Цель данного урока - учить писать резюме о приеме на работу,практиковать навыки аудирования для получения нужной информации, учить проводить интервью с работодателем. Воспитывать сознательный подход к выбору будущей профессии.
в ходе урока ученики знакомятся с вакансиями и пишут письмо с просьбой о приеме на работу.
Уч-ся практикуются в проведении интервью при приеме на работу.
Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Цель: учить писать резюме о приеме на работу, практиковать навыки аудирования для получения нужной информации,учить проводить интервью
Воспитывать сознательный подход к выбору будущей профессии.
Ход урока
I.Read the job advertisement. Does this job interest you? Do you have any of necessary qualifications to apply?
Kate Grey read this advertisement and wrote the letter for application. Read it. How suitable is she for this job?
For 4star hotel in Brighton. Applicants must be communicative,
Outgoing, with a minimum 1year’s experience. We offer an excellent salary, a uniform and good accommodation.
Please supply a recent photo and C.V.
Tom Smith
Cosy Hotel, Brighton
Tel. 765 548542
Dear Mr.Smith,
I’m writing to apply for a job of Receptionist, which you advertised this Sunday.
I’m 19 yeas old. I left college last year and have Diploma of a secretary.I have had 1 year experience doing secretarial and office work in Central Bank in York.
At the moment I’m unemployed.
I’m interested in working as a receptionist in your hotel as I enjoy hotel work and communicate with people.
I enclose my photo and C.V.I’m ready to send any further details you may require
Yours sincerely
Kate Grey
II.Design interview of the employer and the applicant.
Who do you work for the moment, Mrs. Grey?
I’m an unemployed at the moment.
How long have you been unemployed?
I’ve been unemployed for six month.
Why have you left your previous work?
I wasn’t satisfied with my salary.
What did you do before
I studied at the college.
Have you had any experience since leaving college?
I’ve had some experience doing secretarial and general office work in London bank.
Why would you like to work in our hotel?
I enjoy work and would like to broaden my experience.
III.Write a synonym for each of these phrases.
1.out of work= ____________________
2.given the sack =__________________
3.future possibilities in a job=_________
4.left the company=_________________
5.workers in a company=_____________
6.stopped working for ever=___________
7.was given a better position
In a company=_____________________
IV.Complete the sentences with a suitable word or expression.
1.He works on a stall in a __________________________________
2.It’s a bring job and the pay is bad.
Why did she__________________________________________?
3.He’s got more than a hundred workers under_________________
4.He’d like to go on another training_________________________
5.At the end of the year we should get a good pay______________
6.I’m bored in my job. I need a fresh_________________________
7.I don’t want a full-time job.I’d prefer to work_________________
V.Complete the word-building table. Use a dictionary.
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["title"] => string(283) "Формирование творческой активности при работе с древесиной и кожей на уроках трудового обучения с учащимися 5 – 11 классов в коррекционной школе I-II видов. "
["seo_title"] => string(175) "formirovaniie-tvorchieskoi-aktivnosti-pri-rabotie-s-drieviesinoi-i-kozhiei-na-urokakh-trudovogho-obuchieniia-s-uchashchimisia-5-11-klassov-v-korriektsionnoi-shkolie-i-ii-vidov"
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