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Schools of future

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The aims of the lesson:1) to enlarge pupils knowledge about education, schools, to develop habits which is describing our country`s school, to develop pupil`s memory and attention;

2) To brinding up interest in learning English. To love own school. 

The type of the lesson: presentation lesson.

Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, Russian languages.

Methods of teaching: expeaining, showing work in pair.

Visual aids: Textbook, interactive board, slides, pictures.

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«Schools of future»

My school day

The aims of the lesson:1) to enlarge pupils knowledge about education, schools, to develop habits which is describing our country`s school, to develop pupil`s memory and attention;

2) To brinding up interest in learning English. To love own school.

The type of the lesson: presentation lesson.

Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, Russian languages.

Methods of teaching: expeaining, showing work in pair.

Visual aids: Textbook, interactive board, slides, pictures.

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organizatin moment. Good morning dear pupils, teachers. Welcome to our unusual lesson. I`ll hope you`ll enjoy today`s lesson.

  2. Let`s check up your Home.tasks. Write essay “My school day”.

  3. Presentation: “My school day”.

1. Dear pupils! What do you associate with the word “school”

Long break holidays Get up early

Morning exercises


different subjects

Have breakfast

Lesson begin study

Repeat after me, all together

2. Ex 1. Act the dialogue p120. p1 p2 p3

A) What about this dialogue?

B) Do you want to meet with John Smith?

IV. Work in pair Ex V.

P1: When do you get up?

P2: I get up at 7 o`clock

P1: When do you go school?

P2: I go to school at 8 o` clock.

V. Revision Grammar. Reported speech (Төлеу сөз)

Eg. Aidar “I have got something interesting to tell you”. Aidar said, that he had got something interesting to tell us.

Ex II p 121 4sen-ces (written form)

VI. Singuain 1. Pupil.

a) 2. Educated, hardworking

3. to write, to read, to speak

4. he is educated pupil

5. school boy

b) 1. School

2. secondary, large

3.to teach, to learn, to educate

4. school-ship, knowledge- sea

5. educational establishment.

VII. Today we speak about schools. Now, let`s read “school rulls”. Which our pupils write themselves.

VIII H.t. Ex II p 121 (finish) Ex III (read)

IX. Conclusion of the lesson: with the rhyme in Kazakh, English, Russian.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Schools of future

Автор: Маштакова Ж?ма?аным Зинетовна

Дата: 25.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310113

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