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Raising money

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The theme of the lesson: Raising money

The type of the lesson: Traditional lesson

The aim of the lesson:

  • Educational: teach the new vocabulary and the usage of set expressions;
  • Upbringing:  broaden pupils’ worldview, teach to help others, raise the sense of charity;
  • Developing: enrich pupils’ vocabulary, develop speaking and writing skills.

Literature: New Opportunities Elementary

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«Raising money»

Subject: English Date: 23.02.2013

Group: 6 Б

The theme of the lesson: Raising money

The type of the lesson: Traditional lesson

The aim of the lesson:

  • Educational: teach the new vocabulary and the usage of set expressions;

  • Upbringing: broaden pupils’ worldview, teach to help others, raise the sense of charity;

  • Developing: enrich pupils’ vocabulary, develop speaking and writing skills.

Literature: New Opportunities Elementary

The plan of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment

T: Good afternoon, children!

P: Good afternoon, teacher!

T: How are you doing?

P: We are fine, thanks. And you?

T: I’m fine, thank you. Who’s on duty today? What was the home task for today?

  1. Checking up the home task

T: Now we will repeat the words you learned on the last lesson: help in a hospital, plant crops or trees, teach in a primary school, work with animals, work with orphans, work with refugees/homeless children.

Introduction of new materials

T: Today we have a new theme. It is called “Raising money”.

a). introducing the new vocabulary: the environment, help for blind people, help for disabled people, hospitals, homes, medical research, protection of children or animals.

1. Answer the questions:

Which of the causes would you like to raise money for? What local causes do you think are important?

2. Answer the question: Your culture. Which causes do people raise money for in your country?

3. Look at the photos: think of two fun ways of raising money for charity at your school.

IV. Presentation

Explain and introduce new vocabulary. State examples so that pupils would be able to make up sentences themselves: sponsored walks, run or marathon to raise money, karaoke, talent show, computer games competition, three-legged games, mums versus dads, water battles, murder and mystery games, abseil down, go parachuting, go bungee jumping, safety, animal race, cockroach, wacky races, egg and spoon races, bed races, crazy clothes, extreme sports, great games, horrible hobbies, silly sponsors, ridiculous records, marathon events, cool competitions.

V. Practice

6. Match the verbs (1-9) from the text with the words (a-i).

1. raise a. sunglasses

2. break b. a bath

3. wear c. your bedroom

4. clean d. chess

5. play e. a competiton

6. organize f. fun

7. have g. a record

8. have h. parachuting

9. go i. money for charity

7. Complete the sentences with verbs from exercise 6 in their correct form:

We have to … the kitchen tomorrow.

I’m going to … a karaoke competition in the summer.

I didn’t a bath last night – I … a shower.

She … the Olympic record for the 100 metres.

They … 4000 to buy new computers for the school.

Next week I am going to …. Bungee jumping with my friends.

8. Listen to the phone call. Which of the things Sally is not phoning for?

9. Listen again and complete the function file with the words listed below: afraid, pass on, phone, sorry, please, could, for, sponsors, help, take.

VI. Production

11. Speaking. Work in pairs. Act out the dialogue in the function file. Change this information:

Names: Mark Thomas/ Julia Lloyd/ Mr. Jones/ Mrs Lewis

Reason for ringing: Looking for sponsors for: a singing competition/a school play/ a concert/ a cycle ride.

For: cancer research/ children’s home/ disabled children/ the elderly.

VII. Giving the home task for the next lesson, evaluating the pupils.

T: Thank you for the lesson, goodbye children!

P: Goodbye, teacher!

VIII. Conclusion

The pupils learned the new vocabulary, practiced its usage in exercises, learned how to use set expressions, found out information about adults and children who organize different events in order to raise money for charity and different ways of raising money.

Teacher: Kazybaeva U.S.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Raising money

Автор: Казыбаева Улжалгас Сериковна

Дата: 12.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 275585

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