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Конспект урока на тему "Volunteers"

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Grade: 6 a

Theme of the lesson: Volunteers

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to talk with pupils about genres of music, to give them more information about volunteers

Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills, attention, logical thinking, and ability to converse.

Cultural: to bring up pupils  to help people, to listen to each other, be friendly, respect each other, forming care of nature.

Visual aids: CD, pictures, video

The type of the lesson: mixed

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

-Good afternoon, girls and boys! How are you doing?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent? Thank you, sit down.

II. Checking up the home task:

What was your home task? Are you ready? All right, who wants to start? You have done your exercises very well; now let’s watch your projects.

III. Presentation  of the lesson:

  • I think it’s clear with your homework. Now open your copy books and write down today’s date. What day is it today? Today is the fourth of March. And we are going to talk about Volunteers. What do you know about Volunteers? Voluntary activities are important part of British life for all age groups. Students aged between 16-25 can take part in the Millennium Volunteers programme in which they aim to complete 200 hours of volunteering a year and for which they receive a certificate of award. They can do a range of voluntary activities, helping at children’s clubs, visiting housebound people, cleaning up play areas and parks etc.
  • Listen to the Key Words. Which of the activities can you see in the photos?

Key Words: Voluntary work

Do voluntary work (e.g. visit old people, clean up beaches, plant trees) – ?айырымдылы?пен айналысу, ?артан адамдар?а бару, тазалы?пен айналысу, а?аш отыр?ызу.

Raise money for a charity (e.g. collect money in the street, go on a sponsored walk or run) – ?айырымдылы??а ?аражат жинау.

Give money, toys, clothes or food to charities – ?айырымдылы? маа?сатта ойыншы?, киім немесе тама? беру.

Take part in local or school events (e.g. concerts, parties) – мерекелік іс-шара?а ?атысу.

IV. Practice:

- Now listen to three people. Which activities do the people do? (Exercise – 2 p.97)

- Look at the exercise – 3 on  page 97, you must choose the correct definitions of the word ‘volunteer’

Someone who works for money/ not for money.

Someone who does something because he/ she wants to/ has to.

V. Production:

  • Now look at the video and  answer questions about what you do.

Example: A. Do you do any voluntary work?

                   B. Yes, I do. I help clean our park.

 VI. Conclusion:

  • Excellent! We have few minutes until the end of the lesson, so who wants to remind us, what we have learnt today?

VII. Giving the marks and home task:

  • Open your diaries and write down your home task:. make a list of activities that: you do to help other people. You do because you have to (Ex. 4- p.97).
  •  You were very active today and here are your marks: …
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«конспект урока на тему "Volunteers"»

Grade: 6 a

Theme of the lesson: Volunteers

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to talk with pupils about genres of music, to give them more information about volunteers

Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills, attention, logical thinking, and ability to converse.

Cultural: to bring up pupils to help people, to listen to each other, be friendly, respect each other, forming care of nature.

Visual aids: CD, pictures, video

The type of the lesson: mixed

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

-Good afternoon, girls and boys! How are you doing?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent? Thank you, sit down.

II. Checking up the home task:

What was your home task? Are you ready? All right, who wants to start? You have done your exercises very well; now let’s watch your projects.

III. Presentation of the lesson:

  • I think it’s clear with your homework. Now open your copy books and write down today’s date. What day is it today? Today is the fourth of March. And we are going to talk about Volunteers. What do you know about Volunteers? Voluntary activities are important part of British life for all age groups. Students aged between 16-25 can take part in the Millennium Volunteers programme in which they aim to complete 200 hours of volunteering a year and for which they receive a certificate of award. They can do a range of voluntary activities, helping at children’s clubs, visiting housebound people, cleaning up play areas and parks etc.

  • Listen to the Key Words. Which of the activities can you see in the photos?

Key Words: Voluntary work

Do voluntary work (e.g. visit old people, clean up beaches, plant trees) – қайырымдылықпен айналысу, қартан адамдарға бару, тазалықпен айналысу, ағаш отырғызу.

Raise money for a charity (e.g. collect money in the street, go on a sponsored walk or run) – қайырымдылыққа қаражат жинау.

Give money, toys, clothes or food to charities – қайырымдылық маақсатта ойыншық, киім немесе тамақ беру.

Take part in local or school events (e.g. concerts, parties) – мерекелік іс-шараға қатысу.

IV. Practice:

- Now listen to three people. Which activities do the people do? (Exercise – 2 p.97)

- Look at the exercise – 3 on page 97, you must choose the correct definitions of the word ‘volunteer’

Someone who works for money/ not for money.

Someone who does something because he/ she wants to/ has to.

V. Production:

  • Now look at the video and answer questions about what you do.

Example: A. Do you do any voluntary work?

B. Yes, I do. I help clean our park.

VI. Conclusion:

  • Excellent! We have few minutes until the end of the lesson, so who wants to remind us, what we have learnt today?

VII. Giving the marks and home task:

  • Open your diaries and write down your home task:. make a list of activities that: you do to help other people. You do because you have to (Ex. 4- p.97).

  • You were very active today and here are your marks: …

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

конспект урока на тему "Volunteers"

Автор: Сабит Гайни Омиртай?ызы

Дата: 22.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 329377

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