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Разработка урока "День дурака"

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Страноведческий маериал,связанный с празднованием Дня Дурака в Великобритании.Урок-игра,задействован весь класс.Сециальной подготовки не требуется.
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«Разработка урока "День дурака"»

ГБОУ Лицей


Самарская область

«День дураков»

Подготовила: Е. Тимонина



1. April Fool`s Day.

2. April Fool`s Day in England.

3. Test.

4. Lottery.

5. Game 1.

6. Humorous scenes:

Scene 1.

Scene 2.

Scene 3.

Scene 4.

7. Game 2.

8. Funny poems:

Poem 1.

Poem 2.

9. Resents to the winner and active participants.

10. The wish to have a good sense of humour.

1. April Fool`s Day

Let us be thankful for the fools but for them the rest of us could not succeed”

Mark Twain.

April Fool`s Day tradition starts in France in 1582 with the adoption of Gregorian calendar which mowed the New Year`s Day from April 1 to January 1.

Many people either refused to accept the new calendar or were not aware of the changes taking place and continued to celebrate New Year on April 1th. The rest took to calling these people “fools”, ridiculing them and playing pranks on them. Over time this developed into tradition in many countries and today the day is celebrated by carrying out practical jokes and hoaxes.

2. April Fool`s Day in England.

English schoolchildren like the 1ST of April, when people play jokes on their friends. It is called April Fool`s Day.

If you do not know much about this day, we tell you something and describe some of the jokes.

Many years ago the 25th of march was New Year`s day, and the 1st of April was the day of the new Year celebrations.

As the weather changed often during the day in that season and «fooled» people, they began to play jokes and fool their friends, too.

There are many April Fool`s Day jokes. One of them is to tell a friend that there is chalk on his nose when his face is clean.

We also play jokes on the 1st of April. Usually people are not angry when you play jokes on them on April Fool`s Day. But you must know that some jokes may not be very good. Don`t repeat them and always choose a good joke to play on your friends. An April Fool is a «fool» on the 1st of April only!


Crustless Bread.

For those who just can`t stands the taste of crusts, and too lazy to cut them off themselves, in 2002 Sara Lee introduced the ultimate in convenience: crustless bread. Available in stores everywhere!

Pet Tax.

The city of Philadelphia, faced with a looming budget shortfall, last year announced a new tax targeted at pet owners. The owners will charged a base tee of $ 10 per pet, and then $ 1 extra for every additional pound the pet weighs over ten pounds. Failure to play the tax could result in the extermination of the pet.

Prehistoric Penguin Murals.

In 1991 prehistoric murals were discovered on the walls of an underwater cave in eastern France reveling that penguins and man once lived side-by-side in that region. Historians, accustomed to seeing prehistoric depictions of animals such as bison and deer, were extremely surprised to find the penguins.

The Tooth Telephone.

Engineers recently unveiled the world`s first tooth telephone, perfect for those who want to talk hands-free while on the go. When implanted into a tooth, the tiny device vibrates to let the user know there`s a call. Users speak normally, and the tiny microphone picks up their voice. Incoming sounds are transferred to the inner ear by means of bone resonance.

Shark Breeding Experiment.

In 1981 the National Biological Foundation released two thousand radio-tagged sharks (including blue sharks, hammerheads, and a few great whites) into selected Michigan lakes in order to study the cold-water breeding habits of the sharks. In the press release announcing the experiment, the Foundation suggested that local fisherman and swimmers should exercise caution around the sharks.

Carrots reclassified as a fruit.

In 1979 official in the European Union confirmed what many have long suspected: that carrots are not, in fact, a vegetable, but are actually a variety of fruit. The officials urged that appropriate reclassification efforts should begin at once.

4. Lottery

Now we shall arrange a small comic lottery. In this box ticket lay. We on one them shall pull out, and at whom number will coincide, will receive our ridiculous prize. So, we shall start. You have won:

1. The universal cleaning device for morning washings (tooth-brush)

2. The Norwegian mohair (the coil a thread)

3. The device for transfer of ides on distance (envelope)

4. The French cosmetics

5. An electronipper (a clothespin for linen)

6. White on black (swept)

7. The English lock (pin)

8. A camp {fixing agent} ideas (pencil)

9. A typewriter (handle)

10. An ancient hanger (nail)

11. The instrument of work (spoon)

12. A dietary feed {meal} (a chewing elastic band)

13. A synthetic backpack universal (a cellophane package)

14. The flying device (an air ball)

15. The measuring device (centimeter)

16. A disinfectant (soap)

17. The washing machine

18. A picture of the unknown artist (card)

19. An electrolighter (a box of matches)

20. The sewing machine (a needle with a tread)

21. A carpet factory works (handkerchief)

22. A crystal luster (bulb)

On it our lottery has ended.

5. Game 1.

Now we want to lead {carry out} with you some games. The first game refers to «Зомби». It is necessary for us two commands (teams) on two persons. You become a number. We shall connect you hand, and free hands you need to turn convolutions so, and to fasten his tape. Whose pair will consult the first – will win! Now we shall look, who has consulted better. The pair №… has won!

6. Scene 1.

Two man their seats in a bus. They do not know each other but they begin to taik.

``Are you going to Milberry`s lecture today? Asks the first.

``Yes``, answers the other.

``Don`t go. Milberry is a bad speaker.``

``I must dj. I`m Milberry.``

Scene 2.

The longest word.

Disk: Which is the longest English word?

Harry: I don`t know. Do you?

Disk: Yes, I do.

Harry: What is it?

Disk: Smiles.

Harry: That isn`t very long. Only six letters.

Disk: Ah, but there`s a mile between the first and the last letter.

Scene 3.

Still Not Perfect.

A small schoolboy often wrote: ``I have went`` instead of `I have gone``. At last his teacher said.

``You must stay after school this afternoon and write ``I have gone`` a hundred times. Then you will remember it``.

When the teacher came back he found a letter from the boy on his desk.

It said:

``Dear Sir,

I have wrote ``I have gone`` a hundred times, and now I have went.

Tom Smith.``

Scene 4.

One morning Mary decided not to go to school. So she spoke to her teacher on the telephone.

-Good morning! I want tell you that Mary can`t come to school today.

-I`m sorry to hear that. Who is speaking?

-This my mother speaking.

7. Game 2.

The following game refers to ``elephant``. It is necessary for us two commands ( teams ) on three persons. Now we shall blindfold by turns to you, and you should draw one of parts of the elephant on this sheet of a paper. The first person draws a trunk and a tail. The second draws a head, a nose, eyes and ears. The third draws legs (foots). So, we blindfold the first player, you should a trunk and tail…

8. Poem 1.

The objection to being stepped on.

At the end of the row

I stepped on the toe

Of an unemployed hoe.

It rose in offence

And struck me a blow

In the seat of my sense.

It wasn`t to blame

But I called it a name.

And I must say it dealt

Me a blow that I felt

Like malice prepense.

You may call me a fool,

But was there a rule

The weapon should be

Turned into a tool?

And what do we see?

The first tool I step on

Turned into a weapon.

Poem 2.

The sun come out, the sun goes in,

The raindrops halt and march;

And when you are sure of damp and dark

Up comes the rainbow`s arch.

Then, when you are sure of sun and shine,

Down comes the pouring rain!

The weather swings from fair to foul,

From foul to fair again.

There is neither rhyme nor reason here,

There is neither rhyme nor rule.

It`s evident the April day is playing

An April fool.

People who have a good sense of humour are very happy. Usually the deal with routine problems easily, they are good companions, the never cast down. This quality makes a person good-natured and likeable, which enables him to win people`s hearts.

Mark Twain thought: ``The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year. Let us be thankful for the fools``

``However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him``

(Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux)

Looking foolish does the spirit good. So we wish you to have a good sense of humour. Have fun!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка урока "День дурака"

Автор: Тимонина Елена Васильевна

Дата: 10.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 377284

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