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Тема:. Primary and secondary schools in Kazakhstan and Great Britain

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The theme of the lesson:



The aim of the lesson:







Visual aids:


Unit1. Education. Step1. Primary and secondary schools in Kazakhstan and Great Britain


  1. To give information about schools in Kazakhstan and GB
  2. To enrich pupils’ vocabulary on the given theme
  3. Brining up love for the English language and interest in the subject


Book, placards

The stage of the lesson

Teacher’s activity


The content of the lesson

Pupils’ activity

  1. Organization  moment
    1. Greeting
    2. Duty’s report


  1. Checking the home task


  1. Phonetic drill

The school


The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry let’s go in

For soon lessons will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I start to write and read

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don’t you?


  1. New lesson

New words


  • бастауыш
  • орта
  • ?:din?ri]-жай, ?арапайым
  • аула, ала?
  • ?:]-?абат
  • ?:k ru:m]-гардероб

gymnasium-[d?imneizi?m]-гимназия,  спорт зал


wide-[waid]-ке?, орасан





  1. Listening the text



My primary school


My name is Omar. I am 10 years old and now I am living in Astana. I started school at the age of seven. It was an ordinary school in Almaty where my family lived there. After four years of primary school I went tо secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic. We had Kazakh, English, Russian, Maths, Geography, Art, PT, Literature, Music,  and etc. Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. We had four holiday a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. On the first of September we acquainted with our teacher. Every day we had 4 or 5 lesson.















  1. Asking and saying


  1. What age did Omar start school?
  2. When did he go to secondary school?
  3. How many years of study do primary and secondary schools comprise?
  4. When does the school year begin and end?
  5. What holidays do you have every year?
  6. When do you get acquainted with your teacher?


  1. Writing and translating


  1. There is a football ground near our school but it is not green.
  2. Chemistry cabinet is on the second floor.
  3. English is the most widespread language in the world.
  4. If you came to our school you will see a cloak-room.
  5. Our school is located in the center of the village.
  6. If you can work with computer you can send a letter.



  1. Marking
  2. Giving the home task. Writing an essay
  3. Conclusion.












The school


The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry let’s go in

For soon lessons will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I start to write and read

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don’t you?


  1. New lesson

Жа?а с?здер


  • ?:din?ri]-жай, ?арапайым

ground-[graund]-аула, ала?

  • ?:]-?абат
  • ?:k ru:m]-гардероб

gymnasium-[d?imneizi?m]-гимназия, спорт зал


wide-[waid]-ке?, орасан








Мені? бастауыш мектебім


Мені? есімім Омар. Мен он жастамын ж?не ?азір Астанада т?рып жатырмын. Мен мектепті жеті жасымда бастадым. Ол Алматыда?ы мені?  жан?ям т?р?ан жердегі ?арапайым мектеп болатын.  4 жылды? бастауыш мектептен кейін мен орта мектепке бардым. Бастауыш ж?не орта мектеп екеуі онбір жылды? о?удан т?рады. То?ыз жылды?  білім алу бізді? республикамызда міндетті.  Біз ?аза? тілі, а?ылшын, орыст ілі, математика, география, ?нер, дене шыны?тыру, ?дебиеті, ?н саба?  ж?не т.б п?ндерді ?ттік. Бізді? о?у жылымыз 1 ?ырк?йекте басталып,  мамырда ая?талады. Бізде т?рт демалыс бар. Ол ?ыста, к?ктемде, жазда ж?не к?ктемде. Бірінші ?ырк?йекте біз м??алімдермен танысамыз. ?р к?нде біз 4,5 саба? ?теміз.    


                                       10 years old

         lives in Astana                               in Almaty




       primary school                                 secondary school




      11 years study                        acquainted with teacher


Kazakh, English, Maths, Geography, Art




  1. Omar started school at the age of seven.
  2. After four years of primary school.
  3. 11 years
  4. Our school year begin on the first of September and ended in May.
  5. We have 4 holidays every year.
  6. On the first of September.


Жазу ж?не аудару


  1.  Мектебімізді? жанында футбол ала?ы бар, біра? ол жасыл емес.
  2. Химия кабинеті 2ші этажда.
  3. А?ылшын тілі ?лемге ке? тара?ан тіл.


  1. Мектебімізге кірсе?із гардеробты к?ресіз.


  1. Бізді? мектебіміз ауыл ортасында орналас?ан.


  1. Егер компьютермен ж?мыс жасай алса?ыз, хат жібере аласыз.












  1. A teacher
  2. A doctor
  3. An architect
  4. A driver
  5. A nurse






Yes, We do.








Жа?а с?здер


             To be-болу

             To want-?алау



             Earth- жер

            An astronaut –?арышкер

A teacher-м??алім

A doctor-д?рігер

A builder-??рылысшы

A fisherman-балы? аулаушы

A nurse-медбике

A director-директор

A secretary-хатшы

A singer-?нші

A lawyer-за?гер

A dentist-тіс д?рігері






-He was born in Kazakhstan.

-He was born in Russia










by men           by both         by woman





Doctor, teacher,lawyer,

































  1. -2









  1. -4










  1. -5










  1. -6








  1. -5













  1. -1


















Nurse,  builder, secretary,   doctor,  astronaut, teacher, singer,  driver


What do you want to be ?

Cood bye, teacher!

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«Тема:. Primary and secondary schools in Kazakhstan and Great Britain »



The theme of the lesson:

The aim of the lesson:

Visual aids:

Unit1. Education. Step1. Primary and secondary schools in Kazakhstan and Great Britain

  1. To give information about schools in Kazakhstan and GB

  2. To enrich pupils’ vocabulary on the given theme

  3. Brining up love for the English language and interest in the subject

Book, placards

The stage of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

The content of the lesson

Pupils’ activity

  1. Organization moment

  1. Greeting

  2. Duty’s report

  1. Checking the home task


  1. Phonetic drill

The school

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry let’s go in

For soon lessons will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I start to write and read

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don’t you?

  1. New lesson

New words



Ordinary-[ɔ:dinəri]-жай, қарапайым




ground-[graund]-аула, алаң


cloak-room-[klɔ:k ru:m]-гардероб


gymnasium-[dƷimneiziəm]-гимназия, спорт зал


wide-[waid]-кең, орасан

  1. Listening the text

My primary school

My name is Omar. I am 10 years old and now I am living in Astana. I started school at the age of seven. It was an ordinary school in Almaty where my family lived there. After four years of primary school I went tо secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic. We had Kazakh, English, Russian, Maths, Geography, Art, PT, Literature, Music, and etc. Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. We had four holiday a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. On the first of September we acquainted with our teacher. Every day we had 4 or 5 lesson.


  1. Asking and saying

  1. What age did Omar start school?

  2. When did he go to secondary school?

  3. How many years of study do primary and secondary schools comprise?

  4. When does the school year begin and end?

  5. What holidays do you have every year?

  6. When do you get acquainted with your teacher?

  1. Writing and translating

  1. There is a football ground near our school but it is not green.

  2. Chemistry cabinet is on the second floor.

  3. English is the most widespread language in the world.

  4. If you came to our school you will see a cloak-room.

  5. Our school is located in the center of the village.

  6. If you can work with computer you can send a letter.

  1. Marking

  2. Giving the home task. Writing an essay

  3. Conclusion.



The school

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry let’s go in

For soon lessons will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I start to write and read

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don’t you?

  1. New lesson

Жаңа сөздер



Ordinary-[ɔ:dinəri]-жай, қарапайым




ground-[graund]-аула, алаң


cloak-room-[klɔ:k ru:m]-гардероб


gymnasium-[dƷimneiziəm]-гимназия, спорт зал


wide-[waid]-кең, орасан


Менің бастауыш мектебім

Менің есімім Омар. Мен он жастамын және қазір Астанада тұрып жатырмын. Мен мектепті жеті жасымда бастадым. Ол Алматыдағы менің жанұям тұрған жердегі қарапайым мектеп болатын. 4 жылдық бастауыш мектептен кейін мен орта мектепке бардым. Бастауыш және орта мектеп екеуі онбір жылдық оқудан тұрады. Тоғыз жылдық білім алу біздің республикамызда міндетті. Біз қазақ тілі, ағылшын, орыст ілі, математика, география, өнер, дене шынықтыру, әдебиеті, ән сабақ және т.б пәндерді өттік. Біздің оқу жылымыз 1 қыркүйекте басталып, мамырда аяқталады. Бізде төрт демалыс бар. Ол қыста, көктемде, жазда және көктемде. Бірінші қыркүйекте біз мұғалімдермен танысамыз. Әр күнде біз 4,5 сабақ өтеміз.

10 years old

lives in Astana in Almaty


primary school secondary school

11 years study acquainted with teacher

Kazakh, English, Maths, Geography, Art


  1. Omar started school at the age of seven.

  2. After four years of primary school.

  3. 11 years

  4. Our school year begin on the first of September and ended in May.

  5. We have 4 holidays every year.

  6. On the first of September.

Жазу және аудару

  1. Мектебіміздің жанында футбол алаңы бар, бірақ ол жасыл емес.

  2. Химия кабинеті 2ші этажда.

  3. Ағылшын тілі әлемге кең тараған тіл.

  1. Мектебімізге кірсеңіз гардеробты көресіз.

  1. Біздің мектебіміз ауыл ортасында орналасқан.

  1. Егер компьютермен жұмыс жасай алсаңыз, хат жібере аласыз.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Тема:. Primary and secondary schools in Kazakhstan and Great Britain

Автор: Мединова Миуагул Есенжановна

Дата: 12.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 172094

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