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Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "Health is wealth"

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«разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "Health is wealth"»

Grade: 5

Theme: health is wealth!


To consolidate and generalize knowledge of students on the Unit health and parts of body, to learn about good health and bad health habits;

To develop their speaking habits; increase their reading and hearing skills;

To bring up them to work individually, in pairs and in groups.

The aids of the lesson: posters with pictures of body and face, with diagram and puzzle.

The procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment:

Greeting: - Good afternoon, children, teachers and our guests! You are welcome!

-How are you?

-Me too, thank you! I’m very glad to see you!

-Take your seats! Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- Who is absent?

Introduction of the teacher: Now, smiling faces, today we will have a extraordinary lesson, there will be a competition between two teams. The first team is “The Dentists”, and the second one is “The Chemists”. And that is why we have several levels for our teams. All the materials which will be used in this lesson are already familiar for you. And this lesson will be just a revision! Let’s begin! Good luck!

Phonetic drill:

Wash your hands before you eat.

Wash your hands before you eat.

Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.

Wash your hands before you eat.

Wash your hands before you eat.

Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.

I've got some dirty little hands and face

Been playing in a dirty place.

Been making mud pies, quite a few.

Now there's something that I've got to do.

Introducing of the teams:

The Dentists! ( their captains, their team and their motto according to this lesson. F.e. Health is better than wealth.)

The Chemists! ( their captains, their team and their motto according to this lesson. F.e. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. )

Competition of the captains: Captains should answer the questions without any help of the class.

Questions for 1-st group:

- What should we do to stay healthy?

- How many fingers do you have?

-Name five types of subjects?

Questions for 2-nd group:

- Name four parts of body which you can move.

-What food do you know which helps you to stay healthy?

- How often do you do exercises?

- Do you like to do morning exercises?

-Name five types of school things?

Happy letters! Pupils should make up words with mixed letters.

Health, Leg, Aspirin, Mixture, Backache, Teenager.

Tooth, Temperature, Hand, Alcohol, Sport, Headache.

At the …

Pupils should make – up a dialogue between ‘the dentist and patient’ or ‘the chemist and client’! More points will given to artistic team! Let’s begin!

Here some things said in a doctor’s surgery

the chemist and client’

Doctor/ patient

How are you?

What’s the problem?

I have a headache

About an hour ago

When did it start?

I feel sick.

I will give you some pills and some tablets for your headache.

Here some things said in a doctor’s surgery

the dentist and patient’

Doctor/ patient

What’s the problem?

I have got a sore throat. I can hardly eat.

Open wide and say “ah”

It is flu.

I will write you a prescription for some antibiotics

Thanks, I will follow your advice. Good bye!

How are you?

Let’s sing a song! (with movements)

Here we go!

Head, shoulders, knees and toes(twice)

Head, shoulders, knees and toes(twice)

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Touch your eyes, touch your ears,

Touch your mouth, touch your nose,

Touch your knees, touch your toes.

Great job!

Let’s get faster! Here we Go!

Let’s slow down! Last time, Here We GO!!!

Great job!!!

Pupils should give pictures, which they have drowned at home.

Task: Pupils should look for the words and write essay about the healthy mode of life, how they can in three minutes!

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

Eat less oil and fat.

Always do exercises.

See the doctor once a year

Take a break from study.

Wrap up well, not drinking alcohol, not smoking.

Health habits!

Good foods and things for health! Bad foods and things for health!

(Fish, meat, fruit, vegetables, alcohol, smoking, fat, sugar, eggs, vitamin, fresh air, sweets, ice cream, regular exercises)

Conclusion of the lesson:

Dear teachers, pupils and guests, our today’s lesson is over. Our pupils worked very well! Thank you very much! Let’s reward winner team.

( rewarding ). Lesson is over!!! Good Bye!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "Health is wealth"

Автор: Ахметжанова Самал Кенжеболатовна

Дата: 19.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 279209

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