Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему " Healthy life". Урок разработан для 7 класса. Что такое здоровая жизнь, от чего зависит наше здоровье и как его сохранить.Health is above wealth. Развитие чтения, говорения и письма на уроке. Изучение новой лексики.
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T: Well! Today the topic of our lesson is “HEALTH”
First of all look at the blackboard. There is a rhyme. Listen to me and repeat after me:
2. Фонетическая зарядка. (На доске записаны звуки и стихотворение)
Early to bed To be healthy in your life, Early to rise Don’t forget to do all five! Makes a man healthy Get up early, quick and bright Wealthy and wise. Exercise with all your might.
(Отработка хором трижды. Затем учитель стирает стих, обучающиеся по памяти воспроизводят его: P1,P2,P3)
3. Word snake. Постановка цели урока.
What shall we do for today? We are going to deal with the very important problem. What problem is it? Look at this word snake. Here is the question for our discussion for today. Can you divide it and read?
Let’s check. Does your health depend on you?
3.Игра. T: Now we are going to play. Our class is divided into two teams. Captains of each team you are to introduce yourself. (Капитаны представляются)
3.1T: There are some questions. Read and answer them. (Капитаны по очереди читают и отвечают на вопросы).
Do you do m\e-s?
Is it difficult or easy for you to get up at 7 o’clock?
Do you follow a diet?
Do you smoke?
Is smoking better or worse than sport?
Is obesity better or worse than a diet?
Is it good or bed to eat at night?
Do you take drugs?
Do you like ice-cream?
What sport do you go in for?
3.2.На доске записаны выражения . Участники по одному из каждой команды , один за другим , в быстром темпе должны пройти к доске и мелом соединить выражения с табличками
1-я команда: Eating too much
Playing tennis
Doing m\e-s
Drinking alcohol
Eating fruit
Eating fat food
BAD habits
GOOD habits
BAD habits Cleaning teeth GOOD habits
Washing hair
Eating vegetables
Taking drugs
Sleeping two hours
Watching TV five hours
Drinking water
3.3 Grammar task.(4 мин)
Физическая минутка. T+ CL на английском языке:
Hands up! Hands down!Hands on hips! Sit down!
Hands up! To the sides! Bend left! Bend right!
One, two, three Hop!One, two, threeStop!
Stand still!
3.4. Dialoges. Говорение. Мини диалоги
T: I’m a patient. You are doctors. Help me, please. I’m not well.
When should I use (take) this? (показываю: мёд, малиновое варенье, зубная паста, аспирин, морковка, лимон)
3.6 Т: Tell us, please. 1. Good health- what does it mean?
(отвечают по одному человеку от команды) The answers of other pupils are: (даются результаты предварительного опроса других ребят школы)
-Nothing hurts you-31
-Everything is all right-19
-Go to school \to work\every day-18
-be happy-15
-have a good mood-10
-I don’t want to answer -7
2. Good habits-what are they? ( P1, P2)
-not smoke-52
-not drink-27
-to be a good pupil\good worker-11
-to go in for sport-5
-to wash oneself-4
-to be polite-1
3. A pupil doesn’t go to school. Why?(P1, P2)
--is not well-48
-didn’t do h\w-24
-wants to sleep-15
-has a test -9
-it’s Sunday-4
4. We like tasty food. What is your favorite food\dish? (P1, P2)
(даются результаты опроса по школе)
4.Сценка на английском языке про зубы. (7 ребят , набросив на плечи простыни , представляются на англ. языке как зубы: 2 низких ростом- молодые зубы, 1 в сером парике -зуб мудрости, 2 передних высоких и качающихся- молочные, в чёрной маске- кариес, в короне- зуб с коронкой).
(На экране реклама зубной пасты. T: Children, clean your teeth every day!
And your teeth will be white and strong.
5. Задание: Make up sentences
is good for
milk(A ,D) nerves
sun (D)
onion bones
banana skin
carrot (A) hair
fish (F) teeth
bread (B) eyes
blackberry (C)
6.Подведениеитоговурока. T: So, friends , we must care about our health : do m\e-s, go in for sport (or simply run, play ball, ski, skate…) ,clean teeth ,wash our hair and body, sleep 8-10 hours.
(H\w :повторить слова по теме)
Thank you for the lesson. Your marks are: P1,P2,P3- ”5”,P6,P7-“4”……
Stand up! The lesson is over! Good bye!
get up early and go to bed early
eat too much or too little
wash your hands before you eat take regular exercises
watch TV too long eat healthy food
take too much medicine
keep to a diet
spend much time outdoors
drink alcohol
work on your computer too long
What we should do to be healthy
what we shouldn’t do to be healthy
Приложение 2.
In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet – in other words, food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food. These groups are protein,fat, and carbohydrates.
You find protein in lots of food, for example meat, fish, nuts, cheese and milk. It helps your body to grow and to be healthy and it gives you energy. Fat gives you energy but don’t eat a lot – it’s bad for you. There are a lot of fatty foods that come from animals, for example milk, cheese, butter and meat.
Carbohydrates give you more than 70% of your energy. Bread, pasta, cereals, fruits, and vegetables such as potatoes and cabbage all contain lots of carbohydrates.
Fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts, brown bread all have fibre. It doesn’t give you energy but it fills your stomach when you are hungry.
There are many different vitamins and minerals. They help our body be healthy. You can get all your vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables.
Задания к тексту (аудирование):
Calcium (Ca)
Do you do m\e-s?
Is it difficult or easy for you to get up at 7 o’clock?
Do you follow a diet?
Do you smoke?
Is smoking better or worse than sport?
Is obesity better or worse than a diet?
Is it good or bed to eat at night?
Do you take drugs?
Do you like ice-cream?
What sport do you go in for?
Do you do m\e-s?
Is it difficult or easy for you to get up at 7 o’clock?
Do you follow a diet?
Do you smoke?
Is smoking better or worse than sport?
Is obesity better or worse than a diet?
Is it good or bed to eat at night?
Do you take drugs?
Do you like ice-cream?
What sport do you go in for?
Eating too much Playing tennis Doing m\e-s
Drinking alcohol Eating fruit Eating fat food
Cleaning teeth Washing hair Eating vegetables
Taking drugs Sleeping two hours Watching TV five hours
Drinking water
Eating too much Playing tennis Doing m\e-s
Drinking alcohol Eating fruit Eating fat food
Cleaning teeth Washing hair Eating vegetables
Taking drugs Sleeping two hours Watching TV five hours
Drinking water
1. Good health- what does it mean?
2. Good habits-what are they? ( P1, P2)
3. A pupil doesn’t go to school. Why?(P1, P2)
4. We like tasty food. What is your favorite food\dish? (P1, P2)
1. Good health- what does it mean?
2. Good habits-what are they? ( P1, P2)
3. A pupil doesn’t go to school. Why?(P1, P2)
4. We like tasty food. What is your favorite food\dish? (P1, P2)