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Разработка урока "Eating habits"

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Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "Eating habits"

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«Разработка урока "Eating habits"»

School at KAU 2020-2021 6D2/6D3 Zalgarayeva G.A.

Разработка урока по английскому языку

преподавателя английского языка

АКС-Школы при КАУ

Залгараевой Гульзиры Айдынбаевны


  • развитие речи, мышления, воображения школьников

  • овладение умениями правильно писать и читать, участвовать в диалоге, составлять несложные монологические высказывания и письменные тексты-описания и повествования небольшого объема

  • формирование и совершенствование всех видов речевой деятельности школьника (слушание, чтение, говорение, письмо, различные виды пересказа);

  • формирование умений общаться и работать в команде


Discipline: Practical English Credits: 2

Elementary level Practical lesson

Lexical theme: Eating habits

Grammatical theme: Quantifiers Teacher: Zalgarayeva G.A.

Read and translate the proverb and give the similar one in Kazakh or Russian

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

CONSOLIDATION. Discuss given proverbs with your partner.

Good health is above wealth”

GRAMMAR COMMENT : QUANTIFIERS: too, too much, too many, a little, a few, enough.

Use too, too much, too many to say “more than is good”

My diet is unhealthy. I eat too many cakes and sweets.

I don’t want to go out. I’m too tired.

Use enough before a noun to mean “all that is necessary”

Use enough after an adjective.

I don’t drink enough water.

This dress isn’t big enough.

Use a little/very little and a few/very few to talk about small quantities.

Use a little/very little with uncountable nouns and a few/very few with countable nouns.

A: Do you take sugar B: Yes, just a little.

A: Do you want some chips B: Yes, just a few.

I eat a little meat. I drink very little coffee.

Match the phrases a-e with the meanings

  1. I’m too fat.

  2. I drink too much coffee.

  3. I work too many hours.

  4. I don’t do enough exercise

  5. I drink a little alcohol.

  • I don’t drink much.

  • I need to do more.

  • I drink more than I should.

  • I work more than I want.

  • I should be a bit thinner.

E xercise 1 Rearrange the words bellow to make statements.

  1. a very big / in Britain / and main / Breakfast is / meal

  2. not /very/ in our/ popular /Lunch/ is /country

  3. than/ coffee/ We/ prefer/ often/ at breakfast/ tea /more

  4. never/ I’m a / eat / vagiterian,/ meat /I

  5. eat / don’t / enough / They /vegetables

Exercise 2 Read the text and translate the first paragraph.

Healthy Eating-Food for Life”

We all need food, but we need a balanced diet. Otherwise, we don’t get all the nutrients we need. A balanced diet means you eat all the things you need- you don’t eat too much of some items and not enough of others.

These are the four main food main food groups, with their recommended daily portions:

milk and dairy foods (including cheese, yogurt)

meat and fish (including egg, chicken)

vegatables and fruit (including green vegatables, root vegetables, fruit juice)

potatoes and cereals (including bread, pasta, rice)

We all eat other things, fat, oil, salt and sugar, for example. And of course, everyone eats snack foods (crisps, sweets etc). It’s better to eat only a little of these, because they contain a lot of fat, sugar or salt and don’t have much food value.

Exercise 3 Read the text and translate the text.

Exercise 4 Speak about items of food

  • you have eaten in the last three days

  • are always on your dinner table

  • healthy food

Exercise 5 In pairs discuss with your partner : What do you prefer to eat or drink from this menu? Why?




Starter /appetizer / first course

Aperitif / cocktail

Main course




Wine -water

The dessert  / sweets

The dish of the day

Today's special

1. ________ is very bad for our health.

a) Dairy products

b) Fast food

c) Porridge

d) Fish

2. I love all kinds of ________ like milk, yoghurt, kefir and cheese.

a) dairy products

b) fast food

c) vegetables

d) meat products

3. You eat _____ red meat. It isn’t good for you.

a) too many

b) enough

c) too much

d) too

4.Your father‘s not very fit. He doesn’t do _____exercise.

a) too much

b) too many

c) too

d) enough





diet [ˈdaɪət]

диета, питание,


taste [teɪst]



porridge [ˈpɒrɪdʒ]



stomach [ˈstʌmək]



canteen [kænˈtiːn]



snack [snæk]


тіс басар

delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]



the main course [meɪn kɔːs]

основное блюдо

негізгі ас

pork [pɔːk]


шошқа еті

beef [biːf]


сиыр еті


Additional literature:

“Essential grammar” R.Murphy. Second edition. (pre-intermediate)l. Cambridge University Press. 2009.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Разработка урока "Eating habits"

Автор: Залгараева Гульзира Айдынбаевна

Дата: 08.06.2021

Номер свидетельства: 582917

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