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“Special days of the planet”

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Данный урок направлен на закрепление предлогов времени on, in, at, а также на закрепление лексики.

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«“Special days of the planet”»

“Special days of the planet”

(5 класс)

Цель: совершенствование навыков говорения, чтения и восприятия на слух. Повторение лексических единиц и предлогов времени on, in, at.



  • развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку, память, внимание;

  • развивать навыки устной и письменной речи по теме;

  • развивать умение слушать и слышать партнера.


  • повышать интерес к знанию основных праздников РБ и других стран;

  • повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.


  • практиковать учащихся в устной речи, стимулировать их желание высказываться по теме на английском языке;

  • отработать навыки восприятия речи на слух и чтения;

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Методическое оснащение: учебник, доска, компьютер, раздаточный материал, картинки.

1. Warming-up (Речевая разминка, орг. момент)

T: Good morning, children! Take your seats. How’s it going?

P1: I’m fine, thank you. P2: I’m good, thank you. P3: …

T: I see you are fine. Let’s start our lesson. Plan for this lesson is to check up your homework (ex.1, p.104-105; ex4, p.106): words and riddles. And finally we will continue to speak about special days of the planet. We will talk about some special holidays in our country and in Britain. We’ll do some interesting exercises on this topic.

2. Checking up homework (Проверка домашнего задания)

T: And now let’s check your homework. First of all I would like to check your words that you must have learnt by heart. We will do it with the ball. I will through the ball to you and ask “What’s the English for …” and you should catch the ball and give me answer. Is it clear?

P: Yes, it is.

T: Good! Let’s do it.

(Teacher asks the words and pupils answer)

T: Well done! Now your next task. You should prepare a riddle about a special day. Let’s listen to your riddles and others should guess what the special day is.

(Pupils read their riddles and others guess)

T: Fine.

3. New topic (Новая тема)

T: And now answer: What special days do you remember from previous lessons?

P1: Independence Day.

P2: Christmas.

P3: April Fool’s Day. …

T: I see you remember most of them, and today we are going to continue speaking about them. (Teacher knocks on the table) Ooh! Did you hear a knock?

P1: Yes, we did.

P2: Who’s there?

T: Let’s see!

(Teacher hangs a picture with Santa and say…)

T: Children, do you know who he is?

P: Yes, he is Santa!

T: Right! He’s come to see how you work. That’s why let’s work hard and he will give you good marks!

P: Ok!

T: On this lesson we will know some facts about some holidays. Let’s read the texts, they will help us to know more. It is ex. 1a, from p.107, and then we will answer some questions after texts. Let’s begin!

(Pupils start reading texts and then answer questions below)

T: There is more to come! I’ve prepared for you crossword. You see it on the board. And now I give you the cards with questions. You should guess eight words in order to get our key word of today’s lesson.










1. What do people usually wish their friends or relatives? (Happiness)

2. On this day people have fun and play … their friends or relatives. (Jokes)

3. On this day people celebrate romantic love. They give presents to the people they love. What day is it? (Valentine’s)

4. We celebrate it on the seventh of January. What day is it? (Christmas)

5. What do people usually send to their relatives or friends? (Cards)

6. On this day people make cakes, paint eggs, give and get presents. What day is it? (Easter)

7. On this day we decorate fir-tree with sweets, tinsels, light candles, watch fireworks and get presents. What day is it? (New Year)

8. People paint them in bright colors and give them to each other as a present. (Eggs)

T: What is our key word?

P: Holidays!

T: Good!

4. Physical exercises (Физкультминутка)

T: I think you are tired. Let’s relax. Let’s sing a little!

(Pupils sing and do some exercises)

(“S-A-N-T-A” Lyrics song)

Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye.

Santa is his name-o.




And Santa is his name-o. (7 times)

5. Speaking (Говорение)

T: And now it’s time to speak about special days. I’ve prepared for you pictures with some public holidays. Your task is to make up some sentences about holidays and also you should say what people can do on this day. You can use some words for help from ex.2a, p. 109.

(Pupils describe holidays)

T: Nice! Let’s do the next task! I have some replicas with names of holidays. You take one of them and after that you should try to find your partner with the same holidays and then you should role play greeting to each other on special day and your classmate greets in return. It helps you not only speak about holidays but wish something in one of the special days. Let’s do it. Well done.

6. Round-up (Рефлексия)

T: Good job! Our lesson has already finished that’s why let’s make some conclusions. Did you enjoy today’s lesson? If “yes” stick a snowflake in the right bag, if “no” stick a snowflake in the left bag.

Good. I see. I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. Please, take your recordbooks and write down your homework: ex. 2c, p. 109. You should make up a story about your favourite special day and explain why you like it. If you want to get:

8-9 points – you should make up the story and read it expressively.

10 points – you should make up the story and retell it.

Your marks for the lesson are … The lesson is over. See you later.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

“Special days of the planet”

Автор: Лаврова Инна Васильевна

Дата: 09.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 489676

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