Who is on duty today?

  • Who is absent?

  • What date is it today?

  • The

  • What day is it today?

  • It is

  1. Checking up homework

  • What was the homework for today?

  • Exercise 12

  1. Phonetic drill exercises

  2. New lesson

The theme of our lesson is «Special people ».

  1. New words

prime minister – премьер министрі

grocer – сатушы

university – университет

chemistry – химия

politics – саясат

politician – саясатшы

afraid – қорқу

resign – отставкаға шығу, берілу

Ex:1 Listen and read

The shortest person in the world called General

Tom Thumb. He was born in 1838 in the USA and was

only 102 cm tall when he died in 1883.

King George IV had the biggest bath. It was 4.88 m long, 3.05 m wide and 1.83 m deep.

China has the largest population in the world – about one milliard.

The funniest name? Mr Zzyzzy. Zzyryxxy who lives in Chicago and that’s true!

The hottest place in the world is Mali in West Africa, which has an average temperature of 28*C all the year round.

Ex:2 Complete the sentences.

  1. The ________ name is Zzyzzy Zzyryxxy.

  2. The ________ person in the world was General Tom Thumb.

  3. The _________ place in the world is Mail.

  4. The country with the _______ population is China.

  5. The ______ bath was 4.88 m long.

Ex:5 Read the text and check new words in your dictionary.

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was the first woman prime minister in Europe. She was born in the small English town in 1925. Her father was a grocer. He earned very little money. Margaret worked hard and went to Oxford University, where she studied chemistry. In 1951 she married Denis Thatcher. He was a rich businessman. They had twins a girl and a boy. She loved politics and didn’t have any other interests. She needed only four hours’ sleep. She became Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1979. She was a very strong person. A lot of people were afraid of her. She resigned in 1990, but she didn’t want to resign.


Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.


  1. She was born in London

  2. She came from a rich family

  3. She had a lot of other interests

  4. Her husband was a politician

  5. People were afraid of her

  6. She was Prime Minister for ten years

  7. She was happy to resign

Ex:7 Complete the questions about Margaret Thatcher

  1. Where ________ she born?

  2. What did she ________ at Oxford University?

  3. When did she________ Prime Minister?

  4. How many children _______ she have?

  5. Why ______ people afraid of her?

  6. How long _______ she Prime Minister?

  1. Giving marks

  2. Giving homework

I’ll give you for homework ex:11. To learn by heart the new words

Look at the people in the photos and write some sentences about them.

  1. The end of the lesson

  • Have you got any question?

  • The lesson is over! Bye-bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Special people (6 grade)

Автор: Mambetiyarova Ayagoz Abdikadyrkyzy

Дата: 07.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 420824

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