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School and school subjects

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Урок по теме “ School and school subjects ”проводился в прогимназическом 4 а классе.  В группе обучается 14 человек. У всех учащихся высокая учебно-познавательная мотивация. Тип урока: повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме  “ School and school subjects ”

Поставленная цель урока (обобщение изученного лексического материала по теме

“ School and school subjects ”и совершенствование грамматических навыков по темам: Present Simple, Past Simple и употребление предлогов путем применения игровых технологий на уроках английского языка)  была достигнута.

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«School and school subjects »

МОУ ТСШ № 18

Открытый урок по английскому языку

в 4 А классе.

Тема: School and school subjects

Подготовила: учитель англ. яз

Семенова Е. В.

2013 г.

Тип урока: повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме “ School and school subjects ”

Цель урока: Обобщение изученного лексического материала по теме “ School and school subjects ” и совершенствование грамматических навыков по темам: Present Simple, Past Simple и употребление предлогов путем применения игровых технологий на уроках английского языка.

Задачи урока:

  • Практические:

    • Автоматизировать употребление лексики по теме.

    • Повторить употребление Present Simple, Past Simple и предлогов в английском языке.

  • Образовательные:

    • Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, чтения и письма.

    • Развивать логическое мышление, память и воображение.

  • Воспитательные:

    • Развить устойчивый интерес к предмету.

    • формировать умение самостоятельно работать над поставленной задачей.

    • воспитывать доброжелательное и толерантное отношение друг другу;

    • воспитывать чувство ответственности за порученное дело;

    • признавать право быть уникальным и право на ошибку.

Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический, проектный.

Оснащение урока: персональный компьютер, доска, раздаточный материал (карточки), фотографии.

Самоанализ урока учителя английского языка Семеновой Е.В.

Урок по теме “ School and school subjects ”проводился в прогимназическом 4 а классе. В группе обучается 14 человек. У всех учащихся высокая учебно-познавательная мотивация.

Тип урока: повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме “ School and school subjects ”

Поставленная цель урока (обобщение изученного лексического материала по теме

“ School and school subjects ”и совершенствование грамматических навыков по темам: Present Simple, Past Simple и употребление предлогов путем применения игровых технологий на уроках английского языка) была достигнута благодаря решению следующих задач:


-Автоматизировать употребление лексики по теме.

-Повторить употребление Present Simple, Past Simple и предлогов в английском языке.


-Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, чтения и письма.

-Развивать логическое мышление, память и воображение.


-Развить устойчивый интерес к предмету.

-формировать умение самостоятельно работать над поставленной задачей.

-воспитывать доброжелательное и толерантное отношение друг другу;

-воспитывать чувство ответственности за порученное дело;

-признавать право быть уникальным и право на ошибку.

В процессе проведения урока учитель использовал компьютерные технологии (представление интересной презентации по теме). Наглядный материал использовался для более доступного восприятия  речи учителя и развития навыков монологического высказывания учащихся.

Сознательность, активность и самостоятельность школьников достигалась с помощью наводящих вопросов, руководство учением присутствующих происходило по схеме учитель – ученик.

Развитие учащихся на уроке осуществлялось в полной мере. В работе были задействованы все ученики.

Структура урока полностью соответствовала логике проведения заявленного типа урока, так как моей основной организационной задачей являлось создание условий для обобщения ранее изученного материала. На мой взгляд, на проведенном уроке такие условия были созданы. Учащиеся активно вели беседу с учителем на иностранном языке по заданной теме и старались грамотно выражать свои мысли. Созданная ситуация общения по схеме “учитель-ученик” способствовала развитию коммуникативных навыков детей.

Отобранное содержание урока, оборудование урока, организация мыслительной деятельности учащихся на всех этапах урока,  индивидуальные и фронтальные формы организации учебной деятельности школьников,  применение словесных, визуальных методов, работа с карточками, рабочей тетрадью способствовали достижению образовательных целей урока, стимулировали познавательные интересы учащихся.

Учащиеся на уроке были активны, внимательны, работоспособны. С моей стороны были соблюдены нормы педагогической этики и такта, культура общения.

Особый аспект на уроке имел здоровье сберегающий эффект: я постаралась создать ситуацию психологического комфорта для детей.

На данном уроке поставленные задачи оказались в основном решены. Перегрузки учащихся как физической, так и психической не было благодаря смене видов деятельности и форм работы.


  • T:Boys and girls, I’m glad to see you, good morning.

P: Good morning our teacher.

  • T:Take your seats, sit straight and let’s start our lesson.

Who is on duty today?

P: I’m on duty today. My name is … My surname is…. I am…. I am from Tiraspol. Today is the … of…, …. Everybody is present.

  • T:The theme of our lesson is SCHOOL AND SCHOOL SUBJECTS. Today we shall speak about school subjects and the difference between our school and schools in Great Britain. I am sure that it is very interesting to study. We can get a lot useful information; we can learn a lot of interesting things and besides schools help us to choose our future profession.

  1. Речеваязарядка

  • T:I’m sure all pupils like to go to school and what about you?

  • Do you like to go to school?

  • Does your friend like to go to school?

  • How many days a week do you go to school?

  • Do you go to school on Sunday?

  • How many lessons do you have every day?

  • What subjects have you got at school?

  • What is your favourite subject and why?

  • T: The motto of our lesson is:

Knowledge is power.

Is it true? What do you think?

P1:I think that…..

P2, P3…

-I think that knowledge is power because only clever people can get good profession.

-I think that knowledge is power because only our knowledge helps us in our life.

-I think that knowledge is power because only clever people can do a lot of useful things

- I think that knowledge is power becauseonly cleverpeople can improve our life

- I think that knowledge is power because our knowledge helps us to reach good results.

  1. Основная часть урока

  • T:Well, I see you are clever enough and everybody likes to go to school. But today we’ve got an unusual lesson. Today we are going to visit a very interesting country School Subjects. It’s a place where different school subject live.

But at first let’s find the key which can help us to open the door. Look at the blackboard and make up the words from these letters:









  • T:You are right. And now let’s match the school subjects and the things you study during these lessons:

Maths – we count and do the sums

Nature Study – we learn different things about our planet

English – we try to speak English

Writing – we learn to write correctly

Reading – we read interesting books

Physical Education – we play different sports games

Art – we draw beautiful pictures

Music – pupils sing songs

  • T:Thank you for your excellent work and welcome to the first town READING. It’s a place where people like to read and discuss different stories. (Pupils read and discuss the text)

Read the dialogue. (Ex. 10 p. 89)

Steve: Hello, Fred! What about your new school? Do you like it?

Fred: Oh, yes, I do. It’s very interesting to go to this school, but it isn’t easy.

Steve: How many subjects are their on your timetable?

Fred: Nine. We have English four times a week, Maths five times a week and we have P.E. and handicraft twice a week.

Steve: And what about Music and Art?

Fred: I’ve got Music on Monday once a week and Art twice a week on Wednesday and Friday.

Steve: Oh, we have a different timetable in our school.

T:Well, We’ve read the dialogue about Fred’s new school. Be ready to answer my questions.

  1. Does Fred like to go to school?

  2. Does he like his school?

  3. What subjects has he got at school?

  4. How many times a week has he got English (Maths, P.E., Music)

  • T:Now we are going to the second town ART. It’s a place where people draw beautiful pictures and describe them. At home you had to prepare pictures or photos of different places that you visited last year.

I’m sure all people like to travel and during their travelling all children like to read poems. Let's read a poem.

We go, go, go

By train, by ship, by car

We always want to know

What's near and what's far

Farewell, farewell

Everything is going well

Comfortable seats

Everybody meets

In the South, in the West

Pleasant trip and all’s the best.

  • T:Well, and nowlet’s check up your homework. I want you to take your pictures and photos and tell us about your last holidays. (pupils’ stories)

  1. P: Good morning. My name is …. As for me I was in Moscow last year. I visited a lot of interesting places. I saw Red Square and went to the theatre with my parents.

  2. P: Good morning. My name is …. Last summer I went to my grandparents. Every day I swam in the lake and went for a walk with my friends. I enjoyed fresh air.

  3. P: Good morning. My name is …. Last summer I was in Odessa. I went to the seaside. I saw dolphins and seagulls. I spent my summer holidays very well.

  4. P: Good morning. My name is …. Last summer I was at the seaside too. I swam a lot, played with my friends and saw many interesting places. I was in Odessa. I liked my summer holidays very much.

  5. P: Good morning. My name is …. I want to tell you about my last winter holidays. I played snowballs with my friends, made snowmen and skated a lot. I liked my holidays very much.

  • T: Well, let’s go on our travelling and let’s visit the third town Physical Education. It’s a place where people like to do morning exercises, run, jump and play different sports games. Who wants to be the teacher of P.E.?(Sports exercises)

Hands up, hands down

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

Stand up.

Hands to the sides,

Bend left,

Bend right.

Hands on hips-One, two-three – hop,

One, two, three - stop! Stand straight. Take your seats.

  • T: Now boys and girls we are going to visit the forth town ENGLISH. You know, English schoolchildren like to go to school too, but their schools are not the same as ours. What do you know about English schools?You know, English pupils came to our school yesterday. Their names are… They want to tell you about their schools. (Pupils tell us about English schools)

English P1:

In Great Britain children go to school at the age of four or five and leave school at the age of sixteen. In England the school year begins in September but never on Monday. English people think that Monday isn’t a good day to start school. So pupils usually begin their school year on the first Tuesday of September. The weather is usually fine. Little children go to school with their parents but they haven’t got their schoolbags with books, exercise books, rulers, rubbers, pens and pencils. Pupils will get them at school later.


Classes usually begin at nine and they are usually over at about four o’clock. Their classes are not always formal because they don’t sit only at their desks they also sit on the carpet on the floor and listen to their teacher. Sometimes they draw and play different games outdoors. When pupils have breaks they drink milk or juice and eat meat, pudding, apple or a cake.


English children have classes five days a week. They have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Saturdays and Sundays are their days off. Schools in England have names, not numbers (for example Green Hill School, Cedar Grove School, St. Mary’s school).


At the age of four or five children go to infant schools. In infant schools they spend much time outdoors. They play different games, run and jump. They sing songs, act and dance. Pupils learn how to get on with other children and begin to learn how to read, count write.

At the age of seven pupils go to junior schools. In junior schools pupils sit in rows and have regular timetable. Their subjects are: English, Maths, History, Nature Study, Geography, Art, Music, Swimming, P.E. and Religion. Sometimes pupils visit museums and other beautiful places.

  • T: Thank you very much. Have you got any questions to our guests?

  1. Do English pupils like to go to school?

  2. When do English pupils go to school?

  3. What primary schools do English pupils visit?

  4. Do English pupils start their school year on Monday?

  5. When do your classes usually begin?

  6. How many days a week do English pupils go to school?

  7. What are your days off?

  8. Do English schools have names or numbers?

  9. What subjects have you got at school?

  10. What do English pupils do in primary schools?

  • T:Thank you very much but our guests want to know about your school too. Please, …..go to the blackboard and tell our tourists about our school.


  1. I study at school number 18. My school is large and light. There are three floors in my school: the ground floor, the first floor, the second floor.

  2. We have a dining-room and a gym on the ground floor. There is a teacher’s room on the first floor. Our library is on the second floor. There are a lot of classrooms in our school. They are light and very comfortable.

  3. There are a lot of desks and chairs in our classrooms. We have a blackboard and a teacher’s table in front of our desks.

  4. Every day we have lunch and dinner in our dining-room. We often go to the library and take books there. We have our PT lessons in the gym. I love my school very much.

  • T:Well, let’s go on our travelling and let’s visit the fifth town MUSIC.

I`m H-A-P-P-Y
I`m H-A-P-P-Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m H-A-P-P-Y.

I`m (clap) -A-P-P-Y
I`m (clap) A-P-P-Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap) -A-P-P-Y.

I`m (clap, clap) -P-P-Y
I`m (clap, clap) -P-P-Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap, clap) -P-P-Y

I`m (clap, clap, clap) -P-Y
I`m (clap, clap, clap) -P-Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap, clap, clap) -P-Y

I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap) -Y
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap) -Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap) –Y

I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)

  • T: Do you want to visit the sixth town? It’s NATURE STUDY. It’s a place where people know everything about our planet. And what do you know about the Earth?

P:(about the earth)

  1. We live on the earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.

  2. The earth is beautiful. Different animals live on the earth, different plants grow on it.

  3. There are large countries and small countries; there are warm countries and cold countries on the earth.

  4. People live in different countries, they speak different languages.


  • T: Well, boys and girls, our travelling is over. Today we have been to different school subjects and we have learnt a lot of interesting things. And now I want you to take these cards and complete the sentences.


At the age(of, in, at) 6 or 7 all boys and girls (go/goes) to school.

I (go/goes) to school too. My school (is/are)number 18, it is large and light.There (is/are) three floors in our school.
There (is/are) a schoolyard around it. There (is/are)a lot of trees in front of our school. You can see a sportsground behind (the, a, an) school. Sometimes we (have/has) physical lessons there.
We have a lot of classrooms (in, at, on) our school. Our classrooms (is/are) very comfortable .There is a dining room (on, in, at)the ground floor, it is big. There (is, are) a teacher’s room on the first floor, it is not very large. There is a library on (the, a, an) second floor, sometimes we (take, takes) books there.

We’ve got different subjects at school. They are: _________

I like my school and I go to school five days (in, on, -) a week, but I (don’t/doesn’t) go to school (on, in, at) Sunday.

  1. Выставление оценок и объяснение домашнего задания.

T:Well, boys and girls, time is up, thank you for your excellent work, pass me your cards, and now let’s discuss your home task. Next lesson I’ll check up your stories about your favourite subject (7-10 sentences).

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

School and school subjects

Автор: Семенова Евгения Викторовна

Дата: 05.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 236254

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