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План урока "Invitation"

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Aim: Formation of students' knowledge on the topic "To be in the past".



  1. Students will be able to in the course of the lesson, to learn a new grammatical theme
  2. Students will be able to develop skills in making proposals.
  3. Students will be able to form interest, get information about the culture and life of the English-speaking country.
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«План урока "Invitation"»


Date: ____________

Grade: 6 «Г»

Theme: Invitation

Aim: Formation of students' knowledge on the topic "To be in the past".


  1. Students will be able to in the course of the lesson, to learn a new grammatical theme

  2. Students will be able to develop skills in making proposals.

  3. Students will be able to form interest, get information about the culture and life of the English-speaking country.

Learning outcomes:

Aids: presentation, video, invitation




  1. Organization moment:

Good afternoon, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

2 min

  1. Warm-up:

What day is it today? How many lessons do you have today? What’s the weather like today?

3 min

  1. Checking up home work

What was your hometask for today? Who are ready?

5 min

  1. The main part:

Today we are going to talk about “to be in the past”.Let’s learn grammar rules.

Show the table by presentation.

Listen and read the new words. Write them down into your vocabularies.

Ex. 1 p. 101 Find the words

Ex. 2. P. 101 Read and answer the questions

Ex. 3 p. 101 Read the invitations

Ex. 6 p.103 Write the wordsin the right column

Ex. 6b p. 103 Talk to your partner

20 min

  1. Home Work

Ex.8 p. 103 Write. My interview

Ex. 9 p. 103 Write your own invitation

2 min

  1. Reflection

What was the theme of our lesson? Did you understand it? What was difficult for you? Let’s review grammar rules.

3 min

  1. Marks

The marks for the lesson are

3 min

  1. The lesson is over! Good-bye!

2 min

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

План урока "Invitation"

Автор: Айтбалаева Камила Нурланкызы

Дата: 10.10.2018

Номер свидетельства: 480155

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