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Primary and secondary education in Kazakhstan

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План урока в 9 классе на тему "Начальное и среднее образование в Казахстане"

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«Primary and secondary education in Kazakhstan»

Күні: 1гр-16.11.2016 Сабақ №21 Сынып: 9


The theme: Primary and secondary education in Kazakhstan 
The objectives: 
1. to increase pupils’ word-stock with the help of new words 
2. to challenge pupils to use active vocabulary through a number of speech exercises based on new theme 
3. to develop their thinking abilities and oral speech 
4. to teach them to love their school and their teachers 

Lesson's stage



Organization moment



Revision of the Hometask

EDUCATION: How can we make it better? Complete the table

Essay "Education is ..."

Phonetic drill

- practice the pronunciation

Presentation slide


to conduct - өткізу

several - бірнеше

establishment - мекеме

comprehensive - түгел қамтитын

the right - құқық

citizen - азамат

free-of-charge - тегін

- match the words with their translations

Presentation slide + worksheet

Working with the topic

Today we will speak about primary and secondary education in Kazakhstan. Please take a sticker and choose your group.

- dividing into 2 groups - Primary/Secondary

- read the topic and prepare a poster about primary/secondary education in KZ.

1. Kind of education

2. language

3. Price

4. Age

5. Grades

6. Subjects

- presentation of the posters




ватман 2 шт

Reading comprehension

1. Complete the sentences:

a) The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in 2 ____________ – Kazakh and Russian.

b) Children in KZ ______school at the age of 6 and _________ at 17.

c) At the age of 5 children go to the _________ class.

d) Primary education lasts _____ years.

e) At _________ school pupils study for 5 years.

2. True-False sentences

1. The secondary education in KZ is very expensive.

2. Children in KZ go to the first grade at the age of 6.

3. At secondary school pupils study for 5 years.

4. Pupils don't study English language at the primary school.

5. Schools in KZ are conducted in Kazakh and Russian.

6. In the 9th grade students pass the school exams.

7. Secondary education in Kazakhstan is compulsory.

8. Free-of-charge secondary education is the right of Kazakhstani citizens.

3. Quiz



Which marks do you get at the lessons?

In the Great Britain pupils get the marks ABCDE.

In Great Britain
A - excellent - өте жақсы
B - very well - жақсы
C - satisfactory - қанағаттанарлық
D - poor - жаман
E - unsatisfactory - қанағаттанарлықсыз

In Kazakzhstan
5 - өте жақсы - excellent
4 - жақсы - very well
3 - қанағаттанарлық
2 - unsatisfactory - қанағаттанарлықсыз

Check your True/False task and put the mark according to the British system of assessment.


"Show your thumb"



Make a scheme of education in Kazakhstan

Education in Kazakhstan”

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in 2 languages – Kazakh and Russian, and consists of several levels of private and state educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens on free-of-charge secondary education which is compulsory. Children in KZ start school at the age of 6 and finish at 17. At the age of 5 children go to the pre-school class where they learn first steps in reading, writing and using numbers. Then children go to the primary school. Primary education lasts 4 years. At about 10-11 years children move to a new school, usually “comprehensive”. At secondary school pupils study for 5 years. The secondary school’s curriculum includes such subjects as: Kazakh, Russian, English, Algebra, Geometry, History (general and kazakh), Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc. At the end of the 9th form students pass the state exams to get the secondary education certificate.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Primary and secondary education in Kazakhstan

Автор: Кульжабекова Айгуль Булатовна

Дата: 23.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 361675

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