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Special occasions

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  •                                                                                                                Бекітемін

    The  plan  of  the  lesson

    Grade: 8


    The  theme  of  the  lesson: Special occasions

    Educational: Оқушыyы қайталау сабағымен 

    таныстыру, жаңа сөздерді қайталау. Жаттығу  

    жұмыстарын орындау.

    Developing: Оқушының жаттығулар арқылы  шығармашылық, логикалық және жазу қабілеттерін  дамыту.

                                                        Bringing-up: Оқушыларды бір-бірін құрметтеуге,      

                                                        сабаққа  деген  қызығушылыққа  тәрбиелеу

    Type  of  the  lesson: new lesson

    Methods  of  the  lesson: explanation, speaking, demonstration, practical  exercises.

    Visual  aids: pictures,tables, cards.

    Procedure  of  the  lesson

    I.   Organization  moment.

    Classroom  expressions:

    -     Good  morning, pupils!

    -     How  are  you?

    -     Who  is  on  duty  today?

    -     Who  is  absent?

    III. Checking  up  the  home  task.

    What  was  your  home  work? Ex  _____  p _____.     

             New lesson

    Ex 1. A) Look at the expressions. How do you say them in your language?

    Happy birthday, Happy New Year, Congratulations, Happy anniversary, Guud luck.

    B) Match the words with the pictures.

    Cake, candles, costumes, decorations, fireworks, guests, presents, procession.

    C) think of at least one special occasion in your country for each word in 1b.

    Ex 2. Listen and repeat the words.

  • Now listen to some more words and repeat. Is the final sound.
  • Ex 3. A) what can you say about the pictures?

    B) Read the text. Which the words or phrases refer to special occasions?

    C) match 1-7 with a-g and make seven superstitions.

    Ex 5. A. Complete the sentences with if or unless.

  • ___ it’s a nice day tomorrow. We’ll have lunch outside.
  • What will we do ____ it rains?
  • The bus is late. We’ll miss the beginning of the film ___ it comes soon.
  • ____ you ring me from the station. I’ll come and meet you.
  • That plant will die ____ you give it some water.


    Writing and speaking

    Use what you know

    Write two or three superstitions. Then read out the first part of each sentence.

    If you break a mirror, ____

    Can other people in the class complete it?

    Do you believe in any of these surestitions?

    Home  task.  To learn by heart the new words. Ex ____ p _____

  • Marking
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«Special occasions»


The plan of the lesson

Grade: 8


The theme of the lesson: Special occasions

Educational: Оқушыyы қайталау сабағымен

таныстыру, жаңа сөздерді қайталау. Жаттығу

жұмыстарын орындау.

Developing: Оқушының жаттығулар арқылы шығармашылық, логикалық және жазу қабілеттерін дамыту.

Bringing-up: Оқушыларды бір-бірін құрметтеуге,

сабаққа деген қызығушылыққа тәрбиелеу

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Methods of the lesson: explanation, speaking, demonstration, practical exercises.

Visual aids: pictures,tables, cards.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

Classroom expressions:

- Good morning, pupils!

- How are you?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

III. Checking up the home task.

What was your home work? Ex _____ p _____.

New lesson

Ex 1. A) Look at the expressions. How do you say them in your language?

Happy birthday, Happy New Year, Congratulations, Happy anniversary, Guud luck.

B) Match the words with the pictures.

Cake, candles, costumes, decorations, fireworks, guests, presents, procession.

C) think of at least one special occasion in your country for each word in 1b.

Ex 2. Listen and repeat the words.

  • Now listen to some more words and repeat. Is the final sound.

Ex 3. A) what can you say about the pictures?

B) Read the text. Which the words or phrases refer to special occasions?

C) match 1-7 with a-g and make seven superstitions.

Ex 5. A. Complete the sentences with if or unless.

  1. ___ it’s a nice day tomorrow. We’ll have lunch outside.

  2. What will we do ____ it rains?

  3. The bus is late. We’ll miss the beginning of the film ___ it comes soon.

  4. ____ you ring me from the station. I’ll come and meet you.

  5. That plant will die ____ you give it some water.


Writing and speaking

Use what you know

Write two or three superstitions. Then read out the first part of each sentence.

If you break a mirror, ____

Can other people in the class complete it?

Do you believe in any of these surestitions?

Home task. To learn by heart the new words. Ex ____ p _____

  1. Marking

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Special occasions

Автор: Касымбекова Тазагуль Токсейтовна

Дата: 01.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 386357

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