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Разработка по английскому языку

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Тема урока: Альбом Омара. Открытый урок разработан специально по программе 3 месячных  курсов 3-го уровня в Казахстане. Название написано на казахском языке, а остальное на английском языке. Используемая методика: групповая работа, работа в паре, самостоятельная работа, рефлексия, стратегия инсерт, защита постера (проекта) на тему киты или морские животные.  

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«Разработка по английскому языку »


7 “ A”

The theme

Omar`s album. Омардың альбомы.

The direction

Alexander, Merser(2008), ICT, Bloom Taxonomy, insert, jigsaw reading, brainstorming, the hot place, discussion, questions strategy.

General aims

To help working in groups and in pairs. To understand oral speech. To help them make a friendship atmosphere.

Achievements training

They can read and translate the words. They can compare the whales with using the diagram and answer the questions. They can say their opinion in English. They can work in pairs and in groups.

The main purpose

To develope reading, listening and thinking skills. To develope their speaking skills. To teach and understand about whales.


Divide into 3 groups and practise the pronunciation. Find the names of animals. Study the new words. Read and try understanding the text. And mark the new information. Read the words and find them in the text. Take out the key words which are connected with animals. Discussion and speaking. Working with the electronic book.

The method of teaching

Group work

Individual work




Assess each other

Bloom Taxonomy Lesson Plans:

Level thinking

Teacher`s activities

Students` activities



Ask students about their mood and about day and date. To help them making friendship atmosphere. Divide into 3 groups. Check-up the hometask. Ask them to find the names of animals.

They try to answer the questions and say about the date. Sit in a group, choose the captain of each group and choose the best album. Then read the homework. Try to find the names of animals.

Working with the electronic book.




Ask them to try answering the questions of exercise 3 in the short form. Example: Yes, I have or No, I haven`t.

They try to answer the questions of exercise 3 in the short form. Questions strategy.




Brainstorming. The hot place.

To introduce with new words. Ask them study the new words. Ask them listen and repeat.

Brainstorming. Sit on the hot chair. They study the new words. They listen, repeat and read the words.




Ask students read the text and mark the new information . Use the strategy “insert”

They read the text and mark the new information for them. Read and discuss it in groups. V-what I knew, + new information for me ,?- what surprised me.




« Video exercise»

2 min.


Look at the whiteboard and watch a video information. Read the text.

Project work. Take out the words.

Watch a short video information and working with poster. Use the information from the text.

7-10 min.


Assess each other.

Assess each other

Self assessment.

3-5 min.


1 min.

Next task

Retell the text.

Retell the text and learn the words.

1 min.

Insert strategy

V – what I knew

+ - new information for me

?- what surprised me

The name and surname of student:

Оқушының аты-жөні:

Оқушылардың өзара бағалау парағы

The list of assessment each other

Оқушылардың аты-жөні

Name and surname

Homework –үй жұмысының орындалуы





Жұптық - pair work



Топтық group-work



Жалпы балл -the total score


Мағжан Жұмабаев атындағы орта мектеп

Омардың альбомы

7 «А» сынып

(ашық сабақ жоспары)

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Малаева Аида Багдатовна

2015 жыл

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка по английскому языку

Автор: Малаева Аида Багдтовна

Дата: 08.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 183308

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