Hello! Sit down, please Today I’d like to start the lesson with a children song. Look at the blackboard please. And try to guess what is the topic of our lesson today. The film So, everything was simple. What is the song about? How often do you spend time with your parents and siblings ? What do you do together? Do you celebrate any holidays together? So, Who can call me the name of our lesson? “Family traditions” And the question is “What do we need them for!?” Look at the blackboard. Can you say what family traditions do you know? (Answers) Look at the pictures of these traditions. What do you think they show? What do we need them for? (Answers) Примерные ответы: These families spend time playing sports together. I think they have a lot of fun. It’s important to organize something to have time with each other, because you feel secure when there’s a family behind you. On these pictures we can observe families celebrating different holidays: New Year, Birthdays, and Thanksgiving Day. To my mind they are happy, because these days are special with charm and surprises. People give presents to each other, visit their relatives. It gives a sense of unity. And it make them realize that you care for them. Here we can see parents and their children watching TV and reading books before going to sleep. It’s necessary to spend time with children in the evening just talking, reading or watching TV, I guess when people spend more time together they are closer to each other. OK, at home you have read different texts text “Family traditions”. Now let’s work with them. Look at the blackboard. Can you make up the word from the letters. 0ne-on-one Heritage Values successful Try to make up the sentences with these words or if you can’t just read the sentences from the text. Работа по группам: 1 группа Answer my questions: 1. What do we need daily traditions for ? 2. Where can we find them? 3. What daily traditions can you list? 4. What is an unusual tradition for Russians? 5. Which tradition makes children smarter and why? Thanks 2 группа You have got a true/false assignment. Your family is an organization and you need plans and schedules. T Family home evening includes a fun activity and a short lesson. T Family Game Night ramps laughter down (up) F. Lots of families have special Monday (Saturday/Sunday) morning breakfast tradition. F It’s incredibly boring (relaxing and comforting) to watch football with your family. F 3 группа And you guys have to finish the sentences. Full Moon walks help to …. (get your kids keyed into the rhythms and cycles of our world). An important life skill for a child is … (to develop how to set and work towards a goal). The main goal in Daddy’s day is …. (to give each one of his kids one – on –one time with dad). Family service day means … (spending a morning at the homeless shelter or cleaning the garden of an elderly neighbor or sorting clothes at Goodwill). At home you were to analyze the texts and make fish bones, write out the main traditions and what they are used for. Now let’s check So, daily     ![]() ![]() Traditions Daily traditions    ![]() So, monthly     ![]() ![]() Traditions Weekly traditions    ![]() So, monthly     ![]() ![]() Traditions Monthly traditions    ![]() Now let’s make the only fishbone to sum everything up. What traditions are mentioned in the text? What are they used for? So, family     ![]() ![]() Traditions Daily Weekly Monthly Family traditions traditions traditions traditions help     ![]() children to be a Develop help to bring up a successful children into run a successful human a successful successful understanding being. adults family child Relaxation And now sit down straight, close your eyes, write down the mark you’d like to have at the lesson. Smile. And now get ready to listen to Mama Doc and fill in the gaps on your sheets of paper. Establishing and maintaining traditions can really contribute a sense of well – being in your family. Traditions can be a great way for you establishing sense of time, establishing sense of inclusion, love and family together. Think about one extra half a day with your child. Establishing traditions, let them be great family experiences, start them now and repeat. Your child and your whole family may find a great sense of well-being. Listen to once again and say what holidays Mama Doc pointed in her Speech and what rituals are mentioned by the speaker? Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day. Running down at Christmas morning, setting out a set of candles, putting something special on your door, a walk with your family, a letter that your mother wrote every New Year’s Day. And now look at the blackboard and check your answers. Now let’s continue our work. Look at the blackboard please and make up the sentences. (слайд ) 1. Family gives a sense of stability. 2. In happy families parents are frank and honest with their children. 3. My parents are the most important people in the world. And the next task. Put the sentences into correct order to make up a text. It’s so important to have traditions. 3 They are part of the glue that hold family together. 1 Traditions foster closeness in families. 2 They give children and teens a sense of security. 5 We hope, our children will continue the customs in their own homes. 4 Now look at the photo. What can you say about this family (фото) And the last task for you, Here is a family and some expressions. You should choose the expression and explain your choice. And fix it on the family. So you will answer the main question of our lesson. (На доске вырезаны фигуры людей семьи из 4-х человек) Identity and values Traditions are things we do to reinforce family identity and values. One-on-one time Having or spending one-on-one time you can solve a lot of problems with your parents. Values and cultural heritage Being together singing, reading, watching family films or programmers, having meals, you can pass on values and cultural heritage to children. It makes them feel comforted, loved and relaxed and be a successful man. A successful family It’s not easy to run a successful family but it’s possible and real. The main things are understanding, love, care and traditions to bond and strengthen families. Релаксация Do you like the lesson? Put the hand up who really like it. What do you like best of all? Thank you for the lesson |