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Prepositions of directions

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The aims of the lesson:

  • to introduce new grammar material in an effective way
  • use prepositions of direction up, down, straight, across, over, past, to, at, into, along, towards, out
  • to describe where people are
  • understand the information about prepositions of direction
  • write prepositions and make sentences with prepositions
  • to develop of the pupils’ reading habits and skills
  • to develop pupils’ abilities in speech

Visual aids: books, cards, tables, video, slide, interactive board

The type of the lesson: a game lesson                                                        

                                                                  Plan of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

T: Good afternoon! Sit down! I’m glad to see you! Let’s begin our lesson!

II. Let’s do speaking exercises, answer the question: How do you get to college?

Answers: I get to college by bus….

I get to college by taxi……

I get to college on foot

According to students answer they are divided into 3 groups.

Each group takes the question and gives the answer:

- Excuse me, how do I get to the Holiday Inn Hotel, please?

- Excuse me, where is the Akbota park?

- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Aktau Hotel?

III. Checking up the home task- to revise the prepositions of place and time:

Each team has the balloons with question into it- your task is to put the right preposition in the sentence.

  • I watch TV in the living-room
  • I live in New York
  • Look at the picture in the book
  • She looks at herself in the mirror.
  • She is in the car.
  • Look at the girl in the picture
  • This is the best team in the world
  • My favorite program on TV, on the radio
  • I met her at the entrance, at the bus stop
  • She sat at the table
  • at a concert, at the party
  • at the movies, at university, at work
  • Look at the picture on the wall
  • Cambridge is on the River Cam.
  • The book is on the desk
  • A smile on his face
  • The shop is on the left
  • My apartment is on the first floor
  • I love traveling on trains /on the bus / on a plane
  • My favorite program on TV, on the radio

IV. Main part of the lesson. Bloom taxonomiya.

Presenting prepositions of direction: up, down, straight, across, over, past, to, into, at, along, towards, out

What is preposition? Think about name pre…. position- before a place

For example: I go to the cinema-in this case the cinema-position or place and to is pre

So, preposition describes the relation between the verb and the place.

1) Watching, listening the video. Get knowledge.

2) Doing exercises. -To understand.

The vase has just fallen along the stairs.

(Ваза только что упала вниз по лестнице.)

Our bus is going from Istanbul till Ankara.

(Наш автобус едет из Стамбула в Анкару.)

Our bus is going from Istanbul till Ankara.

(Наш автобус едет из Стамбула в Анкару.)

I’ve got so many bags that I can’t get toward the taxi.

(У меня так много сумок, что я не могу влезть в такси.)

Matt swam around the English Channel last summer.

(Мэтт переплыл пролив Ла-Манш прошлым летом.)

When my train arrived I went onto the carriage.

(Когда прибыл мой поезд, я вошел в вагон.)

along – down
till – to (towards)
away from – into
toward – into
around – across
onto – into

3) Make up the dialogue. Using new material.

    Dialogue 1

- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?

- Certainly. Go down Regent Street to Piccadilly Circus and then go down to the Haymarket.

Turn left at the bottom and in less than a minute you’ll be in Trafalgar Square.

-Thank you very much. How far is it from here?

- If you walk, it’ll take you 10 minutes or a quarter of an hour.

- Is there a bus?

- There’s sure to be. But you’d better ask a policeman over there. He'll give you all the information you want.

Dialogue 2

A: Excuse me.

B: Yes?

A: Is there a post-office near here?

B: Yes, there is.

A: Is it far?

B: No, it's not. Turn right at the first traffic light. It's on the left. It will take you five minutes to get there.

Dialogue 3

A: Can you recommend a good hotel?

B: Yes. The Space is a good hotel.

A: Can you tell me how to get there?

B: Sure. Go down Richard Street, turn right on Eldon Road. Pass Bath Street. It’s opposite the Bakery.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You're welcome.

4) Watching the video. Analyze.

Doing exercises:

Match the prepositions with the video:

1. off

2. past

3. onto

4. around

5. across

6. along

7. up

8. down

9. through

10. into

11. towards

12. out

13. away from

V.Conclusion. Let’s watch the video, sing the song then complete the sentences with the words from the song:

I could be … the couch. (on)

… my house. (outside)

Am I … the street? (across)

I walk … the stairs. (up)

Or … my chairs. (off)

I am … you or behind. (in front of)

We’ll go … the sea. (by)

Goes … the back. (around)

We’ll jump … the moon. (over)

VI. Home task: to do grammar exercises, to learn the song

VII. Marks. Group and pair marking. You all are given marks……

The lesson is over. See you the next time. Good bye!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Prepositions of directions

Автор: Утебаева Мерует Айладировна

Дата: 05.01.2018

Номер свидетельства: 447989

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